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Search results

  1. 2011 Fonts Of The Year

    Thought this was interesting.... http://new.myfonts.com/newsletters/sp/201201.html
  2. Customer quote of the day

    Me: How can I help you today? Him: Man, I live in them apartments across the street and we got a pit bull and she's about to have puppies cause we got her bred to my boys dog and we gonna try to sell the puppies and I need a sign to let people know we got them for $250 because everybody else...
  3. Roland plotter cutting random numbers

    I'm trying to install an old PNC-1000a on a computer running Windows 7 and Flexisign 8. We're connecting through the USB to PARALLEL connector we used on a Windows XP computer with no trouble. On the new computer, though, when we send a job to the plotter it starts cutting a row of random...
  4. Wing restaurant logo

    Local very small restaurant is changing it's focus from hot dogs to wings. She's by no means a sports bar, place only seats about 25 people, she's only open for lunch, and a majority of her clientele will come from the large office building across the street. She wants a pile of chicken wings...
  5. Font ID please.

    I should know this. Back in the dark ages I had to use it all the time. Can somebody identify this so I can reproduce this turd?
  6. Calvin and Hobbes Christmas video

    Ahhhh....nostalgia. http://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_embedded&v=pq8iyhMFLYE
  7. Need design brainstorming help, please.

    I was contacted about this project because I know a guy who knows the guy. They need a logo design they can use for fundraising purposes and I told them I could see what I could do.....and I'm just not getting there. I've tossed it around mentally for a week now, sketched stuff on the dry...
  8. Woo Hoo! Economy is recovering!

    FedEx showed up and had damn fine gifts from TWO of my suppliers! Yesterday I got a Visa gift card from a customer I've jumped through hoops for all year long and another customer dropped off homemade cookies last week. Considering I haven't gotten as much as a Christmas card in the two years...
  9. The irony is laughable.

    Got this "official" artwork today.
  10. Ouch!

    Running invoices tonight and got to one for a construction company. They've been working on three different apartment complexes for the last few years and each time they finish a phase they order 6" Gemini letters from me. Well, a couple of weeks ago they faxed over an order for 46 three digit...
  11. How do multiple rolls of vinyl come in from your supplier?

    I've got a supplier I'd rather not name just yet that I buy the vast majority of my 24" vinyl from. If I order two 24" x 50 yard rolls of vinyl from them they stack them both into a 48" long box so you've got two 20 pound boxes on each end and a little cardboard in the middle. Every order I...
  12. Your first computerized signs....

    Had to look up a job for a customer today that was so old I thought we'd done in back in the Gerber 4B days. That got me to wondering what the oldest sign jobs I've got saved were. I still remember the very first sign I made when we got our first computer with a screen but it wasn't backed up...
  13. So it's pouring down rain....

    So it's pouring down rain. That's a pretty insignificant event until you remember that you were planning on FINALLY bringing the new computer to the shop today, carried it as far as the driveway before putting it down to chase after a couple of 3 year olds on big wheels, then promptly got in...
  14. Font or Custom Lettering?

    Any ideas? I love the flow of this.
  15. Can I heat my shop with a kerosene heater?

    Ignore the fire hazard part of that....if I try to heat 1000 sf of my shop with a 28,000 btu kerosene heater am I going to die of carbon monoxide poisoning or oxygen deprivation? I've researched the heck out of it online and like most information I find on the internet "facts" are hard to come...
  16. It's Christmas Float time again....

    Somebody give me a theme for a Christmas float that isn't overly Christmas.....more like anything that's not Christmas that we can stick a Santa hat on and call it a Christmas float. Apparently we're going to continue the trend of half-assing a float one year, then putting actual effort into it...
  17. Name That Font

    Emerald. Any ideas?
  18. Hall of Fame threads

    Now that Addy's latest thread has been locked down it's going to disappear into the abyss of old posts. I think there should be a Hall of Fame section for some of the more entertaining threads that have come along over the years like the Corn Dog thread, some of the design threads like the Fish...
  19. Dang quick way to remove vinyl letters!

    Had to replace the dates on a banner that was vinyl lettered. Pulled off the old dates, stuck on the new ones, then realized that I'd forgotten to clean the adhesive. All three bottles of Rapid Remover have made their way into the shop truck...which isn't here at the moment. Looking at what I...
  20. How to cut 20,000 reflective letters?

    I just got a purchase order to produce a job I bid on a couple of weeks ago. The job will need.... NO ENTRY cut 500 times, 5" x 21", in reflective red lettering. POULTRY ONLY cut 1000 times, 3" x 36", in reflective red lettering. I bid this job based on cutting it on one of my Summa D60...