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Search results

  1. HP Latex Printer arrives Monday, question on venting heat?

    I'm planning out the space and hope to keep the room a little cooler by directing some heat up through the ceiling to my already blazing hot loft... Are there any ports where the bulk of the heat escapes, that ducting could be used? ...or does the whole darn thing just emanate heat like a furnace?
  2. thanks gg - I'm finally sporting the new look:

    Thanks for selling me your extra oracal material! I had wanted to try this for a while, but that money saving opportunity made the decision a little easier... Anyway, after I finally arranged shipping a few weeks back, I jumped right on it & got it done! ...took me a while to get a nice pic...
  3. Jumping on the HP Latex bandwagon

    quote from the "HP Latex Printer arrived today... " thread started by Suz: well, I've dropped a few hints before I even made a decision, and now mentioned pulling the trigger in the bottom of one or two other members threads... I'M STOKED TO HAVE MADE MY PAYMENT & SIGNED MY DOCS FRIDAY...
  4. freakin' worthless lowlife deadhead

    ok... I'm not talking about my old hippie daze following the grateful dead... I'm talking about the damn cyan head in my Mimaki JV3 I am ready to order a new printer, possibly today. Do you guys agree that this looks like a dead head? I haven't been able to continue paying for a service...
  5. Mayweather/Ortiz ...an expensive cheap shot

    almost got caught up in the hype & considered HBO PPV... glad I didn't pay to see this! only time I ever ordered PPV was to see Tyson bite an ear (or two) ...lame!
  6. laser engraving through faux finish background on white acrylic backlit signs

    well, I honestly never saw this done before, but when I bid the job, I thought i would just paint over vinyl mask... but as I got closer to time to do the work, all the 1" copy for 20 directional signs made my eyes go numb just thinking about cutting, weeding, applying AND removing all that...
  7. still need cheap interior lighted box - LIKE THIS:

    I've seen these, and now I found a source... but the source claims to be a 'manufacturer" but handles his phone calls & his ability to return calls (or lack thereof) like some home based web reseller... so, I don't trust them, AND I think they are overpriced... BUT I NEED THIS!!!! IDEALLY...
  8. confused about tiny incised lettering... "engraving fonts" ?

    I love my Multicam, but the intense learning curve has been a roller coaster for a couple years already.. and the economy these last few years made it not such a good time to "study" ...so, I've been running a minimal crew, and working insane hours just to cover the nut without going belly...
  9. need to beg, borrow or steal (J/K) NPS-Rawlinson for National Park Service

    Well, the ranger is a real nice person, and the job is a good job for me to get... but getting the NPS-Rawlinson font has been like pulling teeth.. When the ranger couldn't provide it, I did some of my own checking.The National Park Service website has a "NPS Graphic Identity Program" page...
  10. 1-shot, or latex... for durable RED on primed HDU

    First, let me say that I was a very content user of 1-shot for a long time... both rolling backgrounds on MDO, and rolling or brushing HDU letters & sandblasted signs.. when I got my CNC and began having more dimensional, and/or textured signs to paint, I knew it was time to bring spraying...
  11. shout out to Wild West!!

    Thanks Evan! I appreciate the special promotion where I got an embroidery file simply by asking for it... and really appreciate all the hard work doing test runs, thread color swaps & exploring all your hat vendor options... and thanks to that extra sample you threw in the box... I'm now the...
  12. spent the weekend working in a true paradise... and shot video on the drive back...

    this is arguably one of the most beautiful drives on the planet:
  13. Cool Beans!!! New Signs101 Merchant/Sign Chick/designer in our midst

    Have you noticed? Now if we ever need to sub out basic, professional, & legible no frills sign layouts... ...all we need to do is give JillBeans a call!
  14. Low Ball Logos (fun for the whole family)

    Adrian's new gig, the "One Minute Logo" service that was spawned by Addie's recent logo thread got me involved in the logo design for fun and no profit idea... here was my offering; it seemed like a fun distraction, like this forum in general, and I wondered how many of us might...
  15. is this a font?

  16. Avatar juju magic

    well another veteran brushman & devoted s101 regular, and cyber-friend is laying down on the operating table this week... so I figured, why the hell not spread some goodwill graphics again... I was hesitant to start another thread at first, but if I'm gonna ever have my vital organs cut...
  17. I got some good ink this month in a trade mag... got some big pictures of my work too

    ...in the "Big Picture" magazine, in a story on wraps!
  18. Arlo Avy

    After too many months to remember in the hospital last year, I can't believe the hardship our friend must feel facing another trip there. I imagine many of you have read about Arlo facing his 17th surgery a week from tomorrow! OUCH!! what can I say? ...that pretty much sucks... ...but I want...
  19. Valspar acrylic "blackboard" paint - WILL VINYL STICK?

    I'm doing 2 small MDO sandwich boards for one of my best clients. They will have digital printed custom colored vinyl faces, with a custom shaped chalkboard section centered within the laminated prints. I plan to paint the entire (20" x 20") faces with the chalkboard paint, because I have to...
  20. he says "sign companies, they are all thieves" ...and what do we say?

    Jim Du Molin is a first rate schmuck! Here is his website, where he calls us all thieves! you don't really have to "like" him, to click "like" on his FB page so you can add to the growing list of letterheads telling this loser how we feel about libel or slander. I say we light up the...