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Weigh-Ins for the signs101 Losers (the good kind!)

Deaton Design

New Member
After having many years of powerlifting and eating right, an event in my life made me walk away from it all. That was 10 years ago. Two months ago, I started eating better. I havent had any pizza, hamburgers, french fries, etc. in that time. I also started drinking diet soda. I eat lots of fruits and veggies and chicken, along with some rice. No sweets, except an occasional diet cookie or something of the sort. Ive been walking some, when I can, and Im losing weight. I figure by spring Ill be back at my fighting weight and much healthier.


New Member
I took a good look back on New Year's day of where I was in 2011 on that day and where I am now. I am proud of the changes I've made during the past year. my weigh got out of control and anyone who has been there will know what I mean by the shock of seeing the scale numbers and wondering just how and when it all happened. things have changed and I am loving life.

for those who made changes in 2011 and are now a lot lighter, what and when did it all click for you? did you do it on your own? join a group? what worked for you. for me it was Weight Watchers and joining a gym.


New Member
the main thing is just eating right (and i know that's the hardest part) you don't necessarily have to diet just eat right and you can still have the treats you like but maybe only once a week and smaller portions. eat 5-6 times a day smaller healthier meals (fruits veggies and higher protein lower carbs) if you want to speed up the process you add exercise. even just walking can help



Premium Subscriber
Well, since Thanksgiving, Christmas and all the parties and stuff, I've gained back about 3 lbs. I'm going back on my routine starting next Monday.

Seriously, all I've done is to cut out sodas, even diet soda [they're REALLY bad for you], crap food, sweets and try to make my portions smaller. Read the stuff on the labels and if I'm putting it into my body and I can't pronounce it.... it doesn't go in.

Once a month, usually the first three days, I do a liquid cleansing where in I drink organic pure veggie juice, seltzer water, chicken broth and plenty of water. After that, I try to eat 6 mini meals a day and not eat much after 9pm. I have an in-home workout gym my wife bought me and when the weather breaks in the Spring, I'll go back to riding my new bicycle.

Although I gained back 3lbs. I'm still in the last hole of all my belts and two of them I had to add more holes. Clothes are starting to feel loose and I'm just feeling great about the whole deal.


New Member
Its funny I come across this thread, I completely re-vamped my diet back in November. I know it's the worst time of year to try, but I figured if I could make it through the holidays without over-doing it, I would be able to stay on the wagon for the rest of the year. And its exactly as petepaz says: just eat healthier, smaller meals every couple hours. Its amazing what that alone will do.

I was watching a show on discovery about food production. and they were making some sort of processed snack cake and I can remember thinking " good lord! there's not a single natural ingredient in there!" so I started doing my own research on what these food additives are, and what they can do over long periods of time. Well lets just say, after a couple days of reading, my pantry was empty, but my garbage can was overflowing! I couldn't believe what some of the things were in the foods I loved to eat. This coming from the guy who thought "Organic" was for hippies, lol.

One quick example - Sodium Nitrate. Its a preservative in meat. In my case, I used to eat turkey bacon, and its used to preserve the meat and give it its pink color. Well sodium nitrate will really screw with your body's hormones, It sends a signal to your brain and your body almost completely shuts down its fat burning hormones and puts your fat storing hormones into overdrive. needless to say, the turkey bacon was the first to go.

Long story short, I started eating more fresh and whole foods, (organic wherever I can) stay away from all those packaged foods that will last for 5 years on a shelf. After two weeks of a completely revamped diet, I was feeling MUCH better, (I didn't even know that I wasn't feeling 100% all the time) had more energy, and was sleeping better. Not to mention I also lost 10 pounds, and I hadn't even started my exercise regimen! ( mind you im 5'8" and weighed 210 so the first 10 lbs come off quick)

Change your diet, eat the foods your body was designed for and you'll be amazed :thumb:


New Member
Well, since Thanksgiving, Christmas and all the parties and stuff, I've gained back about 3 lbs. I'm going back on my routine starting next Monday.

Seriously, all I've done is to cut out sodas, even diet soda [they're REALLY bad for you], crap food, sweets and try to make my portions smaller. Read the stuff on the labels and if I'm putting it into my body and I can't pronounce it.... it doesn't go in.

Once a month, usually the first three days, I do a liquid cleansing where in I drink organic pure veggie juice, seltzer water, chicken broth and plenty of water. After that, I try to eat 6 mini meals a day and not eat much after 9pm. I have an in-home workout gym my wife bought me and when the weather breaks in the Spring, I'll go back to riding my new bicycle.

Although I gained back 3lbs. I'm still in the last hole of all my belts and two of them I had to add more holes. Clothes are starting to feel loose and I'm just feeling great about the whole deal.

i just started my diet a week ago. I primarily drank nothing but red bull which i consumed about 40 ounces of PER DAY. So far i have not had any form of caffeine and like today i feel it. The migraines and tiredness are really bad. My head hurts soooo much. I guess its for the best since i want to be around when my daughter gets older. My wife thinks i can buy a house for what we will save on red bull purchases


New Member
you don't realize how much just your diet has to do with it. what your eating, how much you eat and when you eat it, 3 main points. if you keep everything in moderation and throw in a little exercise you should be fine. i have seen so many people at the gym that are fat but yet they are there all the time. they just don't monitor their diet correctly and it's not as easy as just saying i can skip a meal or drink more coffee or energy drinks. just in general if your body doesn't get the correct nutrients at the right times of day that can throw everything out of wack. the exercise is great but it doesn't have as much to do with it as your diet or a better way of putting it, how you eat / your eating habbits


