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New Building!!


New Member
Wouldn't have been easier and cheaper to just wrap the floor :) You could have printed a nice hardwood floor!

OK, I have never thought of this before, but have the opportunity right now... Very Cool idea... Have you done this? What substrate would you recommend? Would you need to film lam for durability?



New Member
Congrats on getting away from paying rent..lol.

Wrap your counter, it is the last visual impression as they step up to pay. ;)


New Member
bare concrete floors and printers that need "dust free" environment DONT MIX. bare concrete from the day is totally dry........WILL MAKE DUST FOREVER!!!!!! this is why in my shop, before i moved anything to the floor, i put down a 2 part epoxy 100% solids paint. is a lot of work, but the end results are fantastic. this 5 years later.
sweep with a fine broom, damp mop with a mild detergent, and you can eat off this floor.


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New Member
the floor is painted

i will wrap the counter and soooooo need to wrap the counter, but the server went down and need a new drive and over night shipping means 2 days when you are in kansas, so i have been sitting on nothing for two days now, hopefully the drive shows up tomorrow and i can get to designing and doing anything really!!


New Member
Since we have a alot of snow and waiting on the fedex guy to get me some ink to finish anything today, i thought i would walk around the shop and snap a few photos of the finished setup, and at least give an update on the progress.

Other than a few wall hangings here and there, she is done till we break ground nex
t door.


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New Member
F(*^()ing Awesome

Please post pics of your place before and after. Give me something to look forward to!

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New Member
I hope you have a lot of suction on your JV3 exhaust, solvent fumes are heavier than air. I think a booster fan every 3 feet is recommended if you're going up and out, or a really strong inline fan above the ceiling level so it's not too noisy.

I like the treatment on your front counter. :thumb:


New Member
don't have an inline fan, it blows the air out no problem, never any smell in the room that is anything to worry about. :peace!:


New Member
Wow, everything looks great and I love the front counter graphics.

looks like you did a good job of planning the layout, nicely done.

I wish you much success in your new home away from home!



New Member
Boy, the place is really turning out NICE, great job! That sharp looking wrap on the front counters really did wonders for the overall feel of your new digs!!