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Search results

  1. Fold-over business card supplier

    So....after my debacle with my last supplier does anyone have a good supplier for fold over business cards? I know I can get them through 4over.com but my account has been deactivated due to lack of activity and I don't know how longit will take to get it back up. I'd prefer a supplier in the...
  2. Why toilet seats?

    Where did the whole idea of painting Rat Fink/Hot Rod stuff on toilet seats come from? I've seen enough of them over the years to where I actually don't think of them as toilet seats any longer but somebody had to start the trend.
  3. Order from heck.

    Had a customer who needed a trailer wrapped, some vehicle magnetics, yard signs and assorted other stuff done. All pretty standard stuff with the exception of a set of fold-over business cards. I don't do business cards anymore but due to the size of this order I told her I'd do them and gave...
  4. Critique time....

    Lady is starting an interior decorating business. Her "trademark" will be the bright pink overalls she's going to wear My instructions were to create a woman painter on a step ladder wearing pink overalls with the company name and tag line. Here is the "artwork" I had to work from and the...
  5. Why discuss price AFTER the signs are paid for?

    It happened again this morning. Two weeks ago I got called about doing a sign, nothing elaborate, just a simple 4x8 to mark a warehouse entrance. Did a couple of layouts, showed them material samples, got my deposit check and went to work. Called them yesterday afternoon to schedule the...
  6. This month's business card

    We burn through a box of business cards every 4-5 weeks. I try to do something different each time. After seeing a bunch of cards posted here and in SignCraft that were flat out Photoshopped to death I decided minimalist was the best plan for this month. Ordered them with a matte finish on...
  7. Over designing signs

    So, a question came up this morning at the shop about stopping the design process. Case in point...I had a lady come in this morning for Vacation Bible School banners. They are going with a western theme. Being a small church (and to my delight spending money frugally) she didn't want to pay...
  8. Incredible Hand Lettering blog

    Okay, maybe it's ridiculous but I'm fascinated by seeing the work behind anything hand done. I can sit an look at old, hand drawn blue prints for hours and being allowed to look through a good sketchbook is pure Nirvana to me. Alan Ariail has a blog up now showing the work behind the work of a...
  9. ARRRGGGHHHH! Why can't suppliers understand UPS?

    This is killing me. Four, count them, FOUR, suppliers in a row have crapped on me with UPS shipping. Every time I get something shipped out via UPS on a Friday and tell them I want Saturday Delivery they just send it out next day air meaning it's scheduled for Monday. REGULAR OVERNIGHT IS NOT...
  10. Well, there goes the neighborhood.

    New shop in town just mailed post cards to every real estate and construction company in town. 4' x 8' MDO plywood signs, full color - $36.50 including in-town installation. Can you say typo? :ROFLMAO::banghead: Now the question is whether it was an accident or a brilliant marketing strategy.
  11. So how do you learn to letter by hand?

    I've got lettering brushes. I've got lettering paint. I've got paint materials. Now I just need some basic instructions. Any books, videos, or websites you can suggest?
  12. Need a supplier for fabric type digitally printed backdrops

    No, I'm not talking about vinyl banner material before anybody tries telling me that will work. I've got a customer than needs an 8' x 12' backdrop with a 3" rod pocket at the top printed. She's looking for something with a soft fabric feel to it printed in a photo gray with their logo in the...
  13. Anyone capable of converting a CS5 file to CS3 tonight?

    Told the designer I had to have a CS3 or earlier file...I got a CS5. It's too late to get in touch with her tonight and I need to get this banner ready before she'll be at work tomorrow. Anybody out there who can help tonight PM me. Thanks.
  14. Collecting money....

    I've got a large national company I do two jobs a year for.....20 3'x10' banners each time. There last invoice, due March 1, is still outstanding. Last week I started calling their accounting department leaving messages. Today I called from the fax line, turned on the speaker phone, and just...
  15. Does anybody recognize this display photo?

    I found this display, sent the picture to a client, bookmarked it and forgot about it. Now four months later they called and are ready to order it, Problem is the computer with the bookmarked crashed and I have no idea where to find it. The reason I'm looking for this exact photo is that the...
  16. It's Towel Day

    “ A towel, it says, is about the most massively useful thing an interstellar hitchhiker can have. Partly it has great practical value. You can wrap it around you for warmth as you bound across the cold moons of Jaglan Beta; you can lie on it on the brilliant marble-sanded beaches of...
  17. Logo critique

    It's late, this is a freebie project, and I'm just not seeing straight any more. Pick it apart, tell me how you feel, let me hear it. ...and yes, there are more Southern Traditions than sleeping with your sister and not learning how to read.
  18. Okay, tell me why this installation won't work.

    Most of the kids in my family go to a small private school in the country. It's the kind of place that holds "FAMILY WORK DAY" a couple of times a year to do maintenance projects at the school and the whole community shows up. They've got an idea to do something a little different with...
  19. Catalyst + Reducer + Shorts

    Mix my catalyst and reducer. Reach to grab the sprayer cup of paint and manage to knock the catalyst and reducer onto the floor. Now, out of an infinite number of directions the coming splash could go it just happened to choose the one that would get it all over my shorts. Being dead tired...
  20. Praise for Summa USA

    I figured there's enough complaining when a machine goes bad or tech support is a joke that when something goes right it needs to be mentioned. One of my beloved Summa D60 plotters started acting funky last week. I changed cables, fought through the problems, took it apart and cleaned it and...