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Search results

  1. Hmmm....This just in concerning Browser news

    just right click and "open image in new tab" not a big deal.
  2. Embosed Metal Signs

    If somebody asked for that at my shop, id suggest an ACM panel, and acrylic lettering (i assume it's lettering?) pushed through as per the attached. Price wouldn't be too crazy.
  3. Need Help Ink issue L26500 - tubes leaking

    I had the same issue with that printer. It should tell you the tank is full before this happens, but they don't seem to read the levels right. I used to change mine at "90%" but it looks like you should do it a little sooner than that. After running a 360 for a few years i sure don't miss that...
  4. Need Help Has anyone tried to contour cut twice on same job?

    Exactly how i did it. Biggest hassle was our roll-fed laminator didn't do a very good job and we had to hand apply the laminate. Times like that you wish you had a rolls-roller.
  5. It’s not the name but the layout that made me laugh the most

    Looks like a case of "just give us the vinyl, we can stick it on ourselves"
  6. Computer wont turn on when connecting Mimaki CJV30-160

    I'd get that printer looked at asap, that's not good.
  7. Printing problem..

    Most laminates have a yellow tinge, i've always manipulated colours to account for it when needed. Sometimes (like when you're trying to do a really pale blue) it's just not possible, sometimes you can liquid lam or spring for the optically clear stuff. I've had a client complain that whites...
  8. Suggestions Cardinal Red (Avery)?

    Grid by burgmurk posted Dec 7, 2017 at 8:23 AMA JV33 will never hit that colour. maybe you've already got as close as you're going to? Here's what I do for matching. I'll make this grid in illustrator using the blend tool. In the attached, the top left square is 80m 80y, 'blend' to the top...
  9. Grid


  10. Need Help When dealing with a vector file that is missing files and fonts...

    The 'place and flatten' thing has been the solution for a while, before that, showing somebody the old "watermark & flatten trick" in acrobat would blow minds. Everybody with a year or two's experience working in the Adobe suite should know this. Are the designers still morons? yes probably, but...
  11. Advice for Floor Graphics- I'm a Virgin

    Do a test run on that floor, especially if it's a large run. I was at a place once that got a huuuge floor decal job for every Mcdonalds site in New Zealand. It turned out that the stuff we'd used for every other god damn floor in the country didn't play well with McD's floor polish. In the end...
  12. Need Help Kornit Digital It Breeze Machine

    Hey, i've worked with these before. I'd definitely recommend the initial service be done by kornit. You want it all running as close to 100% as they can get it. They're rather temperamental machines, but also quite user friendly in terms of servicing. Hang around with the tech, and learn...
  13. Optically Clear Laminate for Window Perf?

    I've always used one way vision "curvalam" or Avery dol4000. They're not 'immediately' crystal clear, but give them a couple of days to settle and they're great.
  14. Onyx vs flexi for hp latex

    Sorry for not replying earlier. Colorgates strength for me was it's fine tuning of colours. The jobs i've worked in using it required some very precise colour matching & manipulation, and colorgate had the most in-depth, reliable tools for this. Onyx has many bugs and glitches and is lacking...
  15. Suggestions How many of you are having this happening................... ??

    My record is about 45 minutes of back and forth with "uh which one is the shift key?" type trolling, but sometimes i put my toddler on the line, or play them a trombone solo. I feel the longer i can keep them busy, the more old folks I save from being scammed.
  16. Fluro Color Printing onto white media

    more likely it's multiple layers of vinyl, a machine with white ink printing over fluorescent vinyl, or a screen print.
  17. Wet application?

    I only wet apply window etch, and anything (well, anything larger than an A3) applied to the reverse of glass/acrylic panels.
  18. Cutting ACM... the right way, the cleanest way...

    I use a steeltrak, and it's not terrible. 3mm ACM cuts well, but 4mm can be a struggle, depending on brand. It's fantastic for corflute and foamcore type materials, but those are easily cut on much more simple and cheaper devices. I'd get a track saw if it were my choice. they're more versatile...
  19. Onyx vs flexi for hp latex

    I came from the print industry, and as such had always used illustrator. Because of that flexi feels clunky and awful to me, so i'd never use it by choice. If you have experience with flexi (and you like it) it may be worth considering. I've been using Onyx on 3 generations of HP Latex and...