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Search results

  1. Static Cling and Head Strikes

    We've given up on cling too, because of the shelf life. Little windshield clings are one thing, but I can't imagine the larger stuff. Those are some hecking' headstrikes!! D:
  2. Best use for a laminator

    Yeah if you're getting really creative, you could use it as a printing press. I think it would have enough pressure to transfer a linocut print or a etching to a nice rag paper.
  3. 3 Handy Roll Length Calculators for your Phone

    The most accurate method: just look at how much you need for the job. The roll is guaranteed to be just too short.
  4. Failing Graphics

    We're in Halifax, so not wildly cold, but we almost always request the vehicle overnight. Then it's warm and ready to install and scoot out the door right away. But that's just our workflow. We also almost exclusively use cast vinyl for vehicles, even if it's going on a flat space. Just part of...
  5. Failing Graphics

    Avery 2923 is a calendared vinyl, is it not? So that wouldn't help. We've had failures here before with even proper IJ180, because of a few things. The best practice is to make sure you're post heating well, and it doesn't hurt to use some adhesive promoter in any recessed areas. You should be...
  6. Question Has anyone tried 3M IJ175CV3 ?

    Thanks for the feedback! Our installer can be a bit picky about the media, but we're really flexible. So we wanted to try something else out without him getting antsy about it. "Lesser Removeable", an interesting way to put it. Does that refer to repositioning while applying, or when removing a...
  7. Keeping those fingerprints off vinyl media?

    We used to use cotton archival gloves from a photo supply store, but I found after a while they got a little dusty. Now, I have some thick nitrile gloves hanging around the shop that we do re-use over and over, and I find that to be effective - and you don't need to keep doing laundry. I don't...
  8. Question Has anyone tried 3M IJ175CV3 ?

    Yeah, I was really mostly interested in the comparison, esp tackyness and repositionability; I can manage the print stuff on our end but I'd like to give our installer the easiest time transitioning if we did. I think we might request a sample so I'll let people know if we do.
  9. Question Has anyone tried 3M IJ175CV3 ?

    Just curious if anyone has given the IJ175CV3 a shot, and what it compares like to IJ180 or other vehicle vinyls? Just shopping around and curious about it.
  10. On-site vehicle wrap training

    Yeah we are definitely finding a shortage of (good) installers at the moment. I totally understand wanting to learn a new skill to add to your business, though it's really an experience thing rather than a "get taught and then do it" thing, so it might not work out in this instance. If you're...
  11. Does this ever happen to you?

    Ooooh there are a few clients where we think "Oh no, this guy's gonna be picky..." or "I really could have installed that better, they're gonna hate it" only to find out later that it's fine. Sometimes I'm looking at so much signage I forget that other people don't know what to expect, I guess...
  12. Question Ear Damage from Printers

    I've got ear ringing since long before working in the shop. I sit beside our XR and I don't find that it makes it worse, but I do find that the shop noises (printers, fans, take-up roller, radio, phonecalls...) can get grating when I'm trying to design, etc. Sometimes I do wear headphones...
  13. Roland Versaworks Print/Cut Mark?

    Yeah I should specify, what we've done is not using cropmarks but using the marked corners of a print to use basepoints. I think it would work fine for a one-off (with lots of bleed) but I don't think it would be efficient for a lot of jobs.
  14. Roland Versaworks Print/Cut Mark?

    I don't know about replicating a cropmark, but you can do a "manual" registration with Roland (at least, our XR-640) that involves setting basepoints instead of reading crop marks. We use it when a cropmark gets damaged or won't read, and it works well but is time consuming. I've never tried...
  15. Discussion How do you handle this type of deal?

    I think the tax thing is one part of it, but another part is getting things you want or need easier or with fewer steps. We're in the shop making signs, and we make them well and fast and we have all the supplies here. Meanwhile, someone else does their thing well and fast. Instead of both sides...
  16. Discussion How do you handle this type of deal?

    I think this is a real job-by-job decision. We have had people come in looking for little signs or design in exchange for whatever they can offer, and it's not bad. But when it starts getting more complex - ie, installers involved, ordering special materials, anything that we've got to go out of...
  17. VersaWorks

    Hey, as White Haus mentioned above, you can change where that cut boundary is with the margin in VersaWorks. I've done this before to add a larger box around the image. I believe if you want to add a consistent space around each print, you can go into your queue settings, go to marks, choose...
  18. Texans may not want to print today....

    Stay warm and safe down there, folks - we're hearing about your power outages on the radio here in Canada, sounds like it's a mess.
  19. Suggestions Which fonts would you recommend for standing 3D letters

    I personally love a good Gotham bold or Trueno Black. If they need to be free-standing, though, they might need to have solid flat bases?
  20. Question Which forum would be appropriate for this type of question?

    Glad to hear they're happy, at least!