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Search results

  1. Suggestions Looking for a 24" x 36"...........

    Plastic signicade. Are there any Merchant Members selling these on here ?? If not, any good ideas on who to ask ?? :thankyou:
  2. Need Help Can't find this one...................................

    I've found some close, but no cigar...... anyone know ?? TIA Gino
  3. Got to thinking................................

    Since, I've been on this forum, I've read over and over again about all these people who have done something else before becoming a sign person. Perhaps more than one job or vocation. So, what have you done before entering into the sign industry ?? :popcorn:
  4. Did Anyone......................

    Attend the show in Atlantic City or gonna go there tomorrow ?? Just wondering on what it's like this year. Couldn't go, in fact..... haven't gone for a while as it seems to be dwindling in size and participation. I used to go every year, since the mid 80s.
  5. Anapurna M Series.....................

    We have a Dilli Neo Titan 1606, which is the original Anapurna M series. We're experiencing an electrical problem and so far, not having very much luck. It seems to run then suddenly turn off tripping a breaker. If anyone has knowledge with these machines or knows someone who does would be...
  6. Question So, how many..........................

    .......... boycotted the football games this Veterans Day ?? I did. But it was easy, my team didn't play. Supposedly there was a nationwide request that Pro football games be boycotted to send a message. Just wondering............... :wavingflag: :thankyou:
  7. Question Just so I have this straight.........................

    I know things changed almost a year ago, when the new owner(s) took over, but things seem to be going downhill in a few areas, that I wasn't aware of..... or at least believed to be different. Anyone can join this place with or without any sign knowledge or background ?? Anyone can hawk...
  8. Just In Hey Everybody...........................

    Happy Halloween...................
  9. Just In Y'all are invited to......................

    This year's annual Christmas Picnic. Snow or Shine Any questions, jot them down. We've been having this picnic for a number of years and some of you have already come, so let's keep the trend going. MERRY CHRISTMAS
  10. Discussion So, how many are gonna...............................

    kneel this Sunday ?? I don't find this political whatsoever. Regardless of how I feel or any one of you, I was always taught it was disrespect to your flag and country to not take your hat off, stand at ease or put your hand/hat over your heart during the singing of the National Anthem. You...
  11. Discussion Just found this baby..............................

    We've been doing some cleaning the last week or so and I just found this in an old cabinet. Knew I had it, but completely forgot about it. This was the first expensive tool I bought back in 1972. Brushes were a close second, but this camera came in at about $60. Still works and I still have...
  12. News Merchant Member.......................

    Some of you may remember, while some may not have known at all, but we were a Merchant Member here for quite a long time. We did a lotta work for various people around the country and some out of the country through s101. It was very nice. Very nice, indeed. We just found out that our...
  13. For Sale Screen Printers Attention, please.............................

    We have a One-Armed Bandit going up for sale in a few days. It's a 5' x 10' table with a vacuum table top. This machine has served us well and in recent years, due to getting our flatbed is starting to really just sit idle. One person can easily work this machine. The largest banners we did...
  14. Again, let's not forget.........................

    The many people from Harvey's destruction, but now Irma is threatening our eastern southern states and is looking mighty bad. We have family, friends and some very close friends down there who all need some thoughts and prayers. Please, remember them in these upcoming days. :thankyou:
  15. Suggestions How many of you are having this happening................... ??

    I don't know about you guys/gals, but in the past few years the telemarketers/spam/nonsense calls are getting increasingly annoying. They call about anything from giving you business credit to credit card machine threats or even better prices on your insurance. I've often had fun playing games...
  16. On the way home last night................................

    On my way home last night, these two fawns were suckling at their mommy's teats and I got a picture of it. Stopped traffic in doing so, but hey, it's a great nature shot, so who cares. :cool1:
  17. Discussion Don't be greedy..............................

    We got a call about 3 or 4 weeks ago to do some lettering for a local customer. Our bid come in around $950, while the competitors came in around $1,500. I knew ahead of time their bid was $1,500, but not at all worth it, so I kept my quote right where it was and got the job. We no sooner...
  18. Just In Yo, Cap't Bly.............

    .................................................! ................... .......... ......................................................................................... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . :roflmao: