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Search results

  1. Bigdawg

    I hope he's on a quick road to recovery Stacy. If he's half as tough as you are he'll be fine.
  2. Empty HP9000 and Seiko cartridges wanted

    Staples pays $6 for HP 9000s cartridges? I have a lot of them too.
  3. Be safe iSign and Artildawn...

    I was thinking the same thing. Prayers for all of our South American and island friends in harms way.
  4. Malware-virus

    Techman helped me through one of these terrible things a few months ago. I hope there is a special place in Hell for the creators of these vicious viruses!
  5. It's called ingenuity

    Gettin' called a redneck by Mosh... Flame, you have arrived!
  6. Partial Wrap Critique

    I like the top one from your first post. I'd put the website in place of the "Serving ... Since 2005" though. I think it's clean and professional. Disclaimer: I'm viewing this on an iPhone.
  7. Help!!! Ultraflex banner printing problem

    I had the same issue with one roll of UltraFlex -- I returned it and got a new roll (great customer service from our supplier) and the new roll ran with no problems. All of the above suggestions are valid, especially room temperature and humidity, but sometimes you just get a bad roll.
  8. (Forced) New Direction

    Good luck. I've heard that Coeur d’Alene is a beautiful place. Sounds like a great place to build a business too.
  9. If a Major Company was Charged with Inventing a Stop Sign.

    :cool1: I'll just stay out of the NHB political section until after the midterms :Big Laugh.
  10. If a Major Company was Charged with Inventing a Stop Sign.

    Ha! That's perfect. What's really amazing is that I can finally agree with Cptcorn on something. Good post!
  11. Daige Solo

    We have two Daige 3's, one for cast and one for calendared. We've been happy with them for years. I've never had the need to laminate 100' in a single pass (ever heard of tiling?) and I don't think I ever will. The main thing is to set proper tension and alignment. I've never used the Solo, but...
  12. Western States Sign Show

    Good luck at the show and enjoy the weather. Don't have big expectations on the size of the show and you might not be disappointed. You can do the show in 2 hours tops.
  13. THANK YOU Weaselboogie************

    Wow!! That is great stuff!
  14. New Twist on an Old Scam...

    Jeez -- some shops must still fall for this every now and then.
  15. New Twist on an Old Scam...

    I got a call today from a guy claiming to be from an "on-line relay center". He asked if I knew what that was, I said no. He explained that someone was typing a message to his service and that he was relaying the message by phone. He said this was a way for people to "save money on long distance...
  16. How do you make this sign??? Help please :?

    Don't you just love crazy little jobs like these? You know that the perceived value of something like this for the customer is incredibly low -- yet they are incredibly high on our time consumption scale. Would just standard 024 gauge steel be too thick?
  17. Happy Birthday Pat Whatley

    I remember when 40 seemed soooo old -- not anymore! Happy Birthday!
  18. 4' x 10' Banner

    Looks great Jill!! -- And I agree with your comments. Good point by Pat White -- Jfiscus never claimed that it was a spectacular layout -- it was just a recent job to get some feedback on. The snide little one line putdowns with no helpful input serve no purpose.
  19. Left or Right Handed?

    \\ Ouch!!
  20. Accepting Credit Cards

    Most of my clients still pay by check because we have a long established billing relationship with most of them. I've accepted CC for for several years though. I have the Costco setup with the swiper and printer now. The rates are good.