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Search results

  1. Discussion Decision: CNC Router or small digital printer?

    Laser cutters are getting cheaper and are (at least around here) even less common than CNCs. They're versatile and they're fun. Even with a small one, you can still do sizeable dimensional letters. Laser engraved wood looks very nice. Opens up a lot of options.
  2. Cutting Sintra

    Use the heavy duty blades in your KeenCut and make two or three passes instead of trying to go through in one.
  3. Seems to be no pressure on cutting feature

    Does it happen on everything you try to cut?
  4. Getting ready for ISA 2018 Orlando

    I'll stop by and say hello! You gonna have any samples of that iDot? ;)
  5. Employee Morale

    Eh, my wife says I’m only right when we’re in the car. Maybe she’s on to something. Backstab your way to the top, people!
  6. Need Help Frosted Acrylic Sign?

    Direct print. If you don't have that capability, color match and print on vinyl or use color matched cut vinyl (or as close as you can get). If you just want to have one made, DM me for a quote.
  7. Employee Morale

    That's also true. The gist is: be nice to your employees. Not everybody gets that though. They're usually CEOs making $200,000 a minute. Backstabbing and using other people as stepping stones gets you to the top apparently. Maybe nobody should listen to me. Haha!
  8. Employee Morale

    You're not wrong. The adage "with age comes wisdom" has stood the test of time for a reason. I realize not all small companies can afford to do these things, but any effort is better than none. If you can't pay your employees more or provide monetary benefits, give them a sense of ownership and...
  9. Employee Morale

    I'd also like to point out that you have to have something tangible to reward employees. A paycheck is not a reward. That's a payment for services rendered. Bonuses are rewards. Unexpected PTO is a reward. Lunches are a reward. A get together or a party during work hours is a reward. Conversely...
  10. Employee Morale

    Profit sharing does actually work when you have employees who feel invested in the company. Of course, there are always employees who don't give two turds and nothing will motivate them.
  11. Employee Morale

    That's fine, but the work force is changing. Younger folks these days are aware that they're not getting a fair shake. Baby boomers have trashed the economy, ruined the distribution of wealth, and are currently digging the hole even deeper before they finally check out. The baby boomer...
  12. Employee Morale

    That is sometimes a definite morale booster.
  13. Does anyone own a Industrial CNC?

    I can't stress enough the point of getting a big table. You can always make adjustments to your tools and bits, but you can never upgrade to a bigger table without buying a new machine. You can always cut smaller jobs on a bigger table, but you'll never be able to do a bigger job on a small...
  14. Employee Morale

    A lot of people seem to think it's still the 1950s. If you don't care about employee morale, you're not only a crappy boss, but you're also a [donkey]. Plain and simple. The days of "suck it up and take your medicine" are gone. People are more aware of the value of their labor and they're aware...
  15. Employee Morale

    Lunches for the shop on employee birthdays (employee picks), free food when OT is required, holiday parties (usually end up being half days), yearly raises, bonuses when the shop is doing well, music on the production floor. There are SO many little, inexpensive things that make employees happy...
  16. Need Help Urgent!! Anyone know how to build a smooth gradient without banding in illustrator.?

    This is more likely a limitation of your printer than Illustrator. Got any pictures of the print?
  17. Who would have produced these for Trump??

    Howdy, neighborino!
  18. MDO or ACM? When to use what?

    Agreed. It's not just MDO either, all lumber has gone down in quality over the last 20 years. It's a crap shoot as to how many bananas you're going to get when you order a lumber package.
  19. Need Help How to get this effect?

    Good catch. I didn't notice that.
  20. Meet Mr Roomba - Our Union Employee

    Hope y'all are getting him a nice watch or something for his sending off.