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Search results

  1. Need Help Panel jobs get double cut on the edge line

    Single color cut job. No printing involved.
  2. Need Help Panel jobs get double cut on the edge line

    So when I'm cutting a large decal (single color die-cut style) into smaller sections I adjust the panel size to a size that will fit my material and cut each panel as separate jobs. But in doing so the straight line it makes seems to get cut twice on the first panel I make. Then I think it...
  3. Contour cuts at 40 inches

    I had a hard time with prints being off even on shorter runs if there were lots of cuts. I swapped out my pinch rollers and it made it exponentially more accurate. I feel it's more accurate now down the length of the roll compared to the width. Coincidentally I own an X3.
  4. Some colors randomly not getting ripped.

    I guess I'm lucky. I just close down PM and restart and that seems to fix it. When it first started happening I wasn't sure if it was the printer, the computer or Flexi so I'd simply restart everything. But since you can see in the rip some colors aren't getting processed it appears it is all...
  5. Why won't my "Easy Weed" setting save/stay?

    Here is the example I dealt with tonight. This is a large set of waving checkered flags. It decided to cut around every little checker around the edge. Even cut out some inside spots (shown already weeded as small rectangles) within parts that will also have to be removed anyway. Not sure...
  6. Some colors randomly not getting ripped.

    I have seen this several times over the last few months. I will hit send on a print and come back to see it didn't print a certain color that is in the file. It is always a vector color and the other colors that are in the file print fine. Even more odd was today I ran a print and the first...
  7. Looking to Purchase a 30” Roland Printer/Cutter...What do you Recommend?

    New? Used? Budget? What do you plan to use it for? Those answers will help others determine what will work best. I have been running a SP-300V for about 10 years now. It is slow but gets the job done for the small amount we do. I know it in and out so maintenance is pretty easy for me to do...
  8. Suggestions Recommendations of home office printers that do stickers/decals?

    As others have said, just outsourcing will be easiest. But if you have to do it yourself, and you can live with standard label sizes, ordering from onlinelabels.com and printing with a normal printer will be cheapest. To make them "outdoor durable" you can always rattle can over them. Though...
  9. Need Help outline isnt solid

    I've had this happen before. Play with the numbers with the up/down arrows and it should come back. I just played with mine and it grayed out the backing. But once I changed the numbers it came back.
  10. web page display

    You can also hit Crtl+0 and it will go back to the default sizing in your browser.
  11. Paint guard removal advice

    On my car it came off pretty easy. But I did it during the summer and the stuff was only a few years old (and probably garaged the entire time too). The car is fiberglass and carbon fiber and neither gave me any issues since it was warm and mostly came off in large sections.
  12. Print - Cut off

    New pinch rollers solved my issue on my SP when it started getting bad on just about a yard of media.
  13. Printing panel length issue

    If I understand correctly you should just be able to go under "Default Job Properties" in PM and set to any length you want. I have mine set to 29x600 but always poll the width to be sure I'm not printing anything off the roll.
  14. Need Help SP300V printing from original to light color

    Agree with unclebun. Though you can check your connections too just to make sure you aren't getting a vacuum leak around the seals which will cause a similar issue. But more than likely it's just time to replace your dampers.
  15. The cut-line are not complete - not closed

    First, is the sheet the same size as for car graphics? Just double checking that the ones that are giving you issue fit on the sheet. If it's close then that small margin could be causing the issue. I normally try and "poll" the plotter if the sheet size changes to make sure it is all fitting...
  16. ICC Profiles

    I've probably used an entire roll testing different profiles and tweaking them over the years. I found that 3M-IJ180-C was pretty close using Flexi for my SP-300V. But had to tweak it some using an i1 to get it "perfect". I use that profile 99% of the time unless I am printing a graphic from...
  17. Need Help SP300V problems after maintenance

    I have in the past just drawn a long rectangle in the color that isn't fully firing and printed it just so you aren't wasting so much ink of other colors. Hasn't always worked but sometimes it has gotten those spots to start working. A good head soak may be required too depending on how long...
  18. What print cut solution for long prints

    I'll second checking/replacing the pinch roller since they aren't expensive or hard to swap out. I had the same problem but it even started giving me issues if I had a bunch of cuts on a smaller sheet. Swapping out the rollers made it act like a new machine. I just did two 72 inch long...
  19. Random white spots on red.

    UPDATE: Seems like it must be media contamination. While I have had problems on other media on occasion, my go to is Orajet 3164. So I see it a lot more on that than any other. Well last month I accidentally got 3164RA and don't recall having any issues with it. This week just got a new roll...
  20. Flexi Cloud Update SP5 Build 2898

    This is interesting because I see mine "update" all the time but I am only on SP3 p4. I just assumed when it did the updates I was getting the newest service packs but I guess not. Now I'm afraid to update.