• I want to thank all the members that have upgraded your accounts. I truly appreciate your support of the site monetarily. Supporting the site keeps this site up and running as a lot of work daily goes on behind the scenes. Click to Support Signs101 ...

Search results

  1. A little help is requested

    Signs 101 has reached a point where it has become difficult to keep up with at times. We are getting more and more spam posts, new members trolling for business, signatures that offer products or services and other objectionable posting activities. What I would very much appreciate would be a...
  2. New Merchant Member - ColorOnDemand.com

    Let's welcome our newest merchant member: Clifford "Biff" Smith of ColorOnDemand.com ColorOnDemand.com offers retail and wholesale printing, signs, banners, vehicle graphics and a slew of other neat stuff.
  3. Artwork Now Going Up

    We're currently adding in about 250 images from our own Whit Fink at ExpressClipart.com. The first batch can be viewed HERE.
  4. Corporate Identity Assignment

    Okay students ... it's been a while, but we have a new assignment and design contest for you. What we have is a new enterprise being started by the Shagnasty brothers, Billy Bob and Bubba. They will be marketing their exclusive line of gourmet meats and snacks. The scope will be international...
  5. Corporate Identity Contest Entries

    Okay students ... here are the entries minus non entry posts to aid in your studies. In the right margin of the home page, you will find a new poll to vote for your favorite. You may vote only once. Voting will end at midnight, Saturday, December 16th. The entries were great. Good luck to all...
  6. Sophisticated New Spamming Trojan

    Read All About It
  7. New Merchant Member

    Let's welcome our newest Merchant Member here at Signs 101 ... If'n ya need what he's selling ... give him a try!
  8. Trolling for Business at Signs 101

    I received a very troubling email this evening. It was from a member here who had started a thread that was loaded with a lot of very useful information. For that I think he was grateful. The thread was about production problems related to having received a sizeable order. What he did not...
  9. DVD Burner for Macintosh?

    I have an older iMac running System 9.1 that we keep around for our very infrequent clipart publishing needs. It currently has a LaCie external CD burner hooked to the iMac's USB 1.0 plug. We also have Roxio Toast software which is about 2 or three upgrades out of date. My question is ... will...
  10. New Merchant Member

    We have a new Merchant Member! AllSquare Jason AllSquare Computer Technologies Toll Free (888) 286-8801 www.AllSquare.com All Square offers several brands of inkjet systems, media, software and accessories. Check them out.
  11. Digital Artwork Gallery Organizational Preference?

    A basic question that requires some explanation. My new web application for displaying and selling clipart and stock photography files is finally ready and I have a question as to what would be the best way to organize the categories for browsers. I can organize it by the type of work or by...
  12. Member #4000 Joined Yesterday

    Let's hear it for greenlight from Gilbert, Arizona who joined our community yesterday. He or she is member #4000!
  13. Do you have a DVD drive on your design computer.

    It seems like DVD drives are becoming the current standard and are making plain CD drives obsolete. Does your main or design computer have a DVD drive?
  14. New Merchant Member

    I'd like to welcome our newest Merchant Member Graphic Marking Systems out of Chicago, IL. GMS is a very specialized and knowledgeable distributor of hardware, software and materials including brands like Gerber, Convex, Ledco, Graphtec, Duracoat, Zeronine, Matan, LG Chem Vinyls, Hi-Bond...
  15. Used Plotters - A Better Source than Ebay?

    Was talking to one of my sons yesterday. He lives in the Tampa Bay area. He was telling me that many of the local pawn shops have been taking in plotters and other signmaking paraphenalia and have them for sale. One can draw whatever conclusions one wishes as to what that says about the number...
  16. How do I start a new thread here

    This is an often asked question. Click on the Forums link in the Main Menu. You will now see a number of forums organized into categories. Select what you think is the appropriate category and click in it. Click on the button named New Thread. Fill in the subject and the opening post and click...
  17. Just so you know ...

    Evidently some members here are not realizing the intent of this new forum and do not recognize that Nelson Newbie is just me using an assumed user name. The idea here is to cover all the same questions we tend to get repeatedly with good answers. Others may feel free to post questions that...
  18. New Merchant Member !

    Ken, who is known as Advsign, has just upgraded to Merchant Membership. Advsign offers wholesale wide format printing. Thank you Ken and best of luck with your efforts. :Cool 2:
  19. What happens if you mix ram speeds?

    My home workstation has only 512 MB of DDR266 RAM that is in one double sided stick. The computer (Intel motherboard and P4 chipset) has three open slots. I have an extra stick of 512 MB labelled: Dual Channel DDR Module 512MBx2 PC3200 400MHz What happens if I install this extra stick in an...
  20. New Merchant Member

    Lets welcome Jon Aston of Marketing Partners as our newest Merchant Member. Jon offers strategic market planning services to sign companies interested in growing their businesses. Welcome Jon.