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Search results

  1. Idea for a new thread......................................................................

    How many here would be willing to participate in a thread about designing, fabricating, building, making signs, installing them the O L D ways....... BC....... Before Computers ?? Rather than make categories, just jot down a thought or two of doing things the old way, when it had meaning...
  2. Suggestions Oh boy..........................

    Replaced an electrical face in a 36"×96" cabinet about a week ago. It was a digital print with laminate and looked pretty good if ya ask me. It was the customer's artwork. Anyway, a week goes by and I get an e-mail last night about she saw the sign and there is a scratch in the face. I...
  3. Suggestions Hmmmm.....................................

    Got this in this morning, in my request a quote box.. Can anyone translate it ?? I know there's a a lotta you out there. レックス 激安 怪しい_outlets ロレックス 偽物_ロレックス 偽物 だっ た_ロレックス 偽物 ヤフオク</a>
  4. Odd Surface..............................................................

    Have a customer that wants us to put some letters up on a wall. Foam core to be exact. However the wall has a decorative textured tile on it and we cannot pin them on. I've only encountered smooth walls and whatnot, except when studding them and doing it that way, but there's no way to stud...
  5. Discussion Okay, some holiday fun............................

    We've seen all kindsa threads about what ya can do to improve this or that...... how to fix this or that.......... how to price out this or that and where to get the cheapest products here or there. Let's go in the opposite direction. What's the dumbest, silliest or most embarrassing thing...
  6. Is this new............................................. ??

    For years, we've been doing designs and layouts for numerous customers. Other than in an historical district of some sort, no one ever says boo about the layouts/designs, unless they are not fit for the area. For instance, they'll say no to an adult book store sign next door to an elementary...
  7. What is..................................... ??

    "Support Ticket" about and how is it used ?? I'm too frickin' dumb to figure it out so, someone tell me before I blow a gasket. :popcorn:
  8. The following is a TEST..............................................

    Just trying to upload a picture.
  9. Oy vey..................................................

    I know we'll get used to this, but is this the end result ??
  10. Need Help I'm not understanding this......................................... ??

    Hope I can explain this correctly. I received a file from a customer and I had to re-create it, as it was grainy already and I had to blow it up. There was one small picture file in it and when blown up, that looked fine, but all the copy had to be redone. Fine. Re-did all the type and set...
  11. Suggestions Here's a good one.....................................

    Hung 32 street banners on standards that were already in place about 3 or 4 weeks ago. I told the client the banners didn't have any grommets in them to tie them off to the standard. He said, so what ?? I said without those being in, the banner can slide off under heavy winds or even breezes...
  12. Need Help Any ideas.............................. ??

    I thought I knew this, but was wrong. Any ideas ?? :thankyou: gino
  13. Suggestions Not sure how to handle this.................. ??

    We had a tech out to our shop to do work on some very specific problems. Our main problem was our cyan head in the flatbed was not firing properly. After flying the tech into our shop and his working on it for a day and a half. He said it was fixed and he flew back home. We ran tests and...
  14. Question Trying to get a fix on...............

    What a Q75 40" cutter cost when new, about 10 or 12 years ago ?? Maybe a little longer than that. What is the equivalent to that cutter today ?? :thankyou: Gino
  15. Question This is real Robert...........................................

    How do you get the names to post like you do ??
  16. Need Help Don't understand what happened......................................

    This morning I came in and was getting my stuff up and running and realized, my computer rebooted itself overnight and now Photoshop won't open. I have CS6 (since 2012) and I keep getting this message. I don't do facebook or any of those other things they suggest. Everything else is working...
  17. Discussion Becoming very commonplace recently.......................................

    Notice how many flies on the wall are sticking their noses in, but never really participate on threads ?? I find it more silly then helpful. Regardless of getting a 'thumbs up' or a 'thumbs down'...... is that supposed to change my mind or start a peaceful riot ?? The people in the peanut...
  18. Question How to do this.................... ??

    I'm trying to PM someone in this membership, (some of you may have guessed who),but they don't have a way listed to reach out to them. Am I missing something ?? Usually there's a click on 'start a conversation', but this particular member doesn't have that. Does that mean they don't wanna be...
  19. Just In So, does this look kosher....................................... ??

    len@mipo.asia 5:01 AM (6 hours ago) to me (Letter to the President or Brand Owner, thanks) Dear Sir/Madam, We are the department of Asian Domain Registration Service in China. I have something to confirm with you. We formally received an application on Dec. 9, 2020 that a company...
  20. Question Been doing this for years...................

    For years, when we print to our flatbed, we would use CMYK black, all black, rich black, RGB black and just about any combination we wanted to. However, recently..... it seems, unless I use CMYK or just black, it comes out kinda like a very very dark brown. Now, our flatbed is 6 colors and has...