awww man,... I am so broken up today to read this.. I am letting the tears come because like so many have said here today, Joe was the REAL deal & he was not afraid to REALLY be known!
Everybody here is real... but Joe had a way to express himself that you weren't just reading words... and you KNEW your weren't reading someone else's views re-stated, and you weren't just having "views" shared through his words..
...somehow Joe infused those words with PURE JOE, and his beliefs, his opinions, and his love, passion, spirit, wisdom, humor, disdain, or even joyful mockery of the parade of life around him, around here, and around this whole kaleidoscopic theater of diversity...
Joe was larger than life in person, and in his ability to put the whole, real deal in his words, he will be missed more than any other person who, except for one day, I knew only through his honest candid & animated words...
...and yet I knew far too well to not shed tears today, far too well to only read about... far too well to react any other way to these words except to FEEL the whole real deal that is JOE, and to feel very saddened by our loss.
I'll have a veggie burger today, in your honor Joe!