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Search results

  1. HELP! Mimaki cjv 30-160

    So, on that unit their is a 500mm square adjustment in service mode. (#Adjust 500mm Square). It will draw a square box 500mm X 500mm and you have to physically measure to verify the scan an feed directions are equal to 500mm. If less or more you enter in value for how much it’s off. You’ll need...
  2. Need Help Mimaki JFX200

    Here is a picture. The new version is the one in the plastic.
  3. Need Help Mimaki JFX200

    So the new optical cable is different then the old one so you would need the conversion kit. E108334 - Optical conversion PCB E108337 - Slider Relay PCB AYG4V1F0HWH1 - Optical Fiber Code M523231 - Holding plate M523624 - Connector Plate
  4. Need Help Mimaki JFX200

    This is an optical cable issue for sure. If you have the older version you’ll need to get the newer one with the conversion kit.
  5. Question CJV300-160 Problems.

    Make sure your MECASIZ value is set too “7”. You have a 160 right?
  6. Getting Gradation in Print Results. (Mimaki UJF-6042 MKii)

    Did you wash the machine and replace all the ink filters? If not it will take some time for all the old ink to leave the system. Sounds like ink mixing. Also, make sure you are now using LUS120 profiles.
  7. Question CJV300-160 Problems.

    In the “System Perameter” menu what’s the “INTIAL” value (#130)? Is it set to zero (0)? Also, what’s steps did you take while moving the machine? What perimeters or what did you change while in service mode? Was the machine shipping or just moved to a location near by you?
  8. Question CJV300-160 Problems.

    As long as your printhead is completely capped you shouldn’t have any issues letting it sit for a day.
  9. Rasterlink 6 job arranged out of print area

    Yeah WIN 10 does cause issues. I would upgrade your Rasterlink to the latest version 6-Plus version 1.9 (be sure to download version 1.2 first). Mimaki doesn’t even support Rasterlink 6 anymore.
  10. Rasterlink 6 job arranged out of print area

    Uninstall Rasterlink and reinstall it. If it was working fine before it should be working fine now if you didn’t change anything. Or go on Mimaki’s website > support > downloads and download version 6 Plus 1.2 > 1.9 its free with your Key.
  11. Rasterlink 6 job arranged out of print area

    Are you using Rasterlink 6Plus? What version? You do have to account for the space the registration marks take up if you are printing edge to edge.
  12. Mimaki UCJV300-160 supply ink error.. HELP

    Are you getting 61A and 61B errors? Have you tried running “Overflow” in the maintenance menu? Also, I would verify that the float sensors on the ink supply tanks are working properly. The sub tanks above the printheads have built in filters and sensors so verify they are not saturated with ink...
  13. Mimaki CJV30-130 Dripping Ink I need to resolve issue.

    How are your nozzle test prints? I would verify the cap position and adjust if needed. If you have never replaced your dampers I would suggest you do that. You said the print head and caps are brand new?
  14. Rasterlink 6 job arranged out of print area

    Make sure the media size detect option in Rasterlink is set to “Auto” and not Manual; then verify it has the correct value that matches your roll media size. Use the green refresher button if needed. Next in the “General Print” tab verify that your image is in the print area.
  15. Question CJV300-160 Problems.

    Hello, You need to change the MECAtyp initial value to “0” in system parameters. This will boot your machine up as a CJV300. Since your machine is a 160 make sure the MECASIZ value is set too “7”
  16. Colors not matching UCVJ300

    I would print out a Pantone color chart using the profile of your choice. Then select the Pantone color that best fits your job from the color chart you previously printed. As long as you bring the file into RasterLink as CYMK you can you the color replacement function in RasterLink to input the...
  17. Question JFX-200 read out over all printed Area

    Press the [Function] button and then select [Information]. Under {Usage} you can find all the information your looking for.
  18. JFX200 Printhead

    What’s your e-mail address?
  19. Need Help Seeking Flatbed UV printer for outsourcing in Middle TN area

    What’s your e-mail address I may have some options for you. Try Valley Signs and Survey or Joslin Signs. I have contacts at both companies
  20. Question UCJV300 white ink cracking

    VanderJ is right. You can’t adjust the UV irradiation on the UCJV via RasterLink “UV Mode”. Had my machines mixed up.