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Search results

  1. my JV33 clone (chinese) gettting started

    well, my jv3 wouldn't diagnose/repair so i had to punt and get a new printer. i run across this ad in craiglist for a "JV33 clone"??? i look at it printing recently on youtube and figure it looks good enough to me. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HFEmyjl3pOk so now i have this printer here...
  2. need source for printing wall wrap project

    i'm in between printers right now and have an order for several 9x12 and 6x8 wall wraps (indoor, hospital). does anyone have some suggestions on a good source to job this out to? i'm in the houston area. thanks aa
  3. issues upgrading firmware

    continuation from this old thread: http://www.signs101.com/forums/showthread.php?t=96324&highlight=blank _______________________________________________________________ after new encoder sensor, taking out the MB and slider board getting them back from macmedia as "fine", the printer is still...
  4. which direction do main board ribbons go?

    i took detailed photos of the removal of the main board of my jv3 for diagnosis. but, they ended up corrupted and won't open. now that i am putting it back, i am confused about some odd labeling i did on them with a sharpie. please look at the attached photo. it shows the first/top ribbon...
  5. buying a CET, or?

    my trip to china went bust, and my jv3 is on the fritz during a rush order. so my buyer says "enough, i'm buying you a new flatbed, that's it!" i really like the CET. looks very user friendly, very fixable, very cleanly designed.... my requirements: i print big bold gloppy images, lot's...
  6. shanghai sign expo trip cancelled

    sad sad day. after a week of begging my ex' to have her attorney handle a passport issue (long story short, i have had possession of my daughter for 14 months and don't owe child support. but the system wasn't properly updated resulting in a denied passport). so two tickets to china are...
  7. *$#(@!!! jv3-160sp print just went blank!

    i haven't run my jv3 in about two months. i did a full wash of the heads. i booted it up yesterday and it was printing just fine. today turn it on again no problem. suddenly sample print i was printing just drops out. all heads all at once. nothing. doing a test print, the printer goes...
  8. jv3 160sp oddly stuck in "local mode"

    i haven't booted my jv3 160sp for a few weeks. i had cleaning solution in it and left it on doing its cleaning sessions. then got tired of hearing it so i turned it off. (the heads would have been completely clean so no harm there). now i turn it on and it boots then does not measure. just...
  9. selling 2 brand new DX2's (question)

    i have 2 brand new epson DX2 heads that i bought to refurb my old roland fj50. but i now have way too many printer projects going. so i'm parting out the fj. Q: are all DX2 heads eco-solvent compatible? i'm not sure how to advertise them. thanks!
  10. epson GS6000 tech tutorial

    callibrating, feed issues, etc. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KspogYbMP7I
  11. need advice on UV roller coater

    my main buyer (a good friend) has informed me that he had a salesman come by today to discuss leasing a $120,000 uv roller coater. his business does over $5million a year. so i know he can afford it. but the coater will be used to coat only 20-50 (4' x 6') canvases a month. that seems like...
  12. jv3 adding steps to the left? sensor?

    my jv3 160sp lost it's mind today. we have two nice sized orders (with already extended delays at my request due monday). i've had on and off stair stepping issues in the past months. cleaned strip and sensor. all good. today the same. cleaned strip and sensor. no change. HERE'S THE...
  13. New chinese crate inspection company

    chinasigns now has a chinese printing equipment inspection/agent service. it does not have to be a chinasigns product. there are new chinese printer reports now on the web along with fespa updates (flaar). it seems that astarjet, and micolor are making some solid equipment. along with...
  14. FLAAR jv400 article

  15. aftermarket HP latex, and Canon outdoor latex!

    http://www.wide-format-printers.org/after-market-inks_third-party-inks_replacement_water-based_latex_resin_reviews_evaluations_reports/Sam-Ink-replacement-cartridges-aftermarket-third-party-HP-latex-inks_price-cost-comparisons.php (...death to epson...!)...
  16. jv3 160sp Y direction acting oddly

    1. for the last two days when the printer is doing cleanings, i've heard a low groaning noise. i had a large piece of aluminum leaning up against it. i assumed that it was some echo of a noise coming off the aluminum. 2. do a test print (margin offset 1 inch). the print lands offset from...
  17. cheap simple rip for Encad 850

    any suggestions for a basic low cost rip for running an encad 850?
  18. can't find the thread about substrate storage

    i need to build some vertical storage bins for substrates and scraps. i remember there was a really great thread with all kinds of photos of different designs. does anyone have a link to that thread? thanks in advance! aa
  19. konica vs seiko vs xaar question

    i'm having a custom printer put together. currently it is bid out for konica-minolta k512 35pl heads. but i've noticed with other printer builders, they list all available head manufacturers as an option. i need (somewhat in this order): maximum allowable ink viscosity heaviest ink lay-down...
  20. processing a negative with your brain
