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Armed or Unarmed?

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Premium Subscriber
Like many have said...... you need to walk the streets in my town. You'd feel different.

There are so many incidents here daily, that it isn’t funny any longer. When we have sign jobs for in the city, I actually give the guys an option. If they feel safe in the area, they’ll do it. If not, I turn the project down or get quote it so high; we can hire a body guard.

Recently the local detectives asked to see my surveillance tapes as there was a shooting across the street for three wannabe robbers at the game store across the street. Seems after being shot at they ran towards our place for cover because of the trees and creek running behind us. A motorcycle was stolen at the bar next door about two years ago. Again, they wanted my surveillance tapes. Another time the cops picked up a murderer in the bar next door about three years ago. He shot two people and killed one of them and then ended up in the bar next door. The owner, however, would not cooperate with the police as he said it was bad for business. Yeah right, argue with a bunch of cops about hiding a murder suspect ?? What a douche ??

Our city is one of the top worst in the country for spent casings found and just about as bad for shootings and killings. Again, it’s the area and not the norm, but you can go 50 miles in any direction and it’s the same all around. It’s frcikin’ bad here. The news stations are loaded with crime reports of dead bodies, people shot, wounded, killed or near misses. Cross fire is the biggest fear around here. You might not be the intended victim, but bullets have a tendency to whiz all over when you have these little wannabe gangsters who can’t shoot a gun to begin with firing off a clip in a few seconds. They look like Cliff from Cheers in that episode where he has an electric prod to help him stop some horrid habit…. just dancing around like a dork.

For a long time, I was one of those that didn’t want a gun in the house. Not anymore. I want the Goddess with as much protection as she can muster up when those seconds are ticking by and the police are on their way. We have several revolvers, two pistols, a 7 shot shotgun and two rifles and I’m lookin’ for more. In my house, I never want to be more than a few feet from a firearm. In the shop, I’m looking into a sawed off shotgun, but might settle for just an 18”.

I almost always have my 38 with me. In the car, it’s by my side. There are certain places you are not permitted to carry and I respect those laws, but it has now become a part of me. Also here in PA, you can wear a firearm in full view on your side. I now know a guy that does this. I think the guy wears it into the shower. He’s a bit overboard, but better safe and be ready then to show up early…. at your own funeral.

We’ve had so many ‘Home Invasions’ out our way, it’s now a known fact that our little community is well armed. You can hear shooting at almost anytime of the day. Knife ?? I’ve carried a switch blade since I was a kid. Now, I carry a hefty pocket knife, but have a huge 9-1/2” animal tamer in the truck at all times.

If you don’t feel safe carrying a gun, then don’t. It’s not a good thought knowing you armed your attacker because you were too stupid to handle your own weapons, but if you look down your nose at those who have chosen to defend themselves and do sport shooting or competitive shooting… remember, we’ll defend you as well as ourselves if we see someone in need of help. We won’t be prejudiced against your right to not carry or become a statistic.

Si Allen

New Member
I just like my new cell phone!


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Merchant Member
I have half a dozen paintball "markers". Each shoot up to 20 rounds per second and can hold 250 rnds. At close range....they are painful.

Locals Find!

New Member
Like many have said...... you need to walk the streets in my town. You'd feel different.

There are so many incidents here daily, that it isn’t funny any longer. When we have sign jobs for in the city, I actually give the guys an option. If they feel safe in the area, they’ll do it. If not, I turn the project down or get quote it so high; we can hire a body guard.

Recently the local detectives asked to see my surveillance tapes as there was a shooting across the street for three wannabe robbers at the game store across the street. Seems after being shot at they ran towards our place for cover because of the trees and creek running behind us. A motorcycle was stolen at the bar next door about two years ago. Again, they wanted my surveillance tapes. Another time the cops picked up a murderer in the bar next door about three years ago. He shot two people and killed one of them and then ended up in the bar next door. The owner, however, would not cooperate with the police as he said it was bad for business. Yeah right, argue with a bunch of cops about hiding a murder suspect ?? What a douche ??

Our city is one of the top worst in the country for spent casings found and just about as bad for shootings and killings. Again, it’s the area and not the norm, but you can go 50 miles in any direction and it’s the same all around. It’s frcikin’ bad here. The news stations are loaded with crime reports of dead bodies, people shot, wounded, killed or near misses. Cross fire is the biggest fear around here. You might not be the intended victim, but bullets have a tendency to whiz all over when you have these little wannabe gangsters who can’t shoot a gun to begin with firing off a clip in a few seconds. They look like Cliff from Cheers in that episode where he has an electric prod to help him stop some horrid habit…. just dancing around like a dork.

