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  1. Cjv30 repair

    Hi, I had shorted slider board fry 2x transistors on the main board. I have replaced the transistors as required, that was no issue. Measuring all transistors they are all reading the same as each other now but TP5 still open circuit to gnd. Try to power it up anyway with new slider boards...
  2. Mimaki CJV30 / Jv33 DX5 Printhead Issue - Magenta Stripe Appearing in Prints

    Hi everyone, I’m encountering an issue with a DX5 printhead, and I hope someone here can help. I’m a service technician and have personally replaced over 100 printheads, so I’m familiar with the process. In this case, I’ve ensured that the new head ID was properly entered each time. I...
  3. Replacing Mimaki CJV Cut Carraige and Mechanical Drawing?

    Hey guys, thank you for taking the time to read this. First off, just wanted to say thanks to everyone for their support and help. We are using a Mimaki CJV30-130 and I'm having trouble finding any parts catalog/mechanical drawing. The specific part(s) I am looking for right now is an entire...
  4. Mimaki CJV30-100 inacurate feed length of print and cutting jobs

    Hi, I have a problem with my Mimaki CJV30-100. Want to cut squares of regular white sticker vinyl, size 199 x 199 mm. The easiest and quickest way to my knowledge is to draw that square in Illustrator and using the Fine Cut plugin to send it to the printer to cut. Works, but the final size of...
  5. CJV30 Help Needed

    Hi all, totally new here and new to printing :-) Our company has recently bought a Mimaki CJV30-130 for printing posters etc for our own marketing campaigns! There seems to be some 'over spray' from all colours - this is the best way I can describe it - and also lines in Cyan and Magenta. You...
  6. Two CJV30-130's for sale

    We are in the Dallas/Ft Worth area and have two CJV30-130's we are looking to sale to make room for a new HP570. If interested please email Kevin at kevin@martinpaul.com for more details. Thanks!
  7. No ink getting to dampers

    i have been printing consistently with ss21 ink. I hadnt printed for 2 days and when incompleted a teat print i was missing magenta partially so i did a clean and now its gone i alos lost yellow from switched dampers and i lost the second yellow. I ordered new dampers but i feel there is another...
  8. Question CJV30 CMYK only?

    Right now my CJV30 is printing CMYKlclm but I thought I saw somewhere you can change it to print CMYK only. Is this right? If so, is this done in the RIP or on the printer? Thanks!
  9. Mimaki CJV30-100 losing CMYK during print.

    Hi there, Just yesterday I changed all 8 dampers on my Mimaki CJV30-100 with cheap Chinese dampers (complete with O-ring and screwcap). I bought the machine second hand and have the machine for 1,5 year now, so probably about time. Hoped it would solve some of the banding I can't seem to get...
  10. dx5 head leaking through the metal part

    boa tarde, sou do brasil, portanto perdoem o meu inglês ruim. Estou com problemas a cerca de 1 ano, minhas cabeças de impressão dx5 estão estragando a cada 3 meses, o que acontece é que a parte de baixo da cabeça descola, e fica vazando tinta pelas laterais, só utilizo tinta original mimaki...
  11. Need Help Mimaki Cjv30-130 Ink Supply Issue - All Tried OUT!

    I need some innovative help here. Outline below 1. Magentta drops out completely after printing 20-25ft perfect. Drops out completely, no nozzle at all. 2. Replaced Cap Top 3. Replaced Cap Top Slider 4. New pump 5. New dampers Dampers are full Several ink fills, clean...
  12. Need Help Visible lines in prints with Mimaki CJV30-100

    Hi, I could really need some help :) Bought a Mimaki CJV30-100 beginning of this year and this have been fun, printing things for clients like wallpaper, small contour cut stickers, doorstickers, windowstickers and some other things. But now I have small visible line in my prints. Can't find...
  13. Power board pcb installation

    Hi! I need to change my power board pcb on my Mimaki CJV30-100 and I need some advice if any one have, before I install it. The old one starts to make noices on standby mode like "tac" "tac" rapidly, so I think something wrong whit the old one. Thank you!
  14. Main board PCB LED MEANING

    Hi! I need to know what means the led on the main board pcb, because my mainboard led is red right now and I remember that led was green... any ideas? Thank you!
  15. Problem with cjv30-160 (cover)

    Hi, I recently changed mainboard of a cjv30-160bs. When i turn on the printer, its ok , but when it is initialyzing, on screen shows a message ¨close a cover¨. This machine doesn´t have covers. What can i do? Thanks.
  16. Need Help Mimaki CJV30 - Print head troubleshooting...(solved)

    Hi, After cleaning and flushing the print head with Mimaki cleaning fluid and a syringe, the CJV30 won't print at all. So before I order a new print head, I just wanna be sure that the print head is the problem, and that its not a initial set up problem after removal or some connection issues...
  17. Help Someone Parameters Cjv30-100 File

    Help someone can arrange parameters file cjv30-100.CSV This machine has lost its parameters. I placed a few parameters (but a 181 error occurred) I wanted to test the other parameters Suggestion ?? Email: n.feiteira@hormail.com thanks
  18. Mimaki CJV30 Strange Problem (Overspray / Blur)

    I have a Mimaki CJV30 and just recently it has developed a small strange problem. Attached are some pictures. Basically when I print black, there is a cyan overspray. This only happens on black and horizontally, see "L" shape mark to understand what I mean by horizontally. This has been...
  19. CJV30-130 won't cut after print

    Our Mimaki CJV30-130 will not print & cut. We can print only just fine and we can cut only just fine however, if we do a cut after immediate print or print with reg marks and come back to cut it says "error" in Rasterlink Pro 5 SG. It does not give me a code it just says error in the status...
  20. CJV30-130 Cyan Ink Running Dry

    In preparations for hurricane Matthew, I flushed out our CJV30-130 lines, cleaned the head and capping station, thinking we would be without power for possibly weeks. 2 days after flushing the system, I came back into the shop, put in the ink cartridges and filled the system back up. Test prints...