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http://www.logogo.co/ this is a fairly new website I found and just kept on choosing and choosing and learning all at the same time, kinda interesting idea, and enjoyable also, well to me.
Just click the left or right one you like and it changes to next set.
Title kinda says it all well this is going to be my new logo, just got to figure how to digitize it so I'm able to use it on cards and website etc.
Tell me what ya think both barrels cause I sure would ifit was yours lol
The only thing I know I'll do is use tinting black to shade the...
Well is the worst I've seen this month, yes it's digital.
What got me the most and why I'm posting is I looked up who done this and they boasted they had 10 years experience.
2 things came to mind they had 1 year 10 times over or if this is the best you can do after 10 years, You best be...
something that was found when searching, scroll down the page it gets better.
some of ya might get a kick out of this work. enjoy
Ok job is sold and I show up just started my work ..
When another sign person shows up to do some service on a error they made and fixed.
Printing was the other Co. main business not signs, I was my usual friendly & handed them my card in hopes of letting them know I do window splash...
Ok I've designed up my new logo, I want to use it anywhere, like move it to a USB drive so I can use Photoshop at the library and do more.
So what do I do now ??? I'm thinking is it already a PDF file and just move it. OR
Another question is it is a design with ... letters ..outline...
Heres a group of windows that I hand drew then lettered for a antique store this the new store in upper middle class area with lots of small shops
This job took about 8 hours in 2 days 3 day came back to clean windows.
Signs 101 Network RegistryIn what country are you located? United States In what state or province are you located? Florida In what city or town are you located? Orlando What large city is nearest you? Orlando Check all items that apply to your listingInstallations (Basic, no permits)...
does anyone else use this software
I find this very limited so designing in in Coreldraw X3 and inporting to LXi 8.6 seems like best option hope all possiable
I only have a 24" cutter and have a 24 ft box truck to do in future when I learn how to deal with it (simple copy/layout) but...
does anyone use this cut plotter.. ...accugraphics Klick N Kut
they claim they have good reviews from people using it the 1st release
..the 2nd release has been improved with ability to cut thicker and harder matierial..like a soft plastic..seen results wow ...was thicker then a credit...
yes just found and bought Borders book store ..only $50
been looking for over a year for a book on coreldrawX3 ...already have the unleashed CD version which did not cover enough at all ..so been looking for more reading
now this book is a good 2" thick and understandable, already learning...
Some of you maybe wondering what my main work is and how I do this riding the bicycle pictured with trailer.
since this has been my MAIN transportation this year so far 7 months 3 mths with my pickup
each took about 1 1/2 hrs (had to wait for paint to dry) before I can letter and outline...
does anybody have this printer ...one like it or simalar looking for things thay can be printed or help since a friend bought this machine she needs someone to operate it
I've read the manual over and over
is there anything the manual does not tell ya
spray fonts
Just bought ..WACOM ..intuos the 4x6 pro one $230 plus tax ... and wow do I like it already it help me do a job alot better and easier ..over 1000 levels of pressure sensitivity, ..over 5000 resolution ... ok many I assume have one or better
was wondering does it hold up well ...my last...
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