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Search results

  1. Huladays surfboard

    This is what I'm thinking for the signs on the side of our 8' x 16' tiki hut of a Christmas float. The signs will be 2' x 8', visibility will need to be from a maximum of 25', and the red letters will be lit (time permitting) Is this legible?
  2. Not a "what would you do?" But a "should I do..."

    I've got this customer who isn't from this country. He speaks English, kind of. He's okay to deal with, just a little pushy sometimes but I can deal with it. I'm currently working on a project for a hotel he owns (the kind of place that would rent by the hour if it could). In his "dining...
  3. Anybody know how Matt Vipond's girlfriend is doing?

    The last I remember hearing was that she was going to attempt to keep the shop up an running. I think one of the members here was going out for a week to try to help her out but I can't think of hearing anything else.
  4. Summa D60 stops in the middle of jobs!?

    One of my beloved Summa D60 U plotters has developed the annoying habit of stopping in the middle of cut jobs, sitting for 10-15 seconds, then shooting forward 5 feet before beeping and acting like it's resetting. This is not real conducive to actually getting any work done with it. I've...
  5. Wow...$35 logo design to go with cheap embroidery!

    I've often wondered how these people were able to sell me embroidered shirts for half the price I could buy the blanks....now I see it's because they're making all their money on logo design.
  6. Ever have one of those moments....

    When you're the only one working at the shop...you're at the counter with a customer and two more politely waiting...and suddenly you get that rumble inside that tells you that if you're not in the bathroom in 30 seconds you're gonna need a new pair of drawers? ...and you quickly make a lame...
  7. A general "Future of the Industry" discussion

    I've been thinking about it for some time now while trying to work out what direction to grow my business in and thought I'd toss it out here. Where to you see the future of this business? This is what's coming. There's a little speculation here, most of it is just looking at the facts. Look...
  8. Awesome! Got my first sample pencil!

    I blocked out the contact info so nobody could steal this offer from me. Looks like I'm about to be in the pencil business. I appreciate the fact they sent the sample "POSTAGE DUE". By paying for it they know I'm serious.
  9. Do all resellers just suck?

    What the hell is wrong these days? I've tried four different "suppliers" recently for digitally printed decals. Three of them were people from this site who responded to my rant about my last print supplier. My orders are typically 20 - 30 sq. ft. Nothing major, but I didn't think they...
  10. Two dead D60 plotters in one day

    Okay, so I've been slammed all week at the shop but knew I had this morning free. I figured I'd take one of my Summa D60u plotters home to go ahead and cut the vinyl for a really big order that has to go out Monday. Unplugged the plotter, laid it in the back of the Durango, and drove it home...
  11. Can/Should I rename fonts?

    I want to rename several fonts I've got in my system. The names don't make sense and I just can't seem to remember them when I'm working on the fly. A name like "L Garamond Bold" will show up under "L" instead of "Garamond Bold" where I want it to be. In that example I'd change the name to...
  12. Where did Sarge go?

    following a random train of thought I had the sudden realization that I hadn't noticed a post from Sarge in a while. Looks like the last time he logged in he was questioning being "banned" by the Board (as in wondering if the board would have that power). Anybody heard from him lately?
  13. Yes...a font ID

    What the heck is Jingle Bell in? I know I used to have it and I know it's not on the system anymore.
  14. Name this font...the free edition.

    Spongetech anyone?
  15. Design Off time yet, Fred?

    Huh? Is it time yet?
  16. When's Design Off #6 getting started?

    Whose turn to run the show 'cause I want in this time.
  17. Venting a Mimaki JV-33

    I'm pretty sure I'm about to buy a Mimaki JV-33. Should I build a "clean room" with ventilation for it or am I going to be okay venting directly from the machine? I've got the space to use for a clean room, vented to the outside, that I can use if I have to...but I really don't want to...