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Search results

  1. How do ya.......................... ??

    How do ya mark a thread here, if you want to come back to it days later ?? :thankyou: Gino
  2. Tyvek..................

    Here's an odd one. :popcorn: I used to be able to get any size tyvek sewn and hemmed banners from just about anywhere. Now, I just called three places and no one is doing it or has any idea where to get them. Has this practice fallen off the face of the earth ?? Any idea[s] would be...
  3. Delawarians.........................

    Before I go and Google this and waste some time, does anyone know if it's mandatory to have a 'Commercial' vehicle lettered in that state ?? Doing work or not ?? We just got a new truck and haven't found the time to letter it, yet. Around here, that's fine, but the laws in neighboring states...
  4. How to bill it...........??

    Background: We have a customer, in fact for 26 years this past Spring, who has been buying quite a bit of work. Never a problem with payment, never a problem information-wise back and forth, never a problem with anything. Good for quite a bit of moolah every year and they've helped us out on...
  5. We made the news again..... well not me, but................

    Reading, or outside of Reading.... Wyomissing had a small crane tip over and it's up in the air [no pun intended] as to what caused the incident. For as high as they were, I didn't see any outriggers, but then, maybe that unit doesn't require it. They are speculating the wind might've caused...
  6. Okay..... howdaya do this...........??

    I just was looking at the various forum categories and an ad popped up along the side. Til I got to look at it, it disappeared. So-o-o-o-o... I sat here waiting a minute or two and figured rather than just sit here, I'd ask. Is there a way to track down an ad that appears then goes away...
  7. Not political..........................

  8. What would you have done................??

    I gave a price of $3,650.00 plus design costs and he laughed at me. I had no idea of what he really wanted................
  9. Font name.......................

    Or something close........................... To the Ram Air logo on the Firebirds
  10. What's this called............................... ??

    I'm gonna start out with a bad word. A V E R Y I've had this roll for probably 15 years or more. It's just a small left over piece, but a customer came in and picked it for some of their theme. I've always called it metal flake gold. SparCal calls it GemLite. I don't have an A V E R Y...
  11. Another name............................

    I'm doing an Ice Cream truck and the lady wants Victorian period art and pictures. The font she's picked is Tiffany. What other name does Illy use or anyone ?? I can't find it for the life of me under it's UN-legit name. Anyone ?? I have it in ANAgraph, but I don't want to do all the...
  12. YO....... Fatboy....................

    I just landed this job, but you're closer to it than me, so if you can handle this..... it's all urine. :readthread: CONSTRUCTION OF BUILDING 800 ROOMS UNIVERSITIES HOSTELS I am Hon.Mohamed Hasan project adviser S.P.A to the president federal republic of Nigeria His excellency Dr GoodLuck...
  13. Words and their definition.....................

    Not sure if this will be locked down or not. It's not really political, but more of a word definition where the world has come up with a new word and needed a definite definition for it.............. Couldn't find it in my old Webster's dictionary so I Googled...
  14. Ya just have to wonder...................

    I don't know about any of you, but I can't get over all the super filthy rich people dying overseas with US money they can't liquidate. This subject is a little close to me right now, but still, I had no idea all these people were dying with so much money. Why aren't rich Americans, Canadians...
  15. Placement and type........................

    Just was out and took a picture of one of the new highrise communities being built, locally. This is the first phase of an eight phase development. They're on the third one already, but this is the gateway to this luxurious gated community. They already have some spot lights on the ground and...
  16. How does this work........??

    We're probably gonna do some signs for a guy who wants to pay full up front with a credit card. The order is easy enough and we're gonna make some decent money, but I have some kinda gut feeling about this guy..... just the way he talks and double talks. My question is this.... I'm not too...
  17. Al Checca...............

    Hey Al............................ Are you out there ?? If anyone can PM me Al's mailing address, I'd appreciate it. I have a bunch of items for his upcoming event and they've been ready for over a week. He hasn't returned my request for his address and I can't find it. I know the event...
  18. Can you fix me up........... ??

    Wade Guo calls me yesterday afternoon with questions about fixing his two signs. He said the faces fell out of one and he needs new faces, since the old one broke when they hit the ground and he wants to spiff up the bottom sign at the same time. I get there and can't imagine what's keeping...
  19. DAN Ramm.................

    Just wanted to say a special Thank You to Dan's Dad for coming out, working on our machine and getting it back to snuff again................. :thumb:
  20. Got Caught..................

    Ya know, we see this one so often on the forum. Just happened to me, personally. It's my mistake. My mind's been elsewhere lately, but that's still no reason for this blunder. Designer [me] sends proof to customer. Customer Okays it. Make three signs. Customer comes in and exclaims...