I'm very sorry you were hit by a car and that car was driven by an elderly person. I've owned motorcycles and I've owned bicycles. I have the plates in my body to prove it.
However, your facts are the items that are twisted. She admitted to seeing you and making a judgment call that was wrong. Last time I checked, there are no judgment call tests. If there were, we'd probably have about 50% of the people driving today. Anyone can pass a driving test that's based on facts. What do you propose? Having a senior doing a driving test and have someone from DMV push a puppy out in front of them and see if they swerve in time? There is no such test at DMV.
Yes, they do lose their lighting fast reflexes. Know how they compensate for it? They slow down. I'd much rather drive the roads with seniors than multitasking executives.
She didn't hit you because she was old, she hit you because she made a poor decision. When you start legislating poor decisions, let me know, cause there's a heap of people I'd like to run through that test.
A senior, while losing their fast reflexes, also come with about 500,000 or more miles of actual driving time behind the wheel. I'll take that over a 16 year old with a stereo cranked up so loud you can hear it a mile away, text messaging his/her friend while driving.
Is there a point in time where people don't have the skill to drive? Certainly. Does it happen to every senior? Absolutely not. Do seniors cause the majority of accidents today? Not even close....not even close. Singling them out from driving is what's politically correct in this conversation. I'm the opposite. My view is if you want to test them, great, let's do it. Now, it doesn't apply to seniors, it applies to everyone. You can't pass the test, you don't drive. I don't care if you are 16, 36, or 96. That, I'm all for. Targeting seniors because one made a mistake and hit you, I'm not for. I'll ask the question again because you didn't answer it the first time, what would you be calling for if a 16 year old had hit you instead? Tougher policies on who gets a permit?