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So...I want to start a yard sign business.

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New Member
Unfortunately, all college teaches you now is how to do a job(depending on your major). Too many people getting college degrees now with the economy as you can get it subsidized. A lot of people getting MA in Business Admin as well (one of the easier MAs to get), pretty soon MAs will be a "requirement" and Bachelor's degrees will just be like HS diplomas. Because of that education will suffer overall (more then it already has). Although you do get what you put into it.

If college taught you how to do a job that would be a good thing, but all they teach you is how to look up the information. Now technical schools teach you how to do a job!


Active Member
If college taught you how to do a job that would be a good thing, but all they teach you is how to look up the information. Now technical schools teach you how to do a job!

Like I said, it depends on the major, however, I'm one of those that believes in not just learning how to do a job, but getting a more classical education as well. Not getting that classical education is why we are seeing poor decision making skills in later generations.

Not saying one way or the other about this thread, but the state of education in this country is something that I digress very easily on, considering my grandmother was a HS English teacher and the ball and chain started out as a HS English teacher and would still be doing that if it weren't for "outside forces".

Locals Find!

New Member
Hey Kid, Don't let the old timers put you down. At least your making an effort to try and do something. I respect that at least.

However, your chosen path isn't going to work out well. My suggestion is buy go finance a lawn mower a trailer an edger and a weed whacker. Then go hire a couple of our South of the border brethren for labor and get to work. You will make more with less investment and hardly any learning curve.


Premium Subscriber
Did you even do any market research before joining this site and making this post?

One sided one color yard signs can be found for $1 ea. Even if you sold them for $2ea there would be NO profit after you deduct expenses like substrate, vinyl, masking, and LABOR. If spending $1k on equipment is too much then you should keep it and hire a professional to help you find a real job. Sign making isn't going to be a good one for you. You have to have a clue and so far you don't.

Instead of yard signs you should find an attorney and try to get a refund on your college education. Or do what AdTechia suggested. It's actually a good idea and if you are in my area and can beat my current guys bargain price of $45; I'll hire you! BTW for $45 he and his helper cut, weed, and blow my front and back yard all 1 acre of it! All you need is a used push mower, weed eater, blower, and car to fit it in...

oh and Welcome from North Florida...

James Burke

Being a grandpa is more fun than working
I say "go for it". Failure is only failure if you fail to learn something, and if you really have the entrepreneurial spirit, it will only be a stepping stone to something more suited to your personality.

I used to scoff at a friend who was the epitome of all "serial entrepreneurs". After numerous businesses and even more false starts, he finally settled into his niche and is now a very successful business owner.

The lesson: find a need, do your homework (business smarts), stay focused and hang tough. It will be the hardest job you've ever loved and hated at the same time.

And if you need further validation, I'm now in year #6 since I started a business in a hotbed of local competition...and with a close pricing structure to boot. It's not easy, but it can be done.



New Member
I chose buying an already established company in our community for 25 years, over going to college. I still had to "pay to learn" you might say, because the first thing I needed to do when I bought it was update all the equipment and start over in the aspect, but I still had the customer base to keep me paying my bills.

Did I have to pay for my education in this business, yes...seminars, trade shows, trial and error, BUT I am working in the field in which I educated myself in. I would recommend what everyone else said, if graphic design, or some kind of setup that already taught you how to do this wasn't what you got a degree in, you should either A) focus on whatever that degree was in, and not throw money into the wind trying to teach yourself all over again (because it's cut throat, it's not easy to profit and support yourself in this business like it was even 5 years ago) or B) go get a job in a shop for a while if this is something you are wanting to do, and learn before you jump in head first.

The internet has helped and killed this industry, but our country also has a walmart mentality, where they want it right now, and they want it dirt cheap, and "professionals" in our industry have created that effect for customers. That's why there are crap signs all over the place. They are just bottom dollar, arial black one color yard signs.

The money is in things OTHER than yard signs generally, and any of the big guys here will tell you that. Not saying you can't make it happen, but you'll have to have one heck of a business plan to invest $400 with no customers and make it support you and all your overhead and bills, advertising, supplies, telephone, computer, internet etc.


New Member
buy a CirCut and go for it then when you crash and burn, you won't be out much money. yard sale signs won't make you much money at all. for one thing, they are cheap and available at most hardware stores. second people having a yard sale don't want to pay anyting for a sign and will use just about anything that can be written on like an old pizza box. if you want to try to make any money at all. get your CirCut, go to local events, rent a table and make those stupid saying stupid people apply to their walls like "Live...Love...Vomit" and you might make enought to at least pay for the CirCut.


New Member
Recent college grad here...it seems I wont be finding a good job anytime soon so I decided to look into starting a small yard sign company.....
Talk about insulting! You can't find a "good job" so you'll be a sign maker like us?!?

You should take the advice of hiring a lawyer and getting the money you spent on your "education" back.

Just what the world needs... another dumbass with a degree.

Go away.


