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Search results

  1. Insurance Woes

    We got a notice of non-renewal in the mail for our garage liability policy. Never had any claims at all, no workers comp, property, personal, nada. This is the 3rd time now in about 10 years and we have a terrible time getting coverage because of the business we are in. I don't exactly know...
  2. Literally Random

    What's up with the pictures?
  3. ACM Pricing

    Has anyone heard of any significant price increases coming on ACM?
  4. So which one of you made this??

    That's a pretty good burn
  5. Looking for Website Design & Cost

    We need to replace our website. Does anyone here do custom sites? What would be the ballpark range for a nice turn key site about 5-6 pages run to build?
  6. American rescue plan, do we need more stimulus?

    Gotta rant. I'm just curious, they are talking about another $1.9 trillion stimulus. There are material shortages and nobody can find workers, how the is this gonna work? Is it wrong to think that if demand keeps increasing without additional capacity that it will simply cause massive...
  7. Amateur banner question

    Dumb question, can you hem double sided 18oz banner like a regular banner with banner tape or welder? I have to make some 9'x50' and was thinking of buying a cheap banner welder on eBay and chucking it when done. Any guidance here?
  8. Substance Laminate

    We have been having issues getting our go to calendared laminate so have tried some different ones and not been real crazy about any of them. How well does Substance 2.75mil hold up in general signage and decals? They seem to have some nice stuff and this seems to be the best one so far...
  9. Is it just me??

    Do your payments slow down in December for your customers with terms or is it just me? Our AR is ugly right now, seems like every year end people want to spend but not pay
  10. Promotional Key Chains

    Can anyone recommend somewhere to get printed flexible vinyl keychains? I need a non-standard size in black and front/back printed. Seems like a lot of the promo item sites are just middle men
  11. Anyone getting dented rolls from Oracal?

    Has anyone else received any Oracal digital media, cast or cal, with this weird pattern of dents in it like something was stacked on top?
  12. Is grimco down?

    Trying to order and "check estimated delivery" times out, then when I tried to order, it times out at loading shipping options. Anyone else had any issues?
  13. Opinions on 3M 8518 vs Avery 1360 vs 1060

    I've been using 8518 but went to order a 25yd roll and its out of stock. Any thoughts on 1360 or 1060? What is the the difference between those 2? Grimco only shows it as 3yr (1360) and 5yr (1060) vs 8518 at 8 years.
  14. More aluminum tariffs??

    Looks like we are in for some more price increases. This isn't good news and specifically mentions sheet imports. https://www.barrons.com/news/trump-administration-hits-18-countries-with-aluminum-tariffs-01602248105?refsec=afp-news
  15. Nissan NV2500 and 200 Templates

    Is there anywhere to purchase good 1 off templates of these vehicles or someone here that would like to sell me one that they have made? I just need the recess side and back of each but don't have the vehicle here to make one
  16. Any luck with Global Garage?

    Has anyone had any success with global garage? I have inquired about a few things on there and it takes them forever to get back to me. They really wont give much information either. Is there somewhere better to look?
  17. Why do you call lexel silicone?

    So I wanted to be a realsignguy and ordered some lexel to see what the hype was about. I've always used 3m 5200 and sikaflex for bonding. This isn't silicone. Did I buy the wrong stuff? If not, why does everyone compare it to regular silicone, which typically won't stick to crap?
  18. Can you increase the rasterlink job queue size?

    My terminology may be wrong, Im trying to increase the amount of space in the job queue. We do a lot of repeats but when it gets too many in there, it will ignore the hot folder. I hate re-setting up the same thing over and over
  19. ACM Hole Offsets

    What is a good offset for punched holes in ACM? I usually put them 1.5-2". Do you adjust if they are going to be in the middle of something or just leave them where they are? Any difference for 4 corners vs center for pole mounting?
  20. Whats 3M's equivalent to 651?

    Is 3M series 50 equal to Oracal 651? Is it as good?