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Search results

  1. Ever been to Havana Cuba?

    Id like to go.
  2. Salary for experienced digital operator?

    I found one guy....ex military....referred to me by a friend who I trained from scratch. He's a GOOD operator whom I trust to print the jobs I need done. He had the mental and personal attitude that makes him good at anything he wants to learn to do. If you dont find someone experienced, you...
  3. Your Company Vehicle

    Wish I could commute on this!! She gets a lot of use on the weekends though!
  4. Wyld GFI!

    Thanks John...always a pleasure working with you!! I will definitely pass the word onto the guys in the back....
  5. Need help when printing spot colors!!

    Yeah....best advice is to do that. I use PMS colors...not roland and typically just go with the RGB or CMYK values to go thru the roland. we have really good results using the values like that. VS doesnt pickup on PMS colors unless you program them I guess. I dont know if there is an...
  6. Need help when printing spot colors!!

    :help:help really??!! wow....what kind of spot colors...PMS or roland?
  7. Boat Wrap Problems

    I used 36in IJ 180 CV3 on my boat....has worked great for last season. I fish saltwater on my 27ft worldcat...only scuffs are from me hitting a dock here and there. We hit some heavy seas too on it and get tossed some from boat wakes and all. Being a cat, I have essentially 2 bows... We...
  8. Need help when printing spot colors!!

    If you save as .eps....you have a couple options there. Look for Gradient compatibility and switch it on...or check the box. at the bottom...you have postscript level 2 or 3. Try using the level 3. It might help....it does sound more like a VS problem and not Illy. Also...check some of the...
  9. Need help when printing spot colors!!

    what software are you generating the artwork in? I know from Illustrator I choose Postscript Level 3 and gradient compatibility for particularly vexing ones...
  10. Recording customer payments, How do you keep track?

    Everything for us is documented in Quickbooks. We keep ALL slips on a monthly basis for CC payments and those are filed to be sure. Paypal can be same thing...print out and and put confirmation # in QB as reference....check # and date...etc. Not too difficult actually. People can make...
  11. Need help when printing spot colors!!

    I have not had any issues recently...as have not upgraded to most current version. My gradients still working fine. Did you notice any settings changed in your profiles that you utilize for printing???? Its possible something you did defaulted to a stock roland setting....ive had that happen...
  12. NFIB is a bunch of harrasing jackals.

    How about THEM paying US to be members!
  13. Oracal 3551RA

    IJ 40 would be my bet.
  14. Buying a Laminator in 2 Days. Which one?

    We have a Royal Soverign with heat assist...its been fantastic for the years we have had it. Seems to be going in and out of adjustment as it gets older and used more and more now.
  15. Air in ink feed lines

    may want to syringe some ink thru...just to be sure.
  16. Digitally Printed Window Shades - Source?

    It really depends on what you are looking for. Just regular white mesh...can do yourself. Specialty mesh from higher-end specialty suppliers, you have to be able to have the ink fall thru the mesh. We have a lot of experience with doing shade prints....not mounting the mechanism.
  17. Recent UPS delivery problems.

    I got a roll of Clear vinyl in from my supplier in Maryland last week....sans box! The cardboard that the label was stuck on was taped with the label....to the roll. Needless to say I laughed at it...took the material in and called my supplier. They absolutely could not believe there was no...
  18. Major Failure of IJ 35-20

    JCD had nothing to do with this one Mike.
  19. Major Failure of IJ 35-20

    Job wasnt for anyone here on 101
  20. dampers???????

    Try ebay if you dare....or give Bigfish DM a shout. Im sure there are also other vendors on the west coast with good pricing.