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Search results

  1. A couple of Cornhole boards I just finished.

    Just finished these for a friend for his beach house. Designed completely in Signlab and outputted to my dc4sx. Wrapped and brush coated with outdoor polyurethane.
  2. Font Id

    Bingo ... Thanks!
  3. Font Id

    I know I have it .... can't remember what its called...
  4. United Race Fans Sprint car Autism & Hospice

    I have been working the last few months on building a racecar with a close friend of mine that is a champion driver. Usually I am just the "lettering guy" so this is one of my first ventures in learning to build the entire car from the ground up. We have built the car as a charity car that will...
  5. A few Racecars from the past few weeks.

    You basically have to fish out the tire kickers. Most of my guys are repeat customers so It's a little easier. On average I have about 12 or so that I do every year. You don't really make a fortune on these but they are a change of pace and something fun to do. I am a big race fan so that makes...
  6. A few recent signs and graphics.

    Signlab has a bevel feature which I use as a starting point and then hand edit the nodes from there to get it to sit right. The shading is done using the gradient fill tool. Other letter highlights are done by overlaying "inlay" outlines and color welding them till they fit the design.
  7. A few Racecars from the past few weeks.

    These cars were all done using process. The neon colors are cut vinyl overlays. I really wish summa would come out with a fluorescent orange spot ribbon! Playing with the dot pattern is the key to get the summa to run well for half wraps. Setting it up really depends on what you have as far as...
  8. A few Racecars from the past few weeks.

    Cut vinyl and Thermal prints from the DC4. Designed in Signlab 9.
  9. A few recent signs and graphics.

    Here's a few things we have been working on lately! The Basilone cartoon was created for me by John Deaton. He did an incredible job! The logo for United Race Fans Sprint car is a first year thing for me. I joined a local champion driver and we put together a sprint to run with the patriot...
  10. Past week installs...

    Really cool! The artwork for the Black Bear is killer!
  11. Pretty Cool Quote

    Good quote! (12 years ago I started my shop with nothing at 20 yrs old as well... and I still have most of it left!) ;) I have this quote hanging on the wall at my shop. “I do not prize the word "cheap." It is not a badge of honor. It is a symbol of despair. Cheap prices make for cheap...
  12. Finally made my own set of cornhole boards.

    I made these for myself at the end of the season last year... Finally nice enough to break them out and enjoy them! Designed in Signlab 9 Printed on dc4sx and coated with polyurethane.
  13. West Coast Customs & Microsoft??

    ........hopefully it won't crash 5 times a day!
  14. Ambulance Chevron install complete rear coverage?

    I have a customer that came in with 4 box style ambulances that need 6" 45° chevron striping (inverted V) total coverage on the rear to meet new regulations. Whats the best route to do this? Side by side striping overlapped panels or can I print on white reflective and seam it? Local laws do...
  15. Font check

    Thanks... that was it with a little modification.
  16. Font check

    Anyone know the font for "Elite"? I know I have it somewhere I just cant find it. thanks, Ryan
  17. Big Squeegee a HUGE Help!

    I just used mine today for the first time to lay down some 2x4' prints. Worked great! Next up to try is laying down laminate with it! Thanks for the great deal Dale!
  18. Lamination question?

    I guess rub off would be the better word. If I could protect the whole thing I would feel better about it but they get slammed around so much its inevitable anyway. I letter sprints mainly so I rarely laminate them (running thermal so it's pretty durable right off the machine) ... if one goes...