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So...I want to start a yard sign business.

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New Member
Yeah when I see these kinds of threads that say just the right things to stir the pot i have to wonder if we aren't being punk'd? Can you not just provide random contact info when registering? I am not familiar with the newer requirements to register but would it not be easy to make up some stuff and then post something to get the members all hot under the collar?

Fred Weiss

Merchant Member
Yeah when I see these kinds of threads that say just the right things to stir the pot i have to wonder if we aren't being punk'd? Can you not just provide random contact info when registering? I am not familiar with the newer requirements to register but would it not be easy to make up some stuff and then post something to get the members all hot under the collar?

When you look at 20 to 30 registrations a day, you get a feel pretty quickly when someone is yanking your chain. There are sufficient questions to do the job of screening out end users and a few who really don't belong. The OP, IMHO, is legit if not naive and inexperienced.


New Member
No, Gino. I don't have you on ignore. I just choose not to respond to your childish whining.

But I wasn't whining... and you chose to ignore me. I know, I don't have enough history on 101 for you...

I think it's in BAD TASTE to say what you said, and I might have been the only one to call you out on it because MOST just don't care to respond anymore. You think I don't KNOW who you are, but it doesn't take long for anyone to figure it out.


New Member
If I listened to everybody who told me I wouldn't be able to do what I do today I'd still be working in a hot sweaty factory for near minimum wage.

Almost everybody rolled their eyes at me and cracked jokes behind my back.

Now, 6 years later, they ask me how I did it.

Lots and lots and determination. Lots of trial and error. Lots of sacrifice of the things I'd rather be doing (fishing, traveling, going out with friends...) in order to learn and become proficient at what I do.

You gotta start somewhere. It's not like he's saying he's going to become the next top sign designer.... he wants to start with yard signs. It's a starting point. He knows he's not going to get rich doing it. He knows it's the bottom of the barrel.

No offense to some of the people here, but several of you don't even do your own designs, printing, or fabrication... you outsource it all and the customer pays the price for your "knowledge and skill".

You gotta start somewhere. An idea seems like a good start to me. The rest will follow if it's meant to be.

:thumb: ...good comments...


Locals Find!

New Member
But I wasn't whining... and you chose to ignore me. I know, I don't have enough history on 101 for you...

I think it's in BAD TASTE to say what you said, and I might have been the only one to call you out on it because MOST just don't care to respond anymore. You think I don't KNOW who you are, but it doesn't take long for anyone to figure it out.

What was in bad taste about the post your referencing??

This is Florida. We have lots of lawns that need to get mowed 9 months out of the year. We also have lots of residents from south of the U.S. border who do these jobs extremely well and work damned hard at it. They don't call in sick, they show up, they put in an honest days work and are happy to do the job. They don't complain about having a job to feed their families.

I never called them slave labor.(That was what you called them) I for one think they should get paid just as well as any other Citizen. I also have worked along side these neighbors of ours breaking rock in the hot Florida sun.

Now, being from New Jersey you don't understand the dynamic or economics of our state. So I won't hold it against you that you believed my comment to be in bad taste. When I was simply offering a possible alternative to a career choice that might not be the best decision.


New Member
Based on what?? The fact that I am feeding, housing, and supporting a family of 5 off my endeavors??

I am far from the most successful person on this site, but my kids have good clothes, shoes, and a roof over their head.

So, if the OP followed your advice he would be homeless, hungry, and naked. Wow! thats some Gold Right there!:ROFLMAO:

Based on the level of ability and quality of produce you put out. Everything you've posted is horrendous, going all the way back to your "award winning" postal rip-off logo.

Success has nothing to do with it. You're doing your customers a disservice by providing them the level of service you do, and then encouraging others to follow in your footsteps.

I haven't given any advice to the OP yet, but it definitely wouldn't be to enter into a business that they are unfamiliar with, have no experience in, and that they are choosing to specialize in the product with the lowest price, least profit, and smallest amount of upside potential! My advice to him would be to get some experience before starting a company. That just plain makes sense, and the fact that you've been able to scrape by selling business cards and RE signs (again, products with the aforementioned issues!), doesn't make it a great plan. It means you've been lucky. Base a business plan on luck, and I'd bet the success rate goes WAY down.


New Member
Yeah right. Like anyone could actually wheel 2 wheelbarrows at once.

Thanks for the inspiration Cheap! I just filed a provisional patent on a tandem wheelbarrow that will work :) I"m going to get rich off of this invention and quite making signs:thumb:

I could have never thought of this idea otherwise....


  • wheelbarrow.jpg
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Premium Subscriber
Ain't that what this is.........................

..........but easier on the back ??


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