New Member
This thread a typical example of how unprofessional some of you professionals are...Rather sad!

oh, really? go into any business and tell them you can't get a good job so you want to do what they do and then ask some questions. I would expect you would get the same reception as this person got.


Active Member
honestly, i'd rather work for a restaurant before trying to open one myself... even if I were a busboy with a college degree.
same goes for the sign biz.
i'm sure if you were willing to make $8-12/hr as an entry-level position at your nearest "Sign-A-Rama"... the knowledge you will gain will be greater than a college degree can offer in this field.


New Member
well, on that note, in his defense, is he attacking your market? or your local market for that matter? don't treat him like he did walk off the street into YOUR shop, and try to take your work. Is he a fool for this venture... maybe, is a fool in life... maybe not. He graduated college, that's more than I can say for half the morons out in society. From a recent startup to a possible future- find a market that you like. something you're enthusiastic about, and then find a product you can offer to that market that very few others offer. That'd be a good place to start, not with something like yard signs. There's not enough money to be made, unless you are selling said signs to walmart at 500k pcs. a pop.

Locals Find!

New Member
oh, really? go into any business and tell them you can't get a good job so you want to do what they do and then ask some questions. I would expect you would get the same reception as this person got.

The kid came across a bit rough, but really does everyone need to bash him that harshly?

He is a kid probably barely old enough to drink. I mean you gotta give the kid some credit for at least making an effort to attempt to do something productive with his life.

I mean are you really going to treat a kid that walks into your shop saying he wants to try and do something with his life as bad as you treat him hiding behind your keyboard at the job your fortunate to have??


New Member
i got a better idea for this young man. he fits the profile perfectly. he would really do well JOINING THE MILITARY......and becoming a 2nd Lieutenant!!!!!!! as we used to say about them in the military, they got an 4 year degree...AND DONT KNOW SCHIT!!!
my question to this person....WHO IN THE HELL.......told you that this was a way to make schitloads of money??? thats who i would like to talk to)))))))))


New Member
The kid came across a bit rough, but really does everyone need to bash him that harshly?

He is a kid probably barely old enough to drink. I mean you gotta give the kid some credit for at least making an effort to attempt to do something productive with his life.

I mean are you really going to treat a kid that walks into your shop saying he wants to try and do something with his life as bad as you treat him hiding behind your keyboard at the job your fortunate to have??

yep, I'd tell the kid the same thing. go buy a CirCut, hang out at local events and make hobby stuff as there is a market for that. since he or she could cut names and junk for walls, mailboxes and such, that would work for them. to make actual signs like yard sales signs, they exists and they are available really cheap all ready. buying expensive equipment to make stuff like that is insane. if you would like to give false hope and suggest buying expensive equipment to make cheap crap that won't sell, go ahead and give that advice. the kid will be out some good money. with a CirCut, the kid won't be out much at all and might even make a few bucks. so stuff it


New Member
If I listened to everybody who told me I wouldn't be able to do what I do today I'd still be working in a hot sweaty factory for near minimum wage.

Almost everybody rolled their eyes at me and cracked jokes behind my back.

Now, 6 years later, they ask me how I did it.

Lots and lots and determination. Lots of trial and error. Lots of sacrifice of the things I'd rather be doing (fishing, traveling, going out with friends...) in order to learn and become proficient at what I do.

You gotta start somewhere. It's not like he's saying he's going to become the next top sign designer.... he wants to start with yard signs. It's a starting point. He knows he's not going to get rich doing it. He knows it's the bottom of the barrel.

No offense to some of the people here, but several of you don't even do your own designs, printing, or fabrication... you outsource it all and the customer pays the price for your "knowledge and skill".

You gotta start somewhere. An idea seems like a good start to me. The rest will follow if it's meant to be.

Locals Find!

New Member
yep, I'd tell the kid the same thing. go buy a CirCut, hang out at local events and make hobby stuff as there is a market for that. since he or she could cut names and junk for walls, mailboxes and such, that would work for them. to make actual signs like yard sales signs, they exists and they are available really cheap all ready. buying expensive equipment to make stuff like that is insane. if you would like to give false hope and suggest buying expensive equipment to make cheap crap that won't sell, go ahead and give that advice. the kid will be out some good money. with a CirCut, the kid won't be out much at all and might even make a few bucks. so stuff it

Your advice might work for Vermont. I don't know anything about Vermont.

I do know Florida. I know 1 out of 10 people is a real estate agent. Its the largest single industry outside of Agriculture in our state. Real Estate agents that use yard signs.

The equipment he was looking at was about the same price as a cri-cut. Dollar wise. A yard sign business while possibly not the best market can turn a profit if you run the business right.

I started off just like this kid. You gotta sometimes take the leap and hope for the best. Telling a kid to go pound sand like many on here did is just unprofessional.

So why don't you go stuff it Marlene and give out decent advice rather than just your opinion based on No knowledge of our State or Market, because like it or not kids like this are coming up and are going to take over one day. Whether they are going to be good or bad to the industry depends on people teaching them the ropes.
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