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Search results

  1. Should I charge more than $29 for this sidewalk sign?

    Thank you for the great feedback everyone. I really appreciate it even the negative stuff. I'm really trying to understand the market and see if I can drive a lot of volume for this product. Otherwise it won't be worth it. A couple notes: The sign is a direct print made out of coroplast and...
  2. Should I charge more than $29 for this sidewalk sign?

    I'm getting ready to launch a new website http://www.tendollarsidewalksigns.com It's going to sell blank a-frame hardware for $10. I am also going to start carrying a line of pre made designs and was thinking about making them $29. My goal is to get a lot of volume so I can keep my (already...
  3. Installing vinyl on my cornhole

    Thanks for the feedback San Diego has T-Shirt weather all year round. I'll buy a bigger shirt for my next shoot, it normally doesn't look bad until I have to try stretching over the board. Thanks for the feedback as always. You guys are awesome. Here's a link to my cornhole page...
  4. The funniest window decal you've ever seen

    https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KJanQvuogqM&list=UUDS3s0aS-yV4tPs8FjRPxBQ http://858graphics.tumblr.com/post/103653965753/evolution-of-a-rear-window-decal
  5. Installing vinyl on my cornhole

    Haha it's not as dirty as it sounds. I shot this yesterday in San Diego, hope everyone up north is staying warm. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=t5CJBfYMonQ&list=UUDS3s0aS-yV4tPs8FjRPxBQ
  6. Ton of Equipment for Sale!!

    We are purchasing several companies resulting in too much equipment. Below is a list of equipment for sale and a link that has all equipment pictures. Please call me or PM me if you are interested, it will go quickly. I have more pictures if you need them. 100" Roland54" Roland 54" HP Hybrid...
  7. Looking for companies to Purchase

    We are interested in purchasing companies for expansion purposes. Companies in Southern California or internet based companies are a major plus. Please contact me if you are interested in selling your company in the near future! Thank You :)
  8. Mutoh 2638

    I am in the market to buy a Mutoh as well. I am always scared of Mutoh and go with Roland due to the reliability. However, it appears the 100" Roland printers havent been upgraded in years and are much slower and not as high quality as the Mutoh 2638. Has anyone else purchased this Mutoh or...
  9. Styrene vs Sintra, what's the difference?

    Thank you everyone for the great answers! I promise to never mistake the two again.
  10. Styrene vs Sintra, what's the difference?

    Ok I am not a complete newbie and don't need people flaming me for asking what might be considered a stupid question. We have 15 people working at our office, most of them have been in the sign industry for more than five years. If I give them a thin piece of plastic that isn't shiny like...
  11. Fluted Cardboard Vendor?

    Does anyone know where to purchase fluted white cardboard. I want to make custom packaging, point of purchase displays and shipping boxes. Thanks!
  12. Advertising on Youtube with video ads?

    I've heard lots of good things about advertising on youtube and wanted to know if anyone had any success or horror stories they wanted to share? I just finished making our first video and the way I understand it is I get free plays and am only charged when a user clicks my link...
  13. Purchasing a new mid range flatbed

    I did look at the Agfa I think it was the 2500 and the 2050? Sales reps and techs seemed very competent, machine seemed on par with Oce. It actually seems to be a much better build than Oce Came down to wanted a true flatbed and their true flatbed did not have r2r. Oce warrant was about $6k...
  14. Designing a table out of foam core with glue, screws or nails

    I just use illustrator, the 3d programs normally confuse and annoy me. I come up with a concept cut everything out then figure out quickly where the mistakes are and move on to Rev 2,3,4 etc.
  15. Designing a table out of foam core with glue, screws or nails

    The ones you never suspect are always the best type of burners.
  16. Designing a table out of foam core with glue, screws or nails

    I've been designing some furniture for burning man this year and thought I would share some of it here. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ihm4rx8K_dI I've made the design template available for download from my blog at no charge...
  17. How strong is Dibond? I used a blow touch, hammer and SUV to find out

    Ok point well taken. The sign doesn't look like new I'll agree, I was trying to point out that after all the abuse it is still a very usable sign.
  18. How strong is Dibond? I used a blow touch, hammer and SUV to find out

    https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SxR8gYArQBI&feature=youtu.be The full blog post http://www.858graphics.com/Blog/dibond-strength-we-test-the-breaking-point-using-blow-torches-hammers-and-suv-s.html
  19. Using giant sheets of foam core to create custom backdrops on indy film sets

    I've been using giant sheets of foam core to make custom backdrops for indy film makers. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wR1XHvVddzs I'm also starting a blog full of tips and tricks for sign makers. Feedback is always appreciated...