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  1. Need Help Can someone convert flexi format back to eps format?

    I need help converting a flexi format file back to eps format? If you someone knows how, just add your email and I will forward you the file. Thank you!!!
  2. what would you do??

    I am running a roland versacam sp300V, I want to upgrade computers and software, I have been running flexi 7.6 on a windows 7, 32 bit computer. but new computer will not allow the security key to install?? but the software installs fine. installed corel, prints nice but adding inside/outside...
  3. flexi loaded, but security key will not

    Hello, I have just loaded Flexi, Ver.7.62 on my new windows ten computer, it loaded fine, but the computer will not recognize the security key?? this software was ran on a older windows XP 32 bit worked fine. should the security key driver be downloaded as 64 bit or 32 bit?? so far the 64 bit...
  4. Need Help Cutting Nested Jobs on a Summa S2 T140

    Hello, we are printing on Roland and cutting on a Summa. When cutting nested jobs the order it cuts is so random it causes issues when perf / flex cutting. In general the flex cut feature cuts random. We would prefer it cut in the same order as our Rolands. Is there a setting that forces cuts to...
  5. Need Help Black not very rick or deep out of Flexi PM

    We are using a Roland 54 inch. When we print from Versaworks blacks are great. We use 60/60/40/100. When we print the same job out of Flexi PM using several profiles we just can't get rich blacks. Any suggests or settings that could help. There are so many settings and just not enough literature...
  6. Flexi 19 Multiple Art Boards

    I know Flexi does not call them Art Boards. But Illustrator does. In Illustrator, its SHIFT + O, draw boxes... voila! Multiple art boards. I can export that as a PDF and its a multi page PDF. How do I make multiple "art boards" in Flexi 19? Can I make multiple ones?
  7. Ink Estimation WAY Wrong

    So, I ran an ink estimate in Flexi production manager to break down cost of some 28' banners for my boss... and now I'm realizing, after printing a couple of the banners, that the ink estimate inside Flexi was wayyyy off. I know I've got it set to the same icc profile for the estimate as I...
  8. Need Help Duplicate Lines / Overlapping

    Hey everyone, I have an issue where if I download an AI file and unmask it, it has several overlapping or duplicate lines. Obviously if I send this to the cutter or laser it goes across that area the number of times its duplicated. The design looks fine on the screen, but when there are...
  9. having a few problems with flexi and a hs15 plus

    hi im going crazy over here... im a total noob and i almost finished setting up my system the last two days... got the edge running perfectly without problem over wifie... everythign is runnign like i want it, only the cutter is making problems!!! after two days i need some help LOL my gerber...
  10. Roland LEC-300A with Flexi19

    This print and cut machine is giving me the headaches... I can’t seem to find any color profile anywhere. When searching both Roland and SAi library there’s no match for my setup. It would be nice if anyone have any solution to this matter. Now. The colors are very dark on the print compared to...
  11. Need Help rasterlink6 not reading files

    HELP... rasterlink 6 all of the sudden not reading files export from flexi like i have the last 10 months now wont read.. i am print cutting directly from flexi for now but icc not set up printing crappy reds NEED rasterlink back
  12. help with ICC and color management needed (will pay!)

    I have been getting inconsistent color with my hp latex printer for a while now. Below lists what I have done thus far, and I am at the point where I may need to adjust some color curves to get grays to come out gray, and not a purplish hue. The lighter neutral grays seem to be the biggest...
  13. Question Gerber Edge FX not registering overprint colors

    Hey all! Gerber's tech support is closed on Fridays, so while we wait, I was hoping someone here might have an answer. We have a Gerber Edge FX that we use with Flexi and send the RIP files through Flexi's Production Manager. There are two computers: Computer A is running Windows XP and has...
  14. Need Help Need online tutor

    Is someone available to teach me print and cut online through Zoom ? I have a Mutoh printer and recently got a Graphtec cutter. I need someone to teach me how to use Registration marks and just the basics on Flexi. My email address is hooshmand.f66@gmail
  15. Need Help Flexi + HP Latex + Summa

    We have been having massive issues with cut size inaccuracies on a brand new summa s2 160 T cutter, hp latex 560, and sai flexi. We tested the same jobs through winplot and got perfect results. However, when doing it with flexi the cut sizes range from 2mm too big to 1mm too small on small cuts...
  16. Template Help

    I have a template from SRGFX that I already have my design completed with. How do I go about just being able to print and cut what design I have showing within the clipping mask without having to print the entire design and then having a bunch of scraps? I can only seem to add a contour cut to...
  17. Suggestions What is the best paper to use as a template?

    Hey everyone, I am looking for suggestions on a sturdy roll media that I can use my HP Latex 64 Cutter to make templates. We are currently using a Sihl paper, but it is too lightweight and when I try to plot out a template, it either is too much pressure or not enough. What does everyone use...
  18. Strongly not recommend Flexi RIP and that's why

    We are using latex 335 HP printer almost about 8 months. This printer comes with Flexi12 RIP included. Usually we print a big nested jobs at once and only from tiff files. First bad experience we had was after couple of days of usage. We had a buggy output of some files (attachment). Of course...
  19. Flexi Summa barcode next to each other

    Hi all, I'm wondering if it's possible to lay one summa barcode next to each other (side by side). I'm trying to improve the accuracy over very small stickers. Instead of copying them individually to hundreds (not accurate over certain length). I prefer to make them as a set then copy the set...
  20. RIP/dither issue

    Curious if anyone has seen this sort of "ghosting" in a RIP before? These are very small shapes, and I did play with levels a hair to get the ghosting to show up a little better (probably not visible on all monitors, before you call me nuts). There are arrows that show where the "ghosting"...