I want to thank all the members that have upgraded your accounts. I truly appreciate your support of the site monetarily. Supporting the site keeps this site up and running as a lot of work daily goes on behind the scenes.
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Didn't wanna ruin the other guy's thread any further, so I started this for you here. Maybe we can all add the silly songs that drive us crazy, after we hear them one time.
For weeks, while working in Illy, I'll be doing something..... anything from copy & paste to saving to just moving something around and B A M !!! The program closes itself out. I've been trying to figure out, what I'm doing wrong and can't find any rhyme or reason. In the last 2 weeks, I've...
Self-healing mat.
I know there's different kinds out there and was never really interested in them, but I need to look into one or two presently. Are there various kinds, thicknesses, long vs. short term, sizes ?? Oh, and who's selling them ?? I asked two of my vendors and they don't handle...
Don't forget to turn whatever manual clocks you still have back..... so you're already and on time Monday morning. We're still doing it around here. I hear there's talk of possibly eliminating it, but I don't think no time soon. We'll see.
Would you like to see it stay one way and never...
Have a customer, whose been around for maybe 25 years or so. He changed companies about 15 years ago. He's a real estate agent..... and a pretty good one. He works for Century 21 who has very strict guidelines when it comes to their colors and proportions.
Anyway, he has a property worth...
However, this year, they almost changed the name. It's always been called the 'Annual Cow Patty Party', but this year, it seems it might've gotten a new name.
So, what has 18 legs and catches flies ??
A baseball team
Why did Humpty Dumpty have a great fall ??
To make up for a bad summer
What is red and smells like blue paint ??
Red paint
I looked at this sign about 7 months ago.
The laminate was somewhat droopy, but only about an inch or so. Took this picture yesterday and now, it's dropped about 5 or so more inches.... and only at one end and on one side. We didn't make the sign, but they wanted to know if we could fix it ...
Have a customer for some time, and they are a very good customer. Never really complains, always pays immediately and always coming back.. In the last few months, he's cancelled on me, without any notice. I think it's happened 3 times now in about 4 months. No big deal, except, it's hard to...
I'd like to dive into another business while still doing this one, maybe part-time. The one I have in mind comes around once every four years. I'd like to be a lifeguard at the Olympics.
I know how to swim, I know how to dive, I can talk to various people of varying nationalities.... I...
Had some company over and the wife is an artist. She's kinda famous in the animal world for her ability to draw all kindsa animals, like peoples' pets horses and so forth. Anyway, she was telling us that she had this painting which another artist made about 100 years ago. She coped it and...
I'm still hearing California Dreaming in my head all the time. Even though the thread has been locked down, it still sends out sound waves. That danged earworm has just not left the building, yet.....................
Now, the customer is dictating what things should cost.
Can you please check your records to see what the installation of those two exterior signs cost? XX.XX seems awfully expensive. I believe the installation of those two decals was the same price, possibly cheaper. And I remember you telling...
Got a call from a customer about a tanker we lettered 5 years ago. It's a solid aluminum body and used for recycling plastic. We lettered using all 3M top die-cutting vinyl and now they want it removed. Sure, no problem. Then he says, we took a few little pieces off and it really really...
What is this about ?? https://myui.coworkforce.com/
I'm not getting the connection. Of course, I'm old and don't understand this young humor, so please humor me.
In the picture below, the large letters are 48" tall with about a 14" stroke. The smaller letters are 15", maybe 16" tall. Didn't get a good read on it.
We're supposed to remove everything and put CHINA BUFFET back up with a 3' x 12' box sign above it where JUMBO now is. All LED. The...
Have a customer for some years now, who just asked me, can we do ADA signs ?? Sure. Can you do them in Spanish ?? Wel........ sure, I think.
It's too early to call my vendors, but is braille available in Spanish ?? Afterall, it is American disability act. Not sure if anyone is set up for...
Doing a 2020 ford explorer hybrid interceptor. Need to remove the front outer door handle and after taking the access plug, there's no allen screw in there anymore. It's a round bolt like object and no way I know of to grip it to loosen it. Anybody have any clue ??
Now, it might look like it...
I wanna use the search button to find a particular member, but when I click on the first letter of his name, it won't let me see past the first page or so. How can I go through pages of names ??
Say for instance, I wanted to look up my name. Gino. If I click on the Gs, I can't go more than...
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