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Search results

  1. Needed: stud welder setup

    Does anyone have recommendations for a capactive stud welder setup? I need a low cost unit that can do 3/16, 1/4" threaded studs to aluminum. Thanks
  2. Opinion Had some extra time on my hands, so............................

    I printed out the US Constitution for the telemarketers. I interrupt them by reading it from the beginning. The furthest I have read was Article 2 section 6 before being hung up on.
  3. Getting ready for ISA 2018 Orlando

    Any tips/tricks to keep in mind? We are heading to the show next week and are taking a couple newbies. Do yall have any tips?
  4. Who is going to ISA this year and what is your favorite part about it?

    I am planning on attending the 2018 ISA show in Orlando
  5. Looking to buy a pylon sign build step by step tutorial...

    I would utilize a french cleat style hook system down the sides of the pylon face with retaining screws on the top. So you would remove the top screws, shift the face panel up about an inch then pull straight off.
  6. Desktop printer with white ink/foil

    Thanks for the input. I have found what may be a solution. The HP color laserjet M452dw printer with ghost white toner. I have found this on USCutter for less than a grand. Im not sure how it does on the clear acetate but I will give them a call.
  7. Desktop printer with white ink/foil

    Does anyone have any insight to a low cost printer with white ink or a foil style. I am needing to print white on clear acetate material. I have been thinking of trying to hack a cheap office printer and fill a cartridge with white ink. Anyone have experience with this or suggestions that wont...
  8. Suggestions LED signs for advertisement

    Check out WatchfireSigns.com
  9. An idea for self-promotion on social media

    So... which one was selected?
  10. Oversized acrylic sheet 8x8x1/4"

    riot abuse! It will be installed in an elementary school
  11. Oversized acrylic sheet 8x8x1/4"

    I dont want the flimsy wave effect that 3/16" gives, I believe 1/4" would be more rigid.
  12. Oversized acrylic sheet 8x8x1/4"

    Does anyone have a supplier for clear acrylic or polycarbonate in 8'x8'x1/4" thick? All I have found was 3/16 or thinner. I will be needing the thicker for rigidity. Glass would be too heavy. Southeast region USA. Thanks
  13. I need info on wholesalers of LED Display signs out there? How much do they cost?

    Watchfire all the way. Dak has screwed over too many people. Stick with American Made and you will have less headache. Most of the other companies import parts and assemble.
  14. Need Help Strange Pattern In Material Or Printer Error

    I am figuring media as well, we had just finished a roll with the same print, same ink, same file. I am going to run/print 10ft to see if the issue clears up.
  15. Need Help Strange Pattern In Material Or Printer Error

    I am trying to print a solid green on Oracal 3850 with a Roland 540ex eco-sol ripped from Flexi. We do this all the time. This is a new roll of material, only 5-6 feet from the beginning. We are getting some type of pattern in the print that looks like lightning or trees. See photo.
  16. Interchangeable Banner On A Box Truck

    check out epicworldwide.com and the kwik-zip system
  17. Color Shifting...

    The white area looks different. Are you using the exact same material?
  18. Having trouble getting a nice double strike print.

    With Flexi's Production manager under driver options. select overprint 2
  19. Except or Accept?
