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Search results

  1. Tutorial on this?

    Not sure if this is what you are talking about. http://www.digital-graphica.com/phpBB3/viewtopic.php?f=5&t=58
  2. Roland Bn 20

    I asked the dealer the same question,he said the white ink is a different consistency .Something about it will separate and chalky pigment will kill the head. Maybe a real sign maker here knows.It was just what they told me,
  3. Recent UPS delivery problems.

    Without the poll,it is a real simple answer . One is Union, the other is not.
  4. Another 'Sign Shop' just offered to let me buy him out.

    A 2 year vacation ? I would have done it. Then set up shop in Miss, still no compete,just 30 minutes away.
  5. ThinkRight

    Mr. Groshong I decided my first printer will be a used DC4sx.Learning curve and hobby starting...

    Mr. Groshong I decided my first printer will be a used DC4sx.Learning curve and hobby starting out. Thanks for the help.I will be ordering material though.Should I just go to the summa store ? Would it be possible for you to look up a serial # to get a printer history and age ? Is there anything...
  6. Won an iPad 2 but...

    Why not re-gift it ? Donate to a school ? Make a youtube video shooting it ? The childrens hospital has got to have a kid that needs it. My daughter would love it. I will give you 700.00 + shipping
  7. Won an iPad 2 but...

    Keep it Worth trying though.
  8. Won an iPad 2 but...

    http://www.gazelle.com/?utm_campaign=General+Electronics&utm_source=google&utm_medium=cpc&utm_term=selling%20electronics 1. Get a free offer: Simply search for your gadget and answer a few easy questions 2. Ship it to Gazelle: It's free for items worth $1 or more. We'll check out your gadget as...
  9. Father teaches daughter a lesson about Facebook

    ___" the **** is the cleaning lady is doing the king !!!"____
  10. This is cool

  11. Bacon

    Jack in the Box offering bacon shake for limited time WASHINGTON - Now bacon lovers can get their fix through a straw. The restaurant chain Jack in the Box is offering customers the option of a bacon milkshake. The creamy concoction doesn't include actual bacon, but rather a bacon-flavored...
  12. Graphics on the windshield?

    There is a DOT line on the windsheild that marks where the maximum coverage can be applied.If he wants it inside .... He is the customer.
  13. Looking for used screen printing equipment

    Ebay has dozens
  14. adhesive missing

    Sounds like wall vinyl,those get printed just like sign vinyl,but it uses glue to hang.You can make your own wall paper.
  15. Could you live without daily electronic conveniences

    From October to December, he unplugged from social media, email, texts, and cell phones because he felt that we spend more quality time with gadgets and keyboards than we do with the people we really care about. http://news.yahoo.com/90-days-without-cell-phone-email-social-media-015300257.html...
  16. Tim Tebow fan ?

    http://sports.yahoo.com/blogs/nfl-shutdown-corner/tim-tebow-wearing-jeans-print-ad-jockey-174657248.html / careful ladies :Cool 2:
  17. 2012 Mayan apocalypse get ready !!!

  18. alright, who did this?

    That is too funny. I bet they ordered those online somewhere and typed in what they wanted,and got exactly what they wanted.
  19. New one....Stumped

    The customer is always "right". That being said,he may be right,but everything is still wrong. Tough to deal with some ideas that people have stuck in their head. Maybe try pushing him a different direction very subtly making him think it is his idea. But the logo looks ok.
  20. Printing in a garage, Few questions

    That's what makes this forum so good. And so informative. Best of luck to you.