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Search results

  1. Weird problem with Mutoh 1624

    my machine is a 1624x, and doesnt have the same menu options as some of the other printers. I believe that I need to start it in "self diagnoses function mode", but I cant find any instructions to do that. Is there a trick to this? Like holding down certain buttons while starting the machine?
  2. Weird problem with Mutoh 1624

    My five year old Mutoh 1624 is slighly smearing/overspraying black and cyan inks, but only from left to right (as the print head moves from left to right). In the last six weeks I have replace the print head, the dampeners, the encoder strip, the encoder sensor, and the maintenance station. I...
  3. Generic US flat artwork...

    thanks royster. long time no comunicate. I will look at that, I am concerned though that it may not be high-end enough for either of these customers. I was considering the Aurora Graphics flag collection, but it is a bunch of money for a small collection, and the one job (lady paid deposit)...
  4. Generic US flat artwork...

    edit: Just realized that the title should have been "flag" artwork and not "flat" artwork. I have had two customers this week to want generic US flag vinyl, one for a truckbed, the other as window perf. Can anyone recommend a good flag artwork collection or other solution? Just general...
  5. Excuse me, did you say Bubble Wrap?

    My wrap jobs always have bubbles in them. Just not quite as big as yours.
  6. Well, there goes the neighborhood.

    Whats bad is that whether or not it is a typo, it will hurt everyone. People will get it stuck in their mind that they can get signs for $36.50. From time to time I have had customers who come into our shop and to be shocked by how much we charge for screen printed yardsigns. As often as...
  7. So it's been a while...Economy check?

    I know what you are getting at. And you are correct to a certain extent. We know that there is a recession, so we just accept piss poor sales as a result of that recession instead of doing whatever it takes to increase sales. But at the same time, if people dont have any money, they aint...
  8. So it's been a while...Economy check?

    Sales have really sucked all year and continue to do so. We are down close to 20% over last year and last year we were down 30+% over the previous year. But I am cautiously optimististic - I have to be. So far there is nothing going on in our county. Although our state unemployment rate...
  9. hmmmm...am i being scammed?

    I'd bet my last dollar that it is a scam. I have had so many scam calls just like it. As someone suggested, I did once ask for their phone number so that I could call back with a price - when I called it back I found out that it was a phoney (excuse the pun) number. I have gotton that...
  10. Vinyl for football helmets?

    We have been asked to cut some decals for a Jr. High football team's helmets. We have actually done this before for a bullcrap "semi-pro" team, we had to print their decals and then contour cut them, we used 3651 vinyl and laminated it, never got any complaints, we even got repeat orders. But...
  11. Now...A tip for the Sign Guys!!

    I agree 100%. I think that vein (yes, I spelled it correctly this time...I think) on Gino's forehead is throbbing again.
  12. Is it customer's fault or mine

    I disagree with this part. In my business we ask each customer to PROOF READ every document. We specifically ask them to check spelling and grammer. We explain that we require them to do that so that we can be 100% sure that they will be happy with the final product. We don't just ask...
  13. Is it customer's fault or mine

    If you want to keep the customer, it's your fault. If you are ready to dump them, then it's their fault. Realistically, if it is just a simple spelling error, and if there is only one error, it really shouldn't be a big deal to your customer. If you gave them an opportunity to proof read...
  14. People who are jealous of you

    Thats very true. When he graduated college he was already a multi millionaire - money he made working his way through college (working for had dad of course - must have been paid $1,000 an hour) His first business deal was also with done with his dads money and with his dad as a partner. Must...
  15. People who are jealous of you

    I know that this is beside the point - but - I liked that book myself, but seriously question the validity of any actual research done for it. Every example in it was admittedly fictional. Even some of the numbers in it were admittedly fictional. Wile an interesting read, it's not to...
  16. Does 4over offer 6" x 9" flyers

    Back in the olden days (like 5 years ago) you could get any size of any thing offset printed. These days places like 4over are no longer job shops - you get whatever they offer and not nessasarally what you want or need. Of course they have these pre-selected sizes and stocks that they...
  17. What Profiles do you use??

    Scott, my name is Scott D also. But anyhow, I dont use your same machine or else I would try to help you. This forum is very UNHELPFUL regarding things such as profiles. Other than my response, the only one you will get is some smart arse saying that doing digital takes years of experiance...
  18. Collecting money....

    Dan, you are right. Most sign makers dont agree with my ideas and theories and plans. It appears that only morons like Warren Buffet, and the CEO of Whole Foods, and fox news contributors like John Stossle and Ben Stein tend to agree with me. Of course what do idiots like them know?
  19. Collecting money....

    Gino, I think you got something confused - I never mentioned "Pay Early or Pay Late" I mentioned "collect early, pay late". Anyhow I am not recommending the Colect Early Pay Late policy, as a matter of fact I am the one that pointed out that it can distroy business relationships. I am just...
  20. Collecting money....

    Is that like a bankruptcy?