I want to thank all the members that have upgraded your accounts. I truly appreciate your support of the site monetarily. Supporting the site keeps this site up and running as a lot of work daily goes on behind the scenes.
Click to Support Signs101 ...
I was wondering if anyone knows how to tell the carat of palegold ??
We have quite a bit of Bendalin Pale Gold and someone has shown some interest in it and since I don't patch my holidays with it, I'm thinking of offing it.
Problem is we're not sure of the makeup of it.
Any ideas ...
A cowboy, who just moved to Wyoming from Texas walks into a bar and orders
three mugs of Bud. He sits in the back of the room, drinking a sip out of each
one in turn. When he finishes them, he comes back to the bar and orders three
The bartender approaches and tells the cowboy...
How many of you have ever heard of this terminology ??
Customer calling in........I have an order to place and I'll read you the specs on it.
First I need 28 signs 24" x 30" .080 baked aluminum with reflectorated vinyl and waterproof with a red outline.
Then, I need 16 pieces 8" x 8" of...
Can we have some kind of thread or place to go which will explain many of the problem words in this forum ??
I mean like:
They’re …….. is a contraction for They are as in….. Custer said they’re all around us, we’re frickin’ dead meat.
Their shows possession such as a form of...
I just received an e-mail from ChamberofCommerce.com as being one of the largest suppliers for the small business by supplying them with the best prices available for all of your products and services you use every day.
Isn't that really crowding us out if we're in the Chamber of Commerce ...
Hi folks.............
Here's one we finished up today, but I'm not posting this because of our lettering job, but of the incredible size of this beast.
We do many of the local and surrounding municipalities Police cruisers and trucks, along with ambulances and other emergency vehicles. We do...
What does it mean when you look up a member’s profile and for business/company it says…… NONE
For position it says………… NONE
For equipment it says……….. NONE
For work description it says ……NONE
I can understand for the most part someone working at someone else’s shop, but...
.Okay…. so I’m looking to get into riding a bicycle again…. after about 40-some years.
I had a doctor’s exam last month and he said I had all good numbers and the weight was looking better than ever, all the blood work came back in great shape except one. My glucose is still elevated but cut in...
Does anyone know where to find this graphic ?? We have nothing even remotely close to this and the customer is insisting we get as close as possible. I've been looking for a few weeks now and he just called and reminded me, that I don't have it yet.
Any ideas ??
I have a question....... :Canada 2:
Who or what came first ?? English or French ?? And what percentage of your country is English vs. French ??
Reason is... you guys have been a bilingual country for quite some time. In the last 20 or so years, so are we. However, we're being forced into...
We have a customer who wants the word Décor in it, but she now wants it all in caps DÉCOR. It doesn't look good to me and she is insisting upon this.
How do others of you feel about using this with caps only ??:thankyou: Gino
Well, through the help of Ms GG, I think I might know how to do this again in the future if need be.
Thanks GG for the help and not making me feel stupid......... :thumb:
Anyway.... watch and enjoy. I took notice of the clock, it stayed right there so I don't think there were any cuts...
This is hysterical. You have to try this. It is absolutely true. I guess there are some things that the brain cannot handle.
You have to try this please, it takes 2 seconds. I could not believe this! It is from an orthopedic surgeon............ This will confuse...
This chit is just getting out of hand.
Dear friend,
I'm about to return home after redeployment from the Iraq military base to Afghan.
I'm Major Andrew Fletcher,a U.S marine in need of your assistance to move out of Iraq,the sum of $8.5 million we discovered in a bunker near Saddam's Old...
Shout out to Dan Ramm and his Dad [who did all the work] who did a great job on repairing our Roland machine. Dan [Sr] came out and evaluated the situation and gave me considerate and great information. Came back to fix the problem and fixed what two other techs couldn't figure out how to fix...
Okay…. here’s one that is a little disgusting.
On our property at home, we’ve been feeding the birds for 25 years. Over the years we’ve had all kinds of birds come and go. It’s so therapeutic to watch birds fly in and out of the trees getting food, drinking the water from the several...
I've used the 'Search' button to no avail.
Not too long ago, someone was talking about archiving their e-mails. I was keeping up with it and then all Hell broke loose in our shop and I can't find it anymore.
I'll post my problem.
I have far too many e-mails in my folders. Many of them have...
Since Old Paint's lights went out there for a few days.... I can now read and actually understand his entire posts regardless of the content or nature. I don't see words anymore that need deciphering, no run-on sentences and most of all..... it's no longer Bush's fault. :omg:
This event has...
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