For a long time, I was one of those that didn’t want a gun in the house. Not anymore. I want the Goddess with as much protection as she can muster up when those seconds are ticking by and the police are on their way. We have several revolvers, two pistols, a 7 shot shotgun and two rifles and I’m lookin’ for more. In my house, I never want to be more than a few feet from a firearm. In the shop, I’m looking into a sawed off shotgun, but might settle for just an 18”.

I almost always have my 38 with me. In the car, it’s by my side. There are certain places you are not permitted to carry and I respect those laws, but it has now become a part of me. Also here in PA, you can wear a firearm in full view on your side. I now know a guy that does this. I think the guy wears it into the shower. He’s a bit overboard, but better safe and be ready then to show up early…. at your own funeral.

We’ve had so many ‘Home Invasions’ out our way, it’s now a known fact that our little community is well armed. You can hear shooting at almost anytime of the day. Knife ?? I’ve carried a switch blade since I was a kid. Now, I carry a hefty pocket knife, but have a huge 9-1/2” animal tamer in the truck at all times.

If you don’t feel safe carrying a gun, then don’t. It’s not a good thought knowing you armed your attacker because you were too stupid to handle your own weapons, but if you look down your nose at those who have chosen to defend themselves and do sport shooting or competitive shooting… remember, we’ll defend you as well as ourselves if we see someone in need of help. We won’t be prejudiced against your right to not carry or become a statistic.

No wonder your grumpy all the time. Living in a town like that sounds like pure hell.


New Member
Is there any reason I wasn’t given any of these statistics before I came to your place for the meet-n-greet and walked the streets at night and stayed the night ???

just kidding but didn't realize things were so bad over there
over the past few years i have been reading how things are getting worse in PA with the gangs and violence
we have some issues out be me as well in phillipsburg nj and I am only about 10 min from Easton PA also not so good
(perhaps I need to look into learning more about guns?)


Premium Subscriber
No wonder your grumpy all the time. Living in a town like that sounds like pure hell.

No, it wasn't this way by a long shot when I was a kid. Reading was one of the nicest towns you could imagine. It had everything going for it, big commerce, textiles, every type of job conceivable and lots of things for the whole family..... and all within walking or bus distance. When we were kids, we could go anywhere we wanted with out a fear in the least. My parents would take my sister and me downtown and go 'Window Shopping'. Everyone used to do it. Something completely unheard of today for lotsa reasons.

Anyway, things were so rich here, it became a haven for undesirables, not to say we didn't have them back then, but they didn't really bother common folk. As the numbers of undesirables grew, it started taking it's toll on the community. There was a time when many thugs came here to do their fighting and would go home, but in the last 20 to 30 years, they have moved in and taken over. It was a gradual change and most people moved out into the suburbs and let them take over the town, because the elders back then, didn't want to make any waves and ruin a good thing. Well, now it's too late to turn back the clocks and take our city back, but these same undesirables are now coming out of the city, because there is no one and nothing to steal from anymore. The stores have moved out and Malls and shopping centers have taken thir place. Businesses packed up and moved south or out of the country. The latest one is Hershey. They'll be gone very soon. So, as these maruaders start tangling with us out in the suburbs and country, they are meeting a new kind of American. One.... not afraid to fight on their own turf, unlike a few years ago in the city. It's wide open country and for the most part, we'll take precautions at someone disturbing the area. People walking around with guns on their arms and huge dogs is a lot more of a deterant then wielding an Olfa knife or a paint gun. No offense to those sporting those methods, but in a fair fight.... you ain't gonna win nohow.

Sure, we saw the changes.... and so did the Police, business owners and home owners..... but for the most part, everyone was being Politically Correct and too busy trying to be neighborly while their neighborhoods were taken right out from under their noses. The only thing living in downtown areas now are illegals, old people and mis-fits. The reasons all of our cities are hurting is because there's no one left in them to pay taxes, create jobs or just plain give a darn.

I hope this has not been NHB material, but only an answer to a statement and an honest opinion of what took place before my eyes my whole life in the town in which I grew up. This is not hearsay, but firsthand.

