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Search results

  1. Self Portrait Designed in CorelDRAW

    So I was asked to send in content for some ads for CorelDRAW X7. They wanted me to include a profile pic to go with it and said that some of the artists were using self portraits designed in CorelDRAW, I sent in the one I have as an Avatar here that I also use on our website and on social...
  2. Before and After Cleaning Service Logo

    The customer came in wanting us to recreate the first design for vehicle lettering, they left having hired us to design a new logo. I put a new "spin" on it. :ROFLMAO: I'm sorry that was pretty lame. Back to work I go...
  3. Painted Billboard

    Here's one we just wrapped up. Nova Color on .080 aluminum. It still has to be installed yet.
  4. Throwback Thursday: Post your logo over the years.

    How has your logo/brand/image changed over the years? This was one of the first signs, when the business was painting and decorating. The paint on this one is still holding up well after all these years. It's inside the shop now: This is the logo over the years. Most of these were taking...
  5. Throwback Thursday: post your first set of wheels.

    Just a little afternoon fun... post your first car or truck and tell us a little about her (or him). Throughout high school I always drove the company truck. My parents weren't the type to buy me or my brothers cars when we turned 16. I was luckey I had anything to drive. However you couldn't...
  6. Speaking of building things...

    We've been inspired by the last few posts about building work tables and what not. It's not the same thing (although it is a table of sorts that I do work on) but we just finished making a new desk. Here it is: It's all oak. My dad, brother and I worked on it a little here and a little there...
  7. It's not even close to that time of year, but....

    Now's the time to get a head-start on the Halloween season.
  8. Making use of unused artwork.

    The city was working with us to do another mural in town, however the mural sponsor dropped out and left us all hanging. But the silver lining is that I was able to use parts of the design for another project for the city. All is well that ends well.
  9. CorelDRAW webinar coming up in about an hour.

    I'm doing another FREE webinar at 11:00 - 12:00 cst today. I thought I would give you Corel users a heads up: https://www1.gotomeeting.com/register/596319457
  10. One of our designs made it on a Super Bowl Commercial.

    This commercial aired during the Super Bowl, last night: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wFHrmcGA9Ek&feature=share Check out the mural @ 0:13. That's good advertisement for our small town.
  11. Does anyone speak Chinese?

    http://tv.sohu.com/20131029/n389157655.shtml?pvid=8e09672c86e4181e&ptag=vsogou So we had a Chinese Reality Show episode filmed in Pontiac (my hometown) last summer. I have no clue what they are saying though. LOL Hopefully good things. The one guy is a Chinese Movie Star. Xuebing Wang. One...
  12. Happy Holidays Everyone!

  13. Sci Fi Logo

    This is a logo for a project I'm working on:
  14. Walldogs featured in IL tourism video. Check it out.

  15. Restaurant Logo

    This is a fictitious brand I designed for Roland: It would be a restaurant with a magic theme.
  16. I so want to post a PM here.

    What's the rules on posting PM's because I've got one here that is hilarious. It's Friday after all.
  17. Mechanic Shirt Design

    This is for one of the museums here in town.
  18. New Partial Wrap for Shop Truck

    I was going to go with subtle... LOL
  19. respecting territories

    Ok, so we got a contact through our site a little while ago to do a logo. We called the person back and discussed the project. This person told us we were recommended by another client of ours, and so he went to our site, liked what he saw, and wanted to hire us. Keep in mind we didn't go...
  20. Which one?

    Clearly option C is the "safe" pick, but what do you all think. We are all kind of split here at the shop. LOL I personally like B myself.