Check out there revenue and net income on the right side of the page.
You lot are laughable if you think you can damage their empire for the sake of a few small sign shops boycotting their wrapping product.
Sorry boys and girls but you have to look at the big picture in this and somehow I think you are missing the point. Social media is not the be all and end all to spread news to the communities.Just like the celebrity death hoax pranks on Facebook Poeple do not believe everything they read there.
Gee whiz 'til you came along I had no idear how big 3M was. Golly mister ya sure are smart. I sure hopes tha rest of us duzn't waist no more time with this. Gosh ya shur sayved me frum doin sumthin, dum.
If you do not like this thread troll elsewhere.
I havent been here in 3 years and i come back to this!!!
Hard to complain about simple/quick work that was not solicited showing up in the shop.
wayne k
guam usa