To take it one step further, my house was robbed twice while I lived in Reading. My parents house was robbed while they were in the living room. Someone came in the back door and took my Mom's purse and lotsa stuff out while they were two rooms away. My truck was completely ransacked and my wife was almost taken by 4 big Black guys at 6:30 in the morning while they were drinking on the corner down the street from where we lived on her way to work one morning. I knew right then and there, I lived in the ghetto and never realized it was quite so bad, until she told me she almost ran these characters over. Literally. We then started to look for a place. Our car was bombed with paint balloons. Trash and garbage littered our property from the late Spring months until mid to late Fall. When it got cold, they all went in and hibernated.

So Addie, although I was mugged and beaten up when I was 13 by 7 Black kids... all older than me, I don't hold a grudge against any of them.... in fact, those kids are all dead today, because of the lives they led. Pay back's a bitch.

So, you might think I'm grumpy, but I look at it as I'm a survivor and not taking chances with my life or my loved one's lives any further. I've taken classes, practiced shooting all kinds of firearms and believe it or not, my wife and I are both crack shots.... and that's not geared towards a crack-user. Performing great markmanship if ever confronted will prove another matter, but I truly feel if my life or especailly my wife's life depended upon it, I'll blast someone a new a$$hole in a New York minute. I wouldn't hesitate in the slightest. I have enough rounds at home to ward off a large attack and I keep 75 rounds with me at all times.

This doesn't even touch on the characters I hung out with while growing up, but that's another story for a different time.


New Member
I can't believe all the post of people that don't own a gun. I guess living in the south everyone I know owns a few. I don't walk around with one on my side, but I have one in my night stand, truck, and at the shop. I also have a very large gun safe with all my other guns in it. I have it bolted to a steel plate that crosses over the floor joist under my house.
My dad worked with a guy that had his attached to his floor that way, he had some people break-in and could not get it to move so they put a chain around it and hooked it to the truck. Never got it out of the house but did a lot of damage.
I stop by a fab shop the other day and the owner had 4 guns on his desk. That is just what he had in his truck at the time, he was getting it washed by a mobile car was guy.

I live in a small town about 24k in the city and maybe double that in the county. But just in the city we have had 13 or 14 murders this year.
In the past couple of days in a city about 30 miles away they have robbed the CVS, Domino's, KFC, and Bank of America, they caught the woman that robbed the bank.
When I watch tv shows like 'I Shouldn't Be Alive' it makes me want to keep a couple of guns on me at all times.


New Member
I can't believe all the post of people that don't own a gun.

i guess a lot of people think these things won't happen to them or they just live in a safe area where this stuff doesn't cross their minds. i have been lucky enough to not have been mugged or had a gun pointed at me also never had my house robbed (knock wood) been in a few bar fights, no guns where used so i lucked out there but as well as i know of all the bad situations out there i also have always worried about safety issues and the horror stories of kids being killed playing with their father's gun. my kids are grown now and i have grandkids so i still have those same worries. also as i mentioned i was never around guns growing up so i myself am very unsure of having one around. i do believe that everyone has the right to bear arms if done legally and perhaps someday i will change my mind and go through the proper procedures and get a gun (hopefully nothing happens where i am caught without one and i could have used it)


New Member
I own a few guns, have my carrying permit, but rarely carry. Good ol .38 special revolver, meant for pointing and shooting with no frills and nothing to go wrong when it counts, for home protection.

As for fun, nothing fancy. Ithaca 16 gauge trap gun (an heirloom, and I love trap & skeet), ruger 10/22 (no it's not tricked out or anything) and I'm working on getting an ar-15 (Buddy of mine has one and now I am addicted).

I made my kids hold, feel, touch, etc the guns I own (Not loaded). I did not want them to wonder 'what it is like' to hold it, or try it. My daughter (16) is scheduled to shoot once we get a warm day here.
But both of them know full well, that guns are tools designed to kill. Nothing more, nothing less. They can be fun to shoot, but unless they intend to kill something, they shouldn't be used (let alone pointed at anything they don't intend to kill).


