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Search results

  1. Creating Borders to Cut in Flexi 10?

    I seem to be having a time of it creating borders to cut and I could use some advice. Flexi has an Advanced Border Tool that has a group of premade borders but they are not always the shape I need especially if it's a simple rectangle with rounded corners that I can specify the corner radius. If...
  2. Does Does Flexi Support Summa Flex-Cut? (Cut Through)

    Hi, I have a new Summa Cutter on the way and I was wondering if my Flexi 10 supports the Summa Flex-cut feature? For a software that costs four Grand I would hope it does, and be real pissed if it doesn't. So far all I see is Countour Cut in Flexi. Thanks
  3. Drop Shadow Effect Not Working Flexi 10

    Has anyone else encountered the Drop Shadow effect not working? I tried to apply a drop shadow to a line of text and after selecting the shadow color and hitting Apply nothing happens. I can see the outline of the shadow but the color does not appear. Any Ideas? Thanks
  4. Does Flexi fully support Summa cutters?

    Just wondering if anyone knows if Flexi supports the Summa brand plotters/cutters? Thanks
  5. Flexi 10.5 Custom Gradient Fill Colors?

    I have found that in order to get the colors I want in my final output I usually need to use custom defined CYMK colors. I tried doing a Rainbow gradient fill and I seemed to be able to define the colors in CYMK that I wanted to use, but when printed, my changes were ignored and it used the...
  6. How create Custom Color Palettes in Flexi?

    Is there anyone that can tell me if and how to create custom color palettes in Flexi? Can't find anything about it in the help file. Thanks
  7. Profiles for Plain Paper on a Mutoh 1204?

    I found an old 24" roll of plain paper laying around and I was curious if anyone has had any experience selecting a profile for this type media on a Mutoh 1204 or 1604? This paper is very dull matte finish, slightly off white and I assume very absorbant. I though possibly a canvas or textile...
  8. Mutoh 1204 - Any internal color calibration?

    When I print out the internal color test sheet on this printer red comes out a perfect orange. I was just curious if this was normal for this printer? Every other printer, where I've printed out it's internal test sheet, prints all it's colors near perfectly. Does this printer have an internal...
  9. Certain Images Add a Huge Margin on the Right

    Been having a problem with printing certain images. When I start the print the image shifts away from the right margin and prints off the media to the left. I am using Flexi Rip and Print with a 1204 Mutoh printer. In the Production Manager everything looks good, image is centered perfectly and...
  10. Learning to Manage Color, Mutoh and Flexi?

    I am in the process of learning to run a Mutoh 1204GA eco-solvent CYMK printer using Flexi RIP and Print. My latest challenge is shades of grey. I can print out a shades of grey chart using only K and it comes out perfect, but if I print out a full color photo that contains grey scale elements...
  11. Help, 1204GA Can't print Red!

    Hi, I am trying to decide if this printer is a piece of crap or not. I got a new 1204GA and for the life of me I can not get this thing to print a bright red. Even when I print out the internal test print palette, with the printer set for it's highest quality, the red comes out more like a deep...
  12. World's Best Kept Secret - Sticker Vinyl

    I have searched and searched the Internet, and contacted several vinyl distributors. Nobody seems to know where to obtain the vinyl for making bumper stickers. One in particular has a bend and split backing that makes peeling the back off a breeze. I figure this must be one of those best kept...