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Search results

  1. 50 Signs for $79

    this is what is in my area. At least 4 times a day I see it on craigslist http://miami.craigslist.org/mdc/crs/1967487819.html
  2. Hydrographing ? Wrap in Water ...

    I have been getting into this for the last month just got a custom tank made and I have dipped many dashes and my wheels this is an awesome thing to get into
  3. New Logo Design

    Kinda a little bit looks like my logo ^------------------
  4. Screen Printer in Florida area

    Hello guys a good friend of mine is looking to get a few shirts made to put in his shop for sale. the local shirt company is killing him he say, I am looking for maybe 12-24 shirts 1 color 2 locations Anyone can PM me or email me and give me a quote Thanks in advance- Michael...
  5. Comments on my new web site please.

    I like it setup is pretty cool! easy to the eyes very nice I can see it might have been a template or something to the ecrater site was it easy? and how much Good job
  6. External Harddrives? Who uses them

    I have been looking at these for sometime now and I see a real nice 1 TB at staples for under $125 How many of you use the external HD for their business and what sizes? Do you put all customer work content ect. on the HD?
  7. Chrome Wrapped

    mostly all the cars I have seen chrome in articles were painted Alsa corp has the paint for chrome and many others
  8. Glass for top of work table?

    I have been looking for a while to buy a red dot cant seem to find them anymore. Do you remember where you picked up yours?
  9. Hello from Florida

    Welcome from Daytona area! :Welcome::signs101:
  10. Thank you Keith - Signwarehouse

    I did say good to Keith but to Stealth did you read the post of Pro Wraps Keith even helped him with a printer he bought from Fellers That is why I said what I said about mine I was willing to pay until they said they could not guarantee they could fix it Which leads to Pay $60. for gas...
  11. Thank you Keith - Signwarehouse

    thats nice about Keith but signwarehouse tech sucks ass period I did not buy my VE qe60+ from them so they can not help me with any tech for free which I understood but then wanted to charge me $60 for over the phone tech and they could not guarantee that it could help me just a bunch of...
  12. some of the wraps I've done...pictures

    So what do you do actually? are you the owner, installer, supervisior?
  13. Best way to advertise

    Thats awesome stuff right there! I'll keep that in minda too Dan
  14. Starting a new business

    Hello Josh Welcome to the forum! Do a search on shop setups or pics alot of info out there What are you planning on doing? just wraps?
  15. some of the wraps I've done...pictures

    WOW! :notworthy: :cool1: :U Rock:
  16. My new baby.

    LOL thats funny Hey whatcha want for the old HP?
  17. some of the wraps I've done...pictures

    that matte black looks like paint not vinyl any pics of the before?
  18. layout for new auto shop

    second one ! but I like Auto Repair not automotive my .02