New Member
The only guns I have are 2 heat guns and some utility knife and plastic razor blades. Our shop is right off the freeway and next to a porno shop, when it gets dark the hookers and pimps cruise around the pool hall in our center. We usually close at 5pm before it gets dark so nothing too bad for us, but the tenant around us tell us sometime there's shoot out from the bar. One time our a/c unit went out, we had the a/c man came to check it out and found a rifle hidden beside it on the roof. Still no guns here, have 2 little boys and a 3rd next week, don't want to take the risk in them getting a hold of it


Quit buggin' me
The only guns I have are 2 heat guns and some utility knife and plastic razor blades. Our shop is right off the freeway and next to a porno shop, when it gets dark the hookers and pimps cruise around the pool hall in our center. We usually close at 5pm before it gets dark so nothing too bad for us, but the tenant around us tell us sometime there's shoot out from the bar. One time our a/c unit went out, we had the a/c man came to check it out and found a rifle hidden beside it on the roof. Still no guns here, have 2 little boys and a 3rd next week, don't want to take the risk in them getting a hold of it

Any advantage to being located right next to the porno shop?
You get requests to personalize any of their merchandise?
At least if things are slow at the front counter you could catch up on your reading.......

wayne k
guam usa


New Member
Any advantage to being located right next to the porno shop?
You get requests to personalize any of their merchandise?
At least if things are slow at the front counter you could catch up on your reading.......

wayne k
guam usa

They got these pervs that go in there all day, every day and they don't even work there. I go to get change there and they have pictures of people that's banned from the place all on their wall. They write "pisser" on each of the poloroid picture...uh I don't think they were pissing

Hero Signs

If they let me make it, they will come
I had to pull a shotgun on 2 dirtbags trying to enter my parents house through the window when I was 15 yrs old. Chambered a round with the 870 and they went running.

I am a little larger than most so carry depends on my location and duties. Also a 2 tour Vet and had my share of fun and trained personal security teams.

I have been around many different agencies and governments all who really did not know one another and no wild west ish happens when you know the other guy is armed in a confined area.

Good people need to carry to rid the damage the 3% of society that is trash.

Pat Whatley

New Member
Statistically people who have guns "for protection" are 4 times more likely to be shot and more likely to shoot a family member than an intruder.

Just throwing that out there....this has been too civil up to this point.


Quit buggin' me
Statistically people who have guns "for protection" are 4 times more likely to be shot and more likely to shoot a family member than an intruder.

Just throwing that out there....this has been too civil up to this point.
I am 99% sure those statistics were compiled by people who don't own guns.

wayne k
guam usa


Active Member
Absolutely ARMED......almost always 40 cal concealed, and a knife (people cutting kind).
Licensed to carry since age 21.

I don't own a gun to kill people. I own a gun to keep from being killed.

I don't carry a gun to scare people. I carry a gun because sometimes this world can be a scary place.

I don't own a gun because I'm paranoid. I own a gun because there are real threats in the world..

I don't own a gun because I'm evil. I own a gun because I have lived long enough to see the evil in the world.

I don't own a gun because I hate the government. I own a gun because I understand the limitations of government.

I don't carry a gun because I'm angry. I carry a gun so that I don't have to spend the rest of my life hating myself for failing to be prepared.

I don't carry a gun because I want to shoot someone. I carry a gun because I want to die at a ripe old age in my bed, and not on a sidewalk somewhere tomorrow afternoon.

I don't carry a gun because I'm a cowboy. I carry a gun because, when I die and go to heaven, I want to be a cowboy.

I don't own a gun to make me feel like a man. I own a gun because men know how to take care of themselves and the ones they love.

I don't carry a gun because I feel inadequate. I carry a gun because unarmed and facing three armed thugs, I am inadequate.

I don't carry a gun because I love it. I carry a gun because I love life and the people who make it meaningful to me.

Police protection is an oxymoron. Free citizens must protect themselves.

Police do not protect you from crime, they usually just investigate the crime after it happens and then call someone in to clean up the mess.

Personally, I carry a gun because I'm too young to die and too old to take an *** whoopin'.

.... author unknown


New Member
2001 Walked in To my Old Shop My Sister Was Lying On The Floor Face Down .. I lost a laptop And $13.00 bucks Kept My Sis. 2003 Working late Two Guys At my Door Mask On Face called 911 And Racked My 12 Gauge . as they ran down the street policed picked them up hey had guns too. no more late nites at the shop. I have been arrested for carrying but i do not regret it.... better to To Be tried by Twelve Than Carried By six...


New Member
I carry a light saber at all times. we also have one in the bedroom and one in the living room. I have a hand phaser but the batteries are dead so it won't be much use if the Klingons come a calling.
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