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Flamey vs. bob............


It's better to have two hands than one glove.
I would like to see a design for a martial art schools.

There are very few designs for karate schools around.

I'll wager very few here have a martial art school design and thus few could not post a ready made. There we go.

Interesting, I have one I did a couple of years back. It might have been posted one time or another in these waters, shrug.

The specs were that it had to have a phoenix theme as well as some sort of oriental flavor. This one took an hour or so...


  • phoenix_thedose.jpg
    69.8 KB · Views: 335


New Member
I need to find my reading glasses to read that bob. But then I am not contributing any design so I should shut up.


Premium Subscriber
bob, on a serious note... were those eagles hand-painted and what's that nipple doing up in the right hand corner ??



New Member
Wow guys (/girls).. You pick on Bob for being an a$$, yet most of you drop to a pretty low level yourselves in this thread... Pretty lame. I'm out for the day, I'll try again tomorrow.


Bob, Flame.. Awesome job on the signs. Both have skill and a sense of creativity. I think you both did a really good job.


It's better to have two hands than one glove.
bob, on a serious note... were those eagles hand-painted and what's that nipple doing up in the right hand corner ??


Eagles? Them's supposed to be phoenixes. You know, fire and all of that.

Someone painted them I assume. I really don't remember just where they came from. The background is a pastiche of three separate images, two original and one I derived, all with similar beaks. I'm far more of a synthesist than a creator of original art.

The nipple is suckling the web address, of course. Apparently you missed the subliminal wombat humping the buffalo.


Premium Subscriber
Eagles? Them's supposed to be phoenixes. You know, fire and all of that.

Someone painted them I assume. I really don't remember just where they came from. The background is a pastiche of three separate images, two original and one I derived, all with similar beaks. I'm far more of a synthesist than a creator of original art.

The nipple is suckling the web address, of course. Apparently you missed the subliminal wombat humping the buffalo.

Thanks for a great laugh.... I can now leave, go pick up my winnings and look for them thar Phoenixes in the bottom of my bottle..............

:U Rock:


New Member
wow, Bob is actually showing us his work.... surely this won't last. Bob I think that you have a lot to contribute to this forum because I have read some of your very sensible posts regarding layout and design. Keep them coming....

BUTTTTT, I must say that after all of the bashing you have done to everyone else's posted designs (though sometimes offering valuable advice), you should have something a little better to show us than THAT!!!! Come on, let's see some of your portfolio pieces.... not a karate sticker.


is this what this site has been reduced to? good god. both designs are garbage, and this entire penis-off is moronic.

if you want to get into a dick-off, then show bank statements. otherwise get back to making money and contribute to THIS SITE or stop trying to relive high school and move along.


New Member
wow, Bob...
I must say that after all of the bashing you have done to everyone else's posted designs (though sometimes offering valuable advice), you should have something a little better to show us than THAT!!!! Come on, let's see some of your portfolio pieces.... not a karate sticker.

I knew I was able to draw out a few portfolio postings from bob once upon a time...

...ain't search grand... 30 seconds & I found it in reply #29!


New Member
Someone painted them I assume. I really don't remember just where they came from

You have no idea where your art came from...hummmm. I bet Flame knows where the artwork he uses comes from.

Flame took this hands down as bob pulled some piece of junk out of his past "wonders of the world of bob" and didn't even try to come up with something like Flame did.


Just Me
First off.. no pig flu here lol...

Nobody won nuttin' in my way of thinking. Just a public pi$$ing match... haven't seen a contest yet. So let's do this instead...

tiki is supposed to be hosting the next design contest. If he's ready... I propose that flame and bob both enter... along with the others that will... and we'll see who's design gets the most votes? Can't be much fairer then that...


New Member
you are always the voice of wisdom Stacy!! great idea as we won't know who did what and won't be baised by our likes or dislikes for the person. I'm sure bob can pull out some old design to enter (sorry, couldn't resist just one more jab)

back to this thread, Flame came here and posted designs that were pretty bad when he first joined. he kept on posting stuff even when he was torn to shreads by members. he worked on his skills and is now one h#!! of a designer. bob doesn't grow. bob feels that he is there and his work will never be any better than it is today. he is stale. Flame will continue to grow and that is what makes a good designer. a good designer never feels like they are there, they always are trying to be better.


New Member
My design was crud because I put 7 minutes into it. lol. And yeah, this is a pi$$ing match, and immature. But hey, I'm not perfect. :D :D :D


New Member
Hey Flame.. I know you probably check this thread often, so I'll ask you here.. Done much work on street bikes? Any tips? Not doing digital print, but probably some designs using vinyl (once I get my machine...)


New Member
Hey Flame.. I know you probably check this thread often, so I'll ask you here.. Done much work on street bikes? Any tips? Not doing digital print, but probably some designs using vinyl (once I get my machine...)

From time to time, not near as much as I do on dirt bikes. Best tip I can offer is get really good with a razor blade, and try not to use a lot of straight lines. One is good, but making 5 different ones match perfectly... is a PITA.