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Search results

  1. folding banners???

    I have to ship a few banners to different locations. They are 8' x 3'. What's your thoughts on shipping them FOLDED vs rolled? Is this a bad idea? 12oz scrim. :thankyou:
  2. Why Blonde's don't ride horses.

    A blonde decides to try horseback riding, even though she has had no lessons, nor prior experience. She mounts the horse unassisted, and the horse immediately springs into motion. It gallops along at a steady and rhythmic pace, but the blonde begins to slide from the saddle. In terror, she...
  3. Banner Hanging Ideas / Hardware

    I'm looking to hang a banner from an overhead canopy. The top of the banner will be attached to the canopy, and the rest will be left to "flap" in the breeze. What I'm looking for is some kind of tracking to hold the top in place. One idea is where you have a rope, or round plastic strand...
  4. CNC .080 mister?

    I have never used my router to cut .080 aluminum. Is this doable without a mister? If so, then what would you suggest for bits, speed & feed? I really have my reservations about doing this project. Any advice would be appreciated.
  5. Dennis @ D&T

    Poor Dennis got ripped off this year......assuming we all take our birthday's off, and only work a 4 day week. Too bad your birthday falls on a Saturday (tomorrow), you had to work all week....ahhhhh. HAVE A GREAT DAY & HAPPY BIRTHDAY DENNIS!!!
  6. I knew it had to end.

    So far we've had a pretty mild....actually warm winter. 20's to 40's, even up close to 50. Well, the party is over. Currently -4, with a high expected to hit all of +6* today. Oops, just heard the weather report....Saturday is supposed to get up to 45*. Crazy
  7. The way it should be!!!!

    Let's put the seniors in jail and the criminals in nursing homes. This would correct two things in one motion: Seniors would have access to showers, hobbies and walks. They would receive unlimited free prescriptions, dental and medical treatment, wheel chairs, etc...
  8. yeah, what if?

    Mayan End Age 12-21-2012 409 days, 14 hrs, 28 mins, 26 secs left for Age of Apocalypse to begin! http://www.adishakti.org/mayan_end_times_prophecy_12-21-2012.htm Someone reminded me of this today. So what are your plans? If this were true, how would you spend the next 409 days?
  9. flexi

    A while back we had a thread where people were discouraged with their Flexi program, and had abandoned this particular software. I was just curious how many members we have out there that have this software, but don't use it? NOT that I'd be interested in purchasing it, as that would put...
  10. good questions I would like to hear answered.

    These questions were buried in another thread on the HP L25500.
  11. 3yr old vinyl

    Long story short.... I have a roll of 3m reflective that has about 15 yards left. Yeah, maybe I should have pitched it, but its been sitting here for all this time. Today I get an order that will require 3 yards of this reflective blue, and its a rush. I grab the roll and it cuts...
  12. SERIOUS!!!!! Whats for supper.

    Well its Friday, and everyone seems so serious. I haven't read anything funny all day.......so whats up with that? The wife and I were invited out for supper tonight, and at the last minute our dining partners had to cancel out. Just as well..... I really didn't want to go out again this...
  13. Brothers?

    I got confused the other day. I thought GAC05 had changed-up his avitar....and even a quick glance at the name had me confused for a bit. What made me realize the difference was, UCMJ22 didn't post in the same humorous dialogue I'm use to reading from GAC05. :Big Laugh I know we are...
  14. Onsrud, Belkin.....?

    What other bits do you purchase? I had a link I stumbled across last week, and can't seem to find now. The company said they sell router bits specifically designed for the SIGN trade. Anyone know who that is? I know Onsurd is supposed to be the best, but does HDU really require the BEST...
  15. CNC plasma cutter

    I've been thinking about adding a cnc plasma cutter to my list of tools. I don't know much about them at all, so I decided to watch a few youtube videos. This was the first one I watched. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aq8K0z-mi9Q Question..... Is this as good as it gets? I think I...
  16. Anyone recognize this graphic?

    Does anyone know where I can acquire this image? The attached picture has been cropped in the customers advertising. Thanks in advance.
  17. locked threads

    OK Fred, I have to know whats up with the long list of locked down threads this morning, and the one time "bump"'s???? just curious Little late for spring cleaning. :Big Laugh
  18. NFPA signs

    I'm replacing some NFPA signs for a customer that has a bunch of fuel tanks. I purchased these decals from a company that deals in this type of product exclusively (cheaper to buy from them, than to do them myself actually). The decals come without any of the numbers....these must be placed on...
  19. Prick

    Fable of the porcupine It was the coldest winter ever. Many animals died because of the cold. The porcupines, realizing the situation, decided to group together to keep warm. This way they covered and protected themselves; but the quills of each one wounded their closest companions. After...
  20. Whats up with my cutter?

    I know I have seen this problem addressed before on the forum, but my search turned up nothing. Perhaps I'm at a loss for the proper search words? Anyways, my plotter is not making perfect cuts lately. At first it seemed that it was mostly on the smaller 1" type letters that would have an...