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Search results

  1. How's crime / theft in your areas these days?

    So I wasn't going to post this since it was kind of boring - on the 24th at 1 am I got a call from the alarm company saying our fire panel is going haywire and they just wanted me to know. I tried to remote into the cameras just to make sure there wasn't a fire.... Couldn't connect. Tried to...
  2. Summa + Manual barcodes

    So I ran into my first snag with Summa - One of our workflows is setting up 20-30 different Label files with barcodes... then we print the barcoded files, usually 10ish rolls at a time with however many of each # we need, then load them into our graphtec and run it as a cut. The files never...
  3. F1612 + Onyx barcode question...

    I figured I'd ask before I attempt a work around.... As this seems like something that shouldn't be happening. Right now we have onyx printing barcodes on front and back, that way it doesnt matter if we laminate or not. The F1612 will do the first barcode perfect... but then itll try to...
  4. Chinese uv printer "Experience"

    So... Awhile ago I mentioned I was going to buy a cheap chinese UV printer to play with braille - I knew what I was getting into, and expected it to be a paperweight sooner rather than later... but it was for fun, and to test out braille before buying an expensive printer. I've had it for a few...
  5. Gans digital giving up on their media division...

    I did a search and didn't see this mentioned anywhere - anyone else hear about this? They reached out to us with some really good clearance prices saying their shuttering their media division. Kind of sad.. they had some great stuff at super cheap prices, and some unique stuff. UV Laminate...
  6. Epson r5070 - anyone got one?

    Just curious if anyone has one on here? I've had mine for about 3 weeks now...so far I love it. The prints come out "Almost" as good as the Epson s80's, better Color gamut than the latex... Way less grain (usually), and so far panel lengths been perfect.... And colors been consistent. I...
  7. Hp700 + "wasted lead"

    Anyone on the new hp700 firmware? My operator was complaining that it keeps sucking the media back. Whenever he loads a new material... If he extends it past the heater, the moment he hits print it sucks it all the way back in right to the edge :roflmao: I've been using it today... And sure...
  8. Onyx 12.2 Epson S40/S80 drivers

    Never thought I'd be one to ask this.... Anyone have any S40/S80 (I believe both work) Drivers for onyx 12, or 12.2? Decided to sell my solvent and I'm picking up the new Epson Resin, I use the newest Thrive, but the guy I'm selling to has no rip... I found the 12.2 Gamaprint (Thanks bale!)...
  9. FC9000 + Take up reel review

    So I know when the FC9000 came out, people had a lot of questions... It's new and no one knew how it'd be. I've been using it for a month... I honestly think it's one of the best purchases we've made in a long time. We have 30+ rolls of vinyl to cut for one job... It's all variable data setup...
  10. Flatbed UV prints + Decals peeling the ink off

    So, we usually screen print all our real estate signs, then just flatbed the name / images on them. But all the major companies have changed their design to look.. prettier, and it makes screen printing a royal pain. so we've started to just flatbed the whole sign. Here lies the problem... The...
  11. HP Latex + Built in Color calibration

    Just wondering... how do you guys find HP's built in spectrometer? For the most part it seems pretty good. I can't get a good grey via profiles for the life of me though - It always comes out purple. On our solvent, hand making a profile and changing the starting black generation gave us...
  12. HP Latex + Checking optimizer heads

    I've been getting a bunch of "potential print quality" issues on our 560. I've ran nozzle prints and it seems to look fine - But now I've noticed there's specs of every color randomly misting in places. The optimizer does seem to have a lot of dropped nozzles on it. Never had a misting...
  13. Url / Amazon redirects

    i know S101 is for profit. But "Hijacking" links kind of sucks. For instance - I was linking an Amazon item...
  14. HP Latex Print head nozzles dropping

    Still kind of new to the Latex printer, so I'm not sure about this one. If it was the solvent, I'd just think the heads going bad. Whenever I go to print something after the printers been sitting, The black nozzles are completely gone on both heads, Cyan, and every other color is perfect...
  15. Quick favor from someone with a home fb500/700?

    [edit] HP fb500, not home.. hope no one has one of these in their home! A phone tech told us the air holes on the belt should be equal distance to the alignment bar, ours is a good quarter inch out. We had a tech in who checked the tensions on the belt, said the belt is fine, and said it was...
  16. Flexi Production manager + Job archiving

    I'll make this one quick! I know in Flexi you can archive to Original, or to native. Is there a way to archive, or backup your files with all the changes you've made? IE - I changed it to print 3 copies, changed the CMYK on a few colors... used this ICC profile. I've tried re-opening...
  17. Pantones + profiling question

    Hello again! So I've come across something I thought was weird. Usually our colors are pretty spot on after profiling, but I've noticed a discrepancy (Maybe?) I'm printing something with Pantone 288C. It's coming out a little darker than it should, and this is one of the picky customers... so...
  18. Onyx setup for Screen printing film

    So We're looking at getting a new printer for our screen printing film, since ours is on its way out. Our Current is an Epison 9800. Our old printer is using an old Wasach thats at its end of life and doesn't support the new printer...so We're trying to add the film printer to our Onyx. I'm...
  19. Flexi 12 + Print Cut Rotating

    Well... Another stupid question I can't seem the find the answer to! I usually print a job with 4-6 inches of space in the front so it doesn't cause a media jam. Once the job is done, I cut really close to the Cutter marks to save on material. Only a couple inches, so if it can't be done it's...
  20. Anyone use a Digital Torpedo leveler?

    Just curious if anyone uses a digital leveler such as: https://www.amazon.com/HAMMERHEAD-HLLT10-Digital-Laser-Level/dp/B00OZHIGGE/ref=cm_cr_arp_d_product_top?ie=UTF8 I find when I just use a torpedo level It's never perfectly accurate. It could just be me not used to getting the little bubble...