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Are you voting?


New Member
I almost thought i wasn't going to be able to... my drivers license is expired, just sent away for my ticket to get it renewed. Was worried i couldn't vote cause of it, but after a little research, found out in PA it's good for 12months after expiration for voting. So, i'll defiantly be there.


New Member
I will vote on election day, I always have... for the leader with ideas, not the motivational speaker.
As a veteran served in Vietnam, 82nd airborne, 173rd Airborne I know
it is a privilege and our constitutional right and should be exercised.


New Member
I will vote on election day, I always have... for the leader with ideas, not the motivational speaker.
As a veteran served in Vietnam, 82nd airborne, 173rd Airborne I know
it is a privilege and our constitutional right and should be exercised.




Premium Subscriber
I will vote on election day, I always have... for the leader with ideas, not the motivational speaker.
As a veteran served in Vietnam, 82nd airborne, 173rd Airborne I know
it is a privilege and our constitutional right and should be exercised.

An old and very good friend of mine was in during that same time era and in the 82nd Airborne. Don't know what division though, but that does sound familiar. He was originally from, I think, South Carolina and moved here in the 60's. His name was Reginald Spencer and he went by the nickname 'Skin'.


New Member
I will be standing in line (hopefully towards the front) at 5:45am... Haven't missed an election since 1984.



New Member
Sorry Gino the name doesn't ring a bell. The 82nd is a very large Division. I enlisted out of Harvey, Illinois in 1968. I was in Company "B", the 1st Battalion Signal Corp, 2nd Brigade, 82nd Airborne division.
I have been privileged to find and keep in touch with 5 I did serve with during my time in the army.
An old and very good friend of mine was in during that same time era and in the 82nd Airborne. Don't know what


New Member
Im an American, I am proud of it- I cherish my freedom and thank all who have served for me to have it. I will vote

Pat Whatley

New Member
I'll be there tomorrow morning with my kids. I've got two 4-year olds who are all into the idea of voting now that they found out that it involves pushing buttons.


New Member
Going to vote in Nebraska AND in Iowa, Early voting ROCKS!!!!
Found out I am still registered in Nebraska, not voted here in 12 years since
I moved to Iowa. I just checked I am registered in both, so I am off to vote!!!


New Member
Mosh, don't forget to wear your sticker to show everyone that you participated.


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New Member
We vote, now it is so easy. Comes to us in the mail, what could be easier? Oh and to all who have served, I Thank YOU too!

Stealth Ryder

New Member
First off, thank you for your service.

I want to state, I mean this with no disrespect, but why, just because you voted, should you be able to voice your opinion buy I can't? Where in the constitution does it state THAT? I will be honest with you, I haven't voted yet in my life and can't predict the future but I don't see myself voting anytime soon. But I still ***** and complain about how the country is and what kind of shape we are in. I don't see a correlation between voting and complaining about our country. There are many many things that we all know will not change, while some won't admit so, whether I cast my vote or not.

So to summarize, answer this, why can you complain but I can't?

If you do not vote in my honest opinion you have no interest in helping to make things better for you and I as well as our children and grandchildren... Without participating in the process how can you gripe about the outcome... I respect your right to not vote, I fought for that freedom you enjoy... Just don't want to hear anyone moan and groan about a president when they could possibly have changed the outcome of an election...


New Member
I, like others, felt the candidate choices were bad and evil, respectively, neither of which appealed, and I didn't want either choice on my conscience as a participant.

While I don't want to get into why I don't think either candidate will help our country this quote above basically sums up why I will NOT be voting tomorrow morning.


Quit buggin' me
Just came back from the polls, had to show a photo ID and all.
Much like you guys our votes for the President don't count - we don't send our federal taxes off island.

wayne k
guam usa

Hero Signs

If they let me make it, they will come
One thing I learned while touring 15 palaces Sadam had.... It must be awesome to be a dictator and have every food waiting on my at every palace because I told them too. It must be nice to Nationalize businesses so I do not have to generate and income. Don't want to go along with my plan well no problem my army just killed your family now you must work for me and suffer, or we kill you too.

Ah, yes don't vote and let me come to power and have a loyal army by my side who takes over and enslaves people in my country to allow my inner circle to live like kings.
