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Search results

  1. A different kind of before/after.

    Some of you have already heard the whole story behind this and I'm not dragging it out again. I've spent the first part of this year really pushing a higher end product in an attempt to get away from the commodity end of this business (regardless of what Bob believes). As a part of that...
  2. Nah, just stick in new faces...I'm sure it will hold

    Whoops. A friend sent me this, made me think of the thread a few weeks back about a customer wanting to reuse a dangerously broken cabinet.
  3. Design then tweak, tweak, tweak, tweak

    About a year ago I posted a logo design I was working on for a local music festival. For the past year every couple of weeks I find myself fiddling with it. Last night I was looking for the final version we'd decided to use and realized how many different versions I had saved....and these are...
  4. Caine's Arcade

    Good lord....I can't do anything today without seeing a link to this or a comment about it or hearing a news story about it. In case you haven't see it...http://cainesarcade.com/2012/04/caines-arcade-short-film/ In one week it's gotten 3 million views and raised over $140,000 for his...
  5. Nooooo!!!! F*#()ing microsoft.

    My boys wanted to watch The Avengers cartoons on Netflix tonight. The Microsoft Silverlight player wouldn't load. Spent two hours trying to fix the problem, uninstalled, reinstalled, jiggled wires, googled, everything I could think of. Finally called Netflix, they walked me through some...
  6. Hey INCY....

    Isn't it about time to update that banner ad?
  7. Logo design for you to destroy

    Yes, I am doing a logo design for a graphic designer. Don't judge me....judge these. He's a broker....he'll do basic design work himself, anything more complex he subs out. Pick them apart, abuse me, talk bad about my dog.....I don't care. Negative input accepted, smart-assed input encouraged.
  8. Glow In The Dark Vinyl making my brain hurt

    Short version of the story...guy orders $1500 worth of signs for his parking lot and wants "those signs that shine when the lights on them." Make him $1500 worth of signs using crystal grade reflective that will blind people driving in the parking lot. He picks them up and installs them...
  9. $4500 CNC....even cuts concrete

    Ran across this tonight... http://www.concreteprinter.com
  10. Gold Rush...don't hate me.

    I know, we've beaten the dang dead horse into the ground about the show not being real and it all being set up and it's actually being filmed on a sound stage in Albuquerque. I recorded it and scanned through it in about 10 minutes tonight just to see if my hopes that the Parker kid finds a 12...
  11. Design inspiration site

    http://www.ohbeautifulbeer.com/ Modern beer labels, most from independent brewers and small time bottlers. The design work is clean and some of it is outstanding. Kind of modern, kind of retro, damn sure talented. If you see something you like click on the READ MORE button below it for a lot...
  12. ProWraps, hate to break your heart but...

    Pawn Stars is fake, too. http://centraltendencies.com/2011/03/pawn-stars-is-fake/
  13. Need a supplier for large brushed mylar decals

    Stouse doesn't print them this large and none of my other suppliers prints exterior brushed silver mylar, they all want to digitally print a brushed silver pattern on them which looks cheap. I need to find someone out there who can digitally print or screen print truck door decals on brushed...
  14. An open letter to ProWraps

    Put down the remote and quit watching so much reality television. Brandi is never going to be seen in Alaska wearing an alligator skin g-string and giving Todd a lap dance in the back of a delivery truck that's been built by West Coast Customs. .
  15. Free retro font site

    http://losttype.com/browse/ Some pretty strong stuff, with free commercial use licensing. Let me rephrase that. They aren't "free". They let you name your own price. If you choose to show the designer a little love you can enter any amount you'd like and it will shoot you over to Paypal...
  16. USPS Tracking is a joke :)

    What is the deal with USPS tracking? Why would anyone actually pay for it? Fed Ex tracking....Fed Ex can tell you what plane your package is on, where that plane is on route, and who the pilot is. UPS tracking....They can tell you what hub your package was last in and what hub it will be in...
  17. Matte finish over gloss laminate?

    So I clustered up an order. I had three 42" x 42" digital prints (oracal 3651) and laminated with gloss laminate. Got them in, mounted them to Gatorfoam, cut them to shape, sanded the edges, and called my customer. Then I found out they were supposed to have a matte finish (my fault, not...
  18. What, exactly, makes sign people qualified to design anything?

    A thought occurred to me (again) while working on a logo design last night that I eventually realized was going to be a complete failure. I called my customer this morning and referred her to a freelance designer friend of mine. My thought was why, exactly, do most sign people (myself...
  19. Gold Rush Alaska...again

    Watched Gold Rush tonight. Can somebody PLEASE explain to me how Todd manages to survive week to week? Is it because the cameras are there and everybody is scared to kill him and feed him to the bears? Every single week on the show Todd makes some dumbassed decision that costs them a bunch of...
  20. Fotoshop by Adobé

    Okay, I thought it was funny. http://vimeo.com/34813864