Premium Subscriber
you don't realize how much just your diet has to do with it. what your eating, how much you eat and when you eat it, 3 main points. if you keep everything in moderation and throw in a little exercise you should be fine. i have seen so many people at the gym that are fat but yet they are there all the time. they just don't monitor their diet correctly and it's not as easy as just saying i can skip a meal or drink more coffee or energy drinks. just in general if your body doesn't get the correct nutrients at the right times of day that can throw everything out of wack. the exercise is great but it doesn't have as much to do with it as your diet or a better way of putting it, how you eat / your eating habbits

I notice you don't address.... ahem..... the finer things in life, like :beer OR :bushmill:

There are absolutely no carbs in my brand of whiskey and the sugar is all sugar alcohol which makes me very happy. Even my doctor says, as long as I don't drink to get drunk and over-do-it :rolleyes:

I don't drink to get drunk. I just drink cause I like it alot. The drunk is just a by-product.... not my goal :covereyes:


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New Member
you don't realize how much just your diet has to do with it. what your eating, how much you eat and when you eat it, 3 main points. if you keep everything in moderation and throw in a little exercise you should be fine. i have seen so many people at the gym that are fat but yet they are there all the time. they just don't monitor their diet correctly and it's not as easy as just saying i can skip a meal or drink more coffee or energy drinks. just in general if your body doesn't get the correct nutrients at the right times of day that can throw everything out of wack. the exercise is great but it doesn't have as much to do with it as your diet or a better way of putting it, how you eat / your eating habbits

so true! I think that is why Weight Watchers works for me as it is based on eating right and paying attention to what you are eating. what I like about it is that it is simple and easy to do. exercise helps as a body is like a car and if your car is being driven, it uses fuel and so does your body. the people that are still fat and working out just are putting more fuel in than their body needs so the two go hand and hand.

congrats to all!


New Member
I notice you don't address.... ahem..... the finer things in life, like :beer OR :bushmill:

There are absolutely no carbs in my brand of whiskey and the sugar is all sugar alcohol which makes me very happy. Even my doctor says, as long as I don't drink to get drunk and over-do-it :rolleyes:
I don't drink to get drunk. I just drink cause I like it alot. The drunk is just a by-product.... not my goal :covereyes:

i am with you there gino and i don't address it because booze and cigars are like my chocolate cake if i was a fat man...haha again everything in moderation...i moderatly drink and smoke as much as i want (just kidding)

Pat Whatley

New Member
My boys are three and have already gotten to the point where I can't keep up with them. Right after Thanksgiving I made a decision to lose about 200 pounds. Yes, dammit, I said 200 pounds. Went to the doctor for my first physical in 20 years and told her up front that I wasn't coming back if I got the impression she was trying to be nice instead of honest. I've now got the coolest doctor ever. She mentioned that I might want to find a group of people who would hold me accountable for staying on track and gave me a list of suggestions.....I decided to say screw that and I guess I'm using you guys.

Six weeks later I'm down 24 pounds....she bitched at me because the goal was 28. Gotta drop another 15 by the end of January.

Oh yeah, whiskey is a hell of a lot better for you than Diet Coke.


New Member
200 pounds?! Damn! You've got a tough road ahead... At least you have a built in incentive program... those 3 year olds are gonna need their daddy to be around for a long time.


New Member
Watch out with the wiskey Pat it can play games with you when designing. Things looks straight at the end of the day but the next morning are all screwed up!hehehe


Premium Subscriber
Great going, Pat. I know a guy who got on this diet mode and lost about 180lbs. Took him almost a year. He's still a big man at about 205lbs. He did it and you could slowly see he shed a small person.

Anyway, he got careless and thought, well a little here... a little there won't hurt, I can always lose it again. He started putting it back on so much faster than he lost it..... and now he looks bigger than he did a year ago. He started last November and lost it all by about this past September/October and I just saw him at a Christmas party and he was eating everything in sight and said, he's gonna start again come January.... we'll see.

If you're gonna use the good folks here at s101, why don't you start a thread and check in and let us ask questions and we can all help each other.

One thing more, losing weight is great, but if you lose it too quickly, I forget what's it's called, but you quickly will start NOT seeing as good as results as your body goes into some kind of starvation mode and starts storing fat because it feels ignored, so eat plenty of mini-meals and most of the time this won't happen. However, it you're following a strict doctor's program, just disregard what I just said, because they always know best.... because they're still practicing.

Good Luck.............. :thumb:


Premium Subscriber
Watch out with the wiskey Pat it can play games with you when designing. Things looks straight at the end of the day but the next morning are all screwed up!hehehe

You kind sir, have no clue as to what you are talking about. :Oops:


New Member
Here's a little update..

Down to 184lbs. Running a lot more than before, faster and stronger at it. Besides watching my diet, running is the greatest thing I've done for my weight loss.

and a little before and after..

Heres a picture from 6/03/2009 from the pimpashirt thread.. The shirt was a size Large, brand new. It shrunk a lot after I washed it so I never wore it much after taking this picture. It's short too so you could see my belly every time i picked my arms up. Ew.

Here is a few minutes ago.. Oh look, I have a neck. Don't mind my unkempt appearance.. I woke up and started cleaning my closet.


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New Member
nice going Tony!

Pat, if I can offer up a suggestion. along the way, make sure to award yourself for all that you do from turning down something you thought you wanted or for pounds that come off. build yourself a bunch of good experiences and great memories and use those to get you thru hard times. when you have good experiences to pull out when making a choice to have that treat or not, the treat can't compete with those memories. it may sound lame but it really helps. best of luck to you Pat!