Everyone....and I mean E A C H and E V E R Y O N E of you "old pros" had to start at the beginning, somewhere... with probably less than the top of the line equipment.
This is getting old.
Starting at the beginning is not the point. Starting in the middle is the point.
IT all has nothing to do with the equipemnt, its all about the attitdude.
Newbs who come here and ask respectful questions in a positive way get a great answer. On the other hand too many other noobs walk in and get a ration commensurate with their attitude.
The older pros as a beginner wouldn't dream of purchasing a load of expensive tools, walk into a shop or other learning center and proceed to demand answers from a seasoned journeyman on how to use the tools of the trade. A noob would earn his way to journeyman and the right to the next tool or step. He would be respectful of those who came before him. He would respect hard work. And he would respect the value of his knowledge.
Now we have noobs walk in with a fat checkbook, or thousands in equipment,, but in almost all cases have absolutely no idea of what they are doing,, demand that those experienced and well trained hand over that hard earned and expensive knowledge. The knowledge of the experienced is not an entitlement to a noob.
OR worse, the noob walks in conveying the attitude his local sign man is over charging him so he demands that we teach him how to use his shiny new casual use hobby machine to cut a professional out of the picture.
That attitude of entitlement is what seems to arouse the negative. Yes, even the seasoned pro's had to start somewhere. But they didn't start with a sense of entitlement. They did start with a sense of please share with me all you know.