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Search results

  1. New to me JV3 160SP

    I am on with purchasing a JV3 160SP. It has been left unused for 3 months and the owner reckons only the CMY is printing the black is empty and the lc and lm are not working. This was used in a company running banners through for a national fitness chain. The guy who was supposedly operating...
  2. What new markets is their?

    Being all signmakers or sign people on this forum. What new markets would you suggest getting into? Business has slowed right down (almost stopped) and just looking what other work for us people with large format printers, plotters and other signmaking gear their is? SC
  3. Looking at aquiring a Rockhopper 2 what problems???!!!

    I am looking at acquiring a Mutoh Rockhopper 2 64" cheapish. The guy reckons it hasn't been used for 4 months and when last tried a test print it was very blurry. Is their anyone can give me some advice when buying one of these machines? I have a Mutoh Valuejet which I am fairly familiar with...
  4. Epson SC30600

    Does anyone know any information on the epson sc30600. I've been offered a good price for one but their is limited info on them. Thanks SC
  5. How to circuit test a Valuejet main board?

    Well the last nearly 2 weeks have been rather testing and I have learned a lot. I have watched the technician we had in and the only thing I can't do is test the main board. All he did was check about a dozen points for continuity and deemed the board as probably good and after replacing the...
  6. Mutoh VJ Main board, cable and print head question

    I have a new main board, cable and print head coming for our VJ1604. My question is If I install the cable and head into it without the main board will I be able to test these without causing them damage? The reason being if the fault is in these items only I can return the mainboard if it has...
  7. What this one?

    Anyone know what one this is? It is on a football kit SC
  8. New Printhead may be required

    I am having a little issue with my printer and until I can get some board fuses I am just thinking ahead. Where is the best/cheapest place to buy a printhead and cable from? I am based in the UK but do not mind international delivery. Many Thanks Sean
  9. Printer not printing!!

    Our VJ 1604 has stopped printing. I set a print of earlier and realised there was a wrong colour on it as it was printing. So as usual I stopped the file processing on the computer and canceled the print on the printer. I changed the colour and set it of once again. I was out of the room for a...
  10. Customer who wanted the cheap option!!!

    Since about the may of last year this customer had contacted us to refurbish the sign on their shop. At last in early December he gave us the go ahead. The sign was a 36' x 4' light box with acrylic panels, but the 2 middle panels had been removed by the previous owner leaving 16' blank. I...
  11. Wacky Customer Request!!!!

    Just had a customer in wanting a:- Left handed, right facing arrow. WTF!!!!! Anyone help me on this? SC
  12. Wasatch 6.2 Cutting problem

    Every now and then when cutting a file from wasatch the plotter does not read the cut marks and destroys the print if you are not watching! We are running a Mutoh Valuejet 1604 and a Mutoh SC1400D plotter. It is as if Wasatch doesn't complete the cut file properly after processing the print...
  13. Problem Customer (You can almost see it coming!)

    Last week we had a customer opening a shop in a hurry. He came in explaining he had spent a fortune on equipment and the interior but had little left for the signage. At this point I should have shown him the door as it makes my blood boil that signing a shop is always the last thing on people...
  14. Shop Front picture request

    I have been contacted by our local town planners to submit a portfolio for artwork to shop windows. This is to advertise a currently empty shop so as to give the impression of what it would look like as a open business. I know this a long shot but finding generic high quality images of shop...
  15. Head Strike !!***##!!

    Our Mutoh VJ1604 is behaving itself at the moment. But we are having problems with head strikes. I have checked everything on the machine such as :- Temperatures on and across all heaters(front, middle and rear). I have unclipped all the rubber rollers and cleaned them. Cleaned the grit roller...
  16. Encoder wheel/disk issue on VJ1604

    This is some info for everyone with a Valuejet. We have always had a few issues with the encoder wheel on our VJ1604. As of yesterday I have found the main problem and it turns out to be the temperature of the print room. Yesterday was a very sunny day and the central heating had kicked in also...
  17. Material buckling how to blame supplier?

    Our supplier for our standard printable vinyl (every day stuff) is a company called APA which is a Italian company. On Friday Evening after running almost 100 Metres of their material through the machine this week, I loaded a new roll from them into the machine. Once it starts after 4-8" in the...
  18. Printing lightbox panels

    I don't print many lightboxes but have 3 todo this week. The panels are 5mm white Acrylic. Is their a special setting like double passing that I should use? We are using Wasatch or Signlab 9.1 to RIP on our VJ1604. Thanks SC
  19. Special Wrap Artwork Needed

    I am trying to create something like the tank vehicle similair to the one on http://arizonacolor.com/ A number of wrap artwork suppliers are advertising this same vehicle but are stating when asked they cannot supply this. I don't need the exact one but I'm looking for something similair for an...
  20. Upgraded my VJ1604 firmware now it wont accept cartridge!!!! HELP

    I am running Nazdar inks and it now will not accept the cartridges since upgrading to V2.00! I had no idea this would stop me using other cartridges!!! Does anyone have 1.09 firmware so I can downgrade back? Help this is very very urgent. SC