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Search results

  1. Hello From Florida

    Welcome to the forum Daytona Beach here Mom at a house in Dade City for 10 years I use to go every year in Jan. to the kumquat festival What does you job consist of??
  2. Homemade Coro One Color Screen Press

    Have you printed any coro signs yet? would like to see some pics of it working Cool idea
  3. Sign Expo In Orlando

    I went last year Great show Ill be going again this year I went to the ISS show in feb that was a good show too
  4. Orlando ISA International Sign Expo 2010 Show Registration Code

    Awesome! I have been searching for this, it must have just been posted Thank You
  5. Internet Speed Test 20MB!!?

    WOW that is slow but everything I do is very fast weird!
  6. Thoughts on this layout

    I like the First one maybe have the "&" sign a bit smaller
  7. New Merchant Member - Full Color Printing

    They have to be... $32. 4/4 14pt That is almost Double what I am paying! Send a link for the wholesale section!
  8. wholesale business cards

    I signed up years ago with them and forgot my user name and PW tired to sign up again with yahoo they wont even accept a yahoo account ohh well But still having a gmail account for a business really makes your business look cheap Marketing 101 " No gmail accounts for business" :) Hell...
  9. Stick Figures

    I'll sell you a series I have for $40. PM me
  10. We don't just do Shirts lol

    LOL I started early on the new years party
  11. Stick Figures

  12. We don't just do Shirts lol

    Well said I the the top and maybe family barber shop IDK but again if the customer is happy :covereyes:
  13. New shop.

    Wow Congrats for the new shop hope it works out for you Looks like a very big shop Why such a large shop when you have one next door? if you dont mind me asking What did you pay for it? we have been looking around here for a shop and the commerical building are still crazy even off the...
  14. Looking for oversize screen printer

    It is called an All Over platen, you can screen print the entire shirt with that platen all different sizes
  15. Designing my logo. Opinions please

    LOL everytime I see your logo on here reminds me of ... http://www.keystone-auto.com/ :help
  16. Stick family clipart

    OMG I almost fell off my chair laughing so hard at that dog
  17. DTG Needed...Please

    brother is awesome gt541? the work i seen between the 2 is night and day I know a guy that has both He loves the brother better
  18. Hello From Florida

    Welcome from Florida as well, Daytona area... What type of shop are you guys and what do you do?
  19. tail light wraps see thru vinyl

    Wow You dont know the Front of a car from the Back of a car :banghead: Look again :covereyes:
  20. biz cards

    I second... business cards are cheap around me but I show the customer my portfolio of cheap and best $85-1000 1 side $90-1000 2-sided