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Search results

  1. Vantablack

    there's now an alternative to kapoors vantablack, "black 3.0". It's quite a silly story actually. https://www.fastcompany.com/90300113/move-over-vantablack-you-can-now-buy-the-worlds-blackest-black-paint
  2. Which Printer to Use?

  3. Touching up prints.

    "Vaporware" if you're being civil, "bunch of f*ckin horsesh*t" if you're not.
  4. Need Help Need help with a calculation

    There are times when this would be necessary, like a garage door or somesuch, but this is not one of those times. When it is one of those times, what i do is take a known length of scrap vinyl, apply it, then measure the length on the corrugated area. that will give you the ratio of 'stretch'...
  5. What would cause vinyl discoloration like this?

    At least once a month i'll have a phone call/walk in like: "How much to wrap my car?" "oh, well that depends on the size and shape and the kind of finish, yada yada, but somewhere between $3&6k" "WHAT?!? THREE GRAND TO PUT A GOD DAMN STICKER ON MY DOORS?! WHAT THE...." Followed by me...
  6. What's the perfect resolution for a larger poster print?

    some people think an A3 is large... i'd agree 72dpi is 'enough' if the poster is A1 or bigger. i'd say minimum was 150dpi if it's smaller than a1. 'perfect' resolution? 600dpi :p
  7. Font Help Font ID: Toyota MR-2 'super edition'

    We're in Auckland, New Zealand, so that is VERY unlikely. :D
  8. Font Help Font ID: Toyota MR-2 'super edition'

    Aw, did you make that? Appreciate it, but my trace was better :P ( i had a better source file than the attachment) I ended up using it, only an overly-critical signperson is going to notice it's not perfect.
  9. Font Help Font ID: Toyota MR-2 'super edition'

    I'm not even sure it is a font? i hope so. i've had a go tracing it, but i didn't like the result. Just helping out a retiree who loves his little rear-engined rice rocket.
  10. Touching up scratches on your graphics.

    Those are just a vaporware scam, aren't they? i love the idea can't see it being possible to manufacture...
  11. Need Help At what Ink level do you replace your ink

    the only time i wouldn't run it to zero is if i was printing a large dark panel, even then, if it was yellow, no big deal. i've found if you change mid print on a deep navy blue for example, there can be (but not always) a light line. depending on the price of the stock i'm running i might risk...
  12. Please convert all fonts when creating your pdf's

    What a lot of BS. that hasn't really been a problem since the 90s, if you know your software.
  13. DTG worth it?

    I worked as one of 2 staff running 2 kornit breeze machines and a deconetwork web interface. you can definitely make good money, but you really want 'techy' types running the machines, they do require quite involved maintenance that i would not expect any minimum wage worker to be capable of.
  14. Creating glass etch look

    I can't imagine this working without white ink. I can't actually imagine it 'working' even with white ink, but you'll possibly get close enough to what you're after...
  15. Vinyl coming off wall

    Try 3M 8625... it sticks to god damn brick walls. watch some youtubes
  16. Customer comes in with his own sign parts.

    Most of our suppliers here in NZ are just selling us chinese parts. Once you figure that out it's not a huge step to start sourcing them yourself. We've started doing it with things like big expo walls and the like, but haven't had a full-blown illuminated sign made (yet). We did get some RGB...
  17. Installing dibond signs on chain-link solo?

    I do this kind of thing a lot. one-man job if the sign can be held in one hand. I use square ali tubing, about 12-14mm and screw through the ACM into it. i hold it all in place with some small clamps. Threading the tubing through and getting it in position is a little fiddly, but i haven't...
  18. Roland VG540 "streaking" large raster

    A visual check isn't enough. Swap it out with a brand new one. It's been a while since i've worked on a Roland, but this does look like a communication error. It could also be the ethernet card at either end failing.
  19. Gs6000 RIP software

    I Highly recommend Colorgate, i used it with a 6000 at an old job, and the prints i got off that thing were INCREDIBLE. I do miss it, though it was very slow.
  20. How does this fly...no pun intended

    "we don't want to pay you every time we need text changed on our signs, just give us 20 of every letter and we'll do it ourselves."