do you even realize the Op wrote all of 2 sentences out of 61 replies so far?
Clearly she has not said enough to justify your scathing reviews of her, in the interest of painting her as the one doing the slandering...
so what do you do when you stumble on a local sign shop that is using one of your signs in their examples section not only on site but on the web?
the company is lake george signs and the pic attached is my sign with an example of their vinyl black and white signs below it ugh i did this probably 12 years ago maybe they think i am dead
View attachment 58377
everything is so "clearly" obvious to you... because you CHOOSE to believe everything said by the absolute stranger, BUSTED for an irresponsible misrepresentation... what would you expect him to say...
and you CHOOSE to embellish, accentuate the negative & not believe ANY of the comments from a member here... are SURE the sign was really beyond repair, you are SURE the OP knew that, you are SURE the other shop never intended for assumptions to be made regarding them representing the quality of the OP's design...
yep... you got it alll figured out!!
Actually all the images on my site are work I have done. You will notice the images on my site are mostly printing. I don't claim to be the paper manufacturer but, I do claim the artwork.
Why don't you boys take this out behind the wood shed where it belongs? (woodland industries honda) ( hover over honda on left side - woodland industries- same car )
Ok, Wise Guy how do you repair a 12 year old 1/2" MDO sign??? If you know something why don't you share it??
Do you get off arguing with me, knowing I am right? Is this a Jealousy thing??
So, after reading all the posts on here. I have come to the conclusion that you were trying to claim this guy was stealing your work which wasn't even your work. He made the sign and put it in his portfolio. Your on here trying to bad mouth him when your sign was already torn down because, it fell apart.
So, you had nothing better to do with your day then try and bad mouth a guy for being better at this business then you.
Do I have this right so far?
I'm not going to wade into your's and iSigns pissing match. But you make a lot of <wrong> assumptions.
Why would you assume the OP knew the sign was replaced? Got some inside knowledge? Perhaps a crystal ball?
Didn't think so.
The shop that replaced it did nothing wrong - but neither did the OP - although I wouldn't have mentioned the other company's name. But in the heat of thinking someone ripped off your work, you can post some things you wish you hadn't.
There was no reason for your assumptions or your vicious personal attack.
You sir... are a jerk.
+1... are SURE the sign was really beyond repair, you are SURE the OP knew that, you are SURE the other shop never intended for assumptions to be made regarding them representing the quality of the OP's design...
Adtechia... I contacted Wrapjax and called them out for posting your work. That Orca granite one is on their site too! The nerve of some people! I will post back what they have to say for themselves.
WTF?!! That Fife Autospa wrap is out in Washington state too! I don't get it.....
I think I called this right on the money!well last time I checked stealing art work was still stealing, unless the art was sold to the customer to use as they choose...
if not the original artist still retains the right to said art work, and is considered to be copyrighted upon its creation,
I believe the ones who are being passive have never been in this situation, if they have they would not feel the same,(unless this is your mode of operation also) I would not condone violence but would let them know how I feel about it, I would also do a drive by and check out the sign and see if they actually re-made it or not.
I heard back from Wrapjax.....