You ARE a troublemaker.
If I listened to everybody who told me I wouldn't be able to do what I do today I'd still be working in a hot sweaty factory for near minimum wage.
Almost everybody rolled their eyes at me and cracked jokes behind my back.
Now, 6 years later, they ask me how I did it.
Lots and lots and determination. Lots of trial and error. Lots of sacrifice of the things I'd rather be doing (fishing, traveling, going out with friends...) in order to learn and become proficient at what I do.
You gotta start somewhere. It's not like he's saying he's going to become the next top sign designer.... he wants to start with yard signs. It's a starting point. He knows he's not going to get rich doing it. He knows it's the bottom of the barrel.
No offense to some of the people here, but several of you don't even do your own designs, printing, or fabrication... you outsource it all and the customer pays the price for your "knowledge and skill".
You gotta start somewhere. An idea seems like a good start to me. The rest will follow if it's meant to be.
I say "go for it". Failure is only failure if you fail to learn something, and if you really have the entrepreneurial spirit, it will only be a stepping stone to something more suited to your personality.
I used to scoff at a friend who was the epitome of all "serial entrepreneurs". After numerous businesses and even more false starts, he finally settled into his niche and is now a very successful business owner.
The lesson: find a need, do your homework (business smarts), stay focused and hang tough. It will be the hardest job you've ever loved and hated at the same time.
And if you need further validation, I'm now in year #6 since I started a business in a hotbed of local competition...and with a close pricing structure to boot. It's not easy, but it can be done.
You're kidding, right?price them good like $2-$5 so you can make a good profit
also make sure you use the best vinyl like 3m so they last longer so the customers dont have to come back for more right away
well I guess screen printing is out of the question because there is a min on signs
I think he wants to spent less than a $1000 and make $10k
good luck
I know 3 sign companies in my town closing up the end of Oct and 1 of those companies will be doing it out of their home for extra income (retiring)
No money in sign business Vehicle wraps or Yard signs
"award winning" postal rip-off logo.
one of my favorites too, but then I am from Vermont and things up my way are soooo different than Florida...
So why don't you go stuff it Marlene and give out decent advice rather than just your opinion based on No knowledge of our State or Market, because like it or not kids like this are coming up and are going to take over one day. Whether they are going to be good or bad to the industry depends on people teaching them the ropes.
Wasn't there a book once written about...... How to Win Friends and Keep Them or sometun' another ??
hey Gino, remember when I bitched you out way back when for being mean to addie when he was our band new newbie? I came over to the darkside pretty fast didn't I!
How to Win Friends and Influence People