Now here’s a real welcome back… to the work force part of the equation.
LOL The old term from Rick….. ‘In the Trenches’ comes to mind here. It doesn’t matter how dirty your hands get or how long you spend on a computer for a customer… it all goes into the end product and I think one tends to lose touch with what the majority of sign shops have to deal with on a day to day basis. So, I am glad you’re back in the work force and will be able to rationalize the need for this service, from our point of view, but on a much larger scale.
I appreciate the fact…. you didn’t take my and many other comments to heart and get bent out of shape like so many before you.
There is definitely a need to standardize much of our industry over again. Throughout the last half century or more… like the ‘20s on up to about the 90’s… there was only room for tradesman and that type of work ethics. With the way the economy has gone and the introduction of methods that have allowed many people into this industry…. it has hit an all time low for creativity, business, competition and most importantly…. creativeness. A craft where it took pure talent to produce anything has been made so easy as to only have to push a button and presto…. You have an instantly ugly made sign has been my biggest pet peeve. Am I saying people that can’t draw shouldn’t be in this industry ?? No, not at all, but it would help if most people at least understood the basics of design, color, fabrication, engineering, math and business. If the people in this industry understood those few things…. we wouldn’t have so many heated arguments… you had to start somewhere or I’ll bet I can get this done cheaper by doing this, this and that.
Serg, I think you’re just hitting on the tip of the iceberg. Sure, the wraps need to be certified, but not from a stand point of being a money maker for those companies that have jumped on that band wagon and are trying to railroad yet another means to strike us with a money making proposition that is only one sided….. for them. We need to have sessions that everyone can afford time-wise and money-wise. These guys that want to sell us substrates, media
AND lessons are getting a little out of hand.
I think we could serve our industry better if we get some great minds from all areas of making signs and throw ideas of how to improve design, the actual making of signs, electric, screening, blasting and put all of these on a table and discuss them. It won’t take a weekend of brainstorming or a two day gathering of great minds to do this…. NO, not for this.... not what I have in mind. It will take months and months of hard work hammering out all the areas. Possibly even a year or so to get some real results. Then, when everything is considered, there will be areas of signmaking, neon or electrical, printing, layout design and graphic art classes available for everyone…. and at affordable prices.
Now I would venture to say, if someone doesn’t want to attend these classes or become certified in a particular area, then they should not be allowed to practice in our industry. Sweet and simple. If they intend to stay at home and not further their education…. That’s on them. They made a decision not to participate in the fundamentals of Signsmaking 101.
Charging outrageous prices to become wrap certified is wrong. I could care less if someone is certified, but to actually pass testing in all phases one is concerned with makes more sense to me.
For those that think they don’t have the time… or it’s a waste of time… or a violation for you to do business…. or too expensive…….
- How long did you practice riding a dirt bike ??
- How long did you go to school to learn the basics ??
- How long did you learn karate ??
- How long did you take to become a Fireman or cop ??
- How long did you take to become a marksman at the rifle range ??
- How long did you take to swim ??
- How long did it take you to become good at anything ??
Now, some of these learning experiences took longer than other and some cost much more than others. What is important to you…. becoming good at what you do or just trying to beat the other guy out when and wherever you can ?? Why not have a plan and those that don’t…. will fade